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[SP-F4] Dig a Tunna, Dig Dig a Tunna

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Tyger pulled her fur cloak closer to hear ears as she and Icarus walked out into the wilds of Floor 4. The snow melted as soon as it touched the hide of Icarus, and the snow under his feet turned to slush, but Tyger had no such benefit. Why she came here to search for mats she wasn't sure, but she'd always loved and enjoyed the scenery this floor gave her. 


"Well little buddy, we are fresh out of mats. We need to remedy this tragedy."


Icarus cocked his head to the side, but said no more as he padded alongside her. 


"Let's hope we get lucky! We'll put that snow melting power to good use. I knew I came here for a reason..."


She teased, pushing Icarus lightly with her foot. The creature gnawed at the armor, and then gave up, ready for the task at hand.

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ID 8608, LD 20


"Now, here's the plan. You're going to sit on the spot that I want to dig at. Then, when the snow is out of the way, i'll dig. Sound good?"


Icarus was good at sitting on things, especially things that were white and easily stainable. Baldur and Tyger had lost their white wardrobe rather quickly. So, this job would be easy. He was already a pro, after all. When the familiar sat in the snow, he slowly melted down closer to the ground when the snow gave way. Afterwards, Tyger stuck a shovel in and dug until she'd found a nice, shining material. Not bad for their first shot.


+1 Material

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ID 8609, LD 15


"Next spot."


Tyger pointed to another snowy spot with the shovel, and Icarus did his best tiger impression as he attempted to stealthily creep up on the pile of snow. However, as he pounced, the pile turned to slush rather quickly. If Icarus was cold, Tyger couldn't tell. It hardly bothered him. To be fair, she wasn't made of magma, and he was. 


"Show off..."


The player teased, before attempting to dig once more. She unearthed a lovely material, and it would go perfect with the one she'd just found, so into the inventory it went.


+1 Material

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ID 8610, LD 6


She'd let Icarus pick out the next spot, mainly because he kept grunting, and it sounded like banging two rocks together in that strange, grating sound. She'd first thought it was a growl, but it turned out to be him. The fear of being attacked immediately subsided, and she deciphered what the dragon wanted. Clearly wanting to help, Icarus uncerimoniously plopped himself onto a patch of ground, unstrategic in nature. However, Tyger went with it anyway. When the ground proved too hard to dig through, Icarus's fire helped, but inevitably burned and melted the ore that was down in the hole. 


"Oh well, you win some, lose some."


No mats found.

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ID 8612, LD 3


color=orange]"Icarus no! Spit it out!"


The little dragon looked up at Tyger with wide eyes, and a look of 'I don't know what you're talking about.' Tyger pointed violently to the ground, and Icarus shook his head.


"Icarus... 1."


Uh oh, the counting.




Icarus had a choice. Tyger would never really do anything to him, but this could cost him the burnt, crunchy bits of coal that got too burnt. Before she could utter the next number, Icarus spat out the half melted material onto the ground with guilty eyes. Tyger sighed, and rubbed the dragon.


"We need those, bud. Let's keep as many safe as we can."


No materials found

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ID 8614, LD 3


Once again, they were back to their simple 'melt snow - dig - rinse - repeat' routine. The magma beast really did help speed up this process though. And, perhaps since there was two of them, some of the beasties and baddies on this floor (Avalanche included) were staying away. Whatever the reason, she was grateful. She'd see how long it'd last. 


After digging a few minutes, there was nothing in the hole. Icarus found a rock he liked, and plopped it into the empty ground, before helping Tyger bury it.


"One person looking for mats is going to be very happy, and then very disappointed... You're just too evil, Icarus."


The dragon grinned.


No materials found

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Tyger knew that the luck of the draw was coming to an end. Eventually, despite their numbers, monsters would begin to fall in on them as they grew tired of searching for mats. Icarus was content digging, but the rustling, bare branches and swift flashes of white  made her uneasy. Instead of helping dig, Tyger took the offensive as a white bear charged out from behind a few thin, scraggly trees. The flash of white wasn't snow falling, but indeed the polar grizzly. Icarus growled, and took his side by Tyger as she parried the bear's paw to the side, sticking her sword into it's hind leg before it got too far away from her. The bear roared at her, slobber flying from it's mouth.


ID 8618, BD 4+3=7, MD 6-2=4


Tyger - 29/29


Polar Grizzly - 9/15

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Stumbling, due to the injury to it's hind leg, the Bear decided a frontal assault best. There was no evasive manuevers the giant creature could do against the agile player, so going head first was the best thing the large creature could do right now. Fangs bared, breathing pumping from it's mouth like a locomotive, the monster barreled towards Tyger. Icarus took refuge to the side while Tyger jumped up and onto the back of the furred train of a beast. She dug her sword into the back of it's neck before she jumped off, avoiding any retaliation or injury. Icarus growled, as if trying ot scare the bear off. It merely snorted at him, and turned it's gaze back to Tyger angrily.


ID 8620, BD 4+3=7, MD 5


Tyger - 29/29

Polar Grizzly - 3/15

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Not a second passed when Tyger's feet hit the ground before the bear was already turning it's massive body to try and pin Tyger to the ground. It's massive paws caught both her shoulders and slammed her to the ground, but not before skewering itself on Tyger's sword, which had been moved in front of her at the last second. The bear's maw was open to bite Tyger's head, but the carcass exploded before any damage was inflicted. The player sat there a while, and when the coast was clear, Icarus ran over, sniffing at Tyger and nudging (and smudging) her face. 


"I'm fine. Just, comfy."


ID 8620, BD 3+3=6, MD 5, LD 9


Tyger - 29/29

Polar Grizzly - 0/15 (Drops 1 mat)

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As Tyger sat in the snow, allowing the little flakes to cover her from head to toe, Icarus took it upon himself to attempt to dig for her. He found a nice spot that he figured Tyger would like, and after that, sat on the pile of snow for a while. Once the slush had cleared, he began to dig, and even managed to find a material! He pulled it out of the hole, doing his best to fill the open spot with the dirt and random slush around it. However, as he approached, Tyger began to get up, startling the familiar. His jaw opened, and the material fell to the back of his throat, melting and forcing itself to be swallowed. 


"Ready to get back to looking?"


Tyger, none the wiser, started walking again. Icarus merely let out a hearty sigh, glad he'd avoided sure disaster.


Mmm.. mats tasted pretty good.


ID 8813, CD 14


No material found

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"Let's go a bit deeper into the territory. I think we've exhausted everything we've been looking for here."


Icarus clicked his jaws together in a small sound of agreement before freezing in his tracks, growling angrily. Tyger stopped, taking her familiars lead. Her eyes scanned the horizon, but she saw nothing.


"What is it bud?"


She really needed to teach him a few words. 'Danger' 'Food' 'Mat' 'Hot' 'Forge' or something... The growling grew louder as Icarus's head snapped to the side, snarling at the newcomer. The tree Ent let out a groan of irritation, angry it'd been spotted. Tyger was none the wiser until Icarus had said something. Instead the tables were turned. Tyger drew her weapon and charged forward, back towards their little hunting area to take him out before proceeding. Her sword dislodged bark and caused the creature pain, which was good enough for her. It attempted to hit her, but Tyger managed to dodge well enough.


ID 8949, BD 10, MD 2


Tyger - Hits for 9 Damage (+1 Charge, +2 Crit, 6 Base)

Winter Ent - Misses


Tyger - 29/29

Winter Ent - 6/15

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The winter Ent let out a screech, but it didn't hurt Tyger's ears compared to all the other mobs she'd heard let out a cry of pain or anger. She actually enjoyed the sound. Try mixing the sounds of using a knife to slice off bark, and the groaning of a house as the foundation shifts with the temperature changes. If she had a recording crystal, she would have recorded it, if only for the reasoning of curiosity and to show Baldur. Sounds, music... They were important to her back in the real world, and this world they were in now was still full of them. 


In her musings, the Ent had decided to attack first, since Tyger was mesmerized by the sound it had made. The attack had missed though, so horribly that even Icarus covered his eyes with his paws in embarassment. Tyger made quick work of the tree, hoping it didn't drop firewood but something she could use in the forge. As it fell, it dropped nothing at all except a mat, so she was happy enough. 


"Telling ya man, trees these days."



ID 8950, BD 7, MD 1, LD 4


Tyger - Hits for 6 Damage (6 Base)

Winter Ent - Misses


Tyger - 29/29

Winter Ent - 0/15 (Drops 1 mat)

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The groaning continued, even after the ent had fallen. Another Winter fiend had taken it's place, glaring over with stoic eyes in her direction. Compared to the others, this one had a few leaves left on it's body, but they would probably fall off in the fight, or fall tonight when it got colder. How could people live on this floor?!


The tree let out a slow, calculative roar before walking towards her, swinging a large branch arm at her. She deflected the hit with her shield, and proceeded to charge forward, slamming her sword and body into the tree in the same fashion she had earlier. Did these mobs never learn? This Ent was in full sight of the battle. Didn't it see how quickly it's friend went down? Perhaps the leaves make it stronger, because when Tyger attacked, the HP fell, but not into the lower regions as she'd thought. This guy was a bit tougher.


ID 8955, BD 3+3=6, MD 3


Tyger - Hits for 7 Damage, +1 Charge, 6 Base

Winter Ent - Misses


Tyger - 29/29

Winter Ent - 13/20

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Icarus growled, threatening the creature with a mouth full of magma. But, Tyger didn't want Icarus to get in on the fight. He could get hurt, and that would then be on Tyger. She didn't want to lose anyone in this game, especially Baldur or her familiar. She was just too attached, and there was no way out of it now. 


"Icarus, get back!"


The tree had targeted Icarus, but Tyger managed her best to throw herself into the way of the raking branch claws. Icarus had backtracked a few steps, eyes wide. Tyger's HP fell, but only by one point. She'd survive this for sure. And, since she was in such close proximity now, she could damage the tree yet again. As her blade raked across it's barked body, the HP fell once more. Disengaging, Tyger crouched down to love on Icarus for a few moments before standing up, eager to finish the fight.


ID 8956, BD 5+3=8, MD 9


Tyger - Hits for 6 Damage

Winter Ent - Hits for 2 Damage (Tyger Mitigates 1)


Tyger - 28/29

Winter Ent - 7/20

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Tyger's mitigation was always a great help, but since she'd gotten her new shield, and the Block skill... Things had been a piece of cake. Her shield helped deflect attacks, and she'd hardly been hit anymore. It was important for a tank, at least, even if she wasn't sure what stats to focus herself around. 


"Tree, 'getting real tired of your crap. All I wanna do is find mats, and you're messing with that."


She pointed her sword at the ent, annoyed, before jumping forward and onto one of his branches. From there, she sliced off the arm, falling rather ungracefully to the ground. The ent took it's chance with the player on the ground, and attempted to rake it's branch claws against her with it's free arm. Tyger saw it coming, and did her best to roll out of the way. At the last second, the branches hit the ground, without Tyger under them. 


"Phew, that was close..."


She muttered to herself, standing up to avoid another close call.



ID 8967, BD 4+3=7, MD 7-2=5


Tyger - Hits for 6 Damage

Winter Ent - Misses


Tyger - 28/29

Winter Ent - 1/20

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The Ent's body creaked with wear and tear, and scratches of bark (as well as a branch arm) were done and gone. The Ent attempted to wiggle it's fingers on the broken arm, as if it'd be able to attack as a separate ENT-ity. However, when the branch remained motionless, the Ent creaked once more and began running towards Tyger, albeit slowly. Using the creature's size and speed against it, Tyger darted off to the side, trailing her sword beside her. When the Ent tried to smack at her, it managed to hit a snow bank and get it's hand stuck under the weight. Tyger used the moment to swing her sword as hard as she could, hitting the base of the Ent's body with a resounding crack! The Ent paused, confused, before shattering into the polygons of light. And, with that, Tyger was left in the center of their battlefield alone, breathing heavily, sword out in front of her. She let the tip fall to the ground, giving it something to rest on while she caught her breath.


ID 8970, BD 10, MD 2, LD 13


Tyger - Hits for 8 Damage

Winter Ent - Misses


Tyger - 28/29

Winter Ent - 0/20 (Drops 1 mat, 100 Col)

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With the Ent gone, and time passing by quicker than what Tyger wanted, the mat hunt would have to come to a close soon. 


"We've got to avoid these fights if at all possible. Let's start heading back, and try to dig on our way out, shall we? That way, we'll be getting closer to the town, and won't be out when it gets pitch black outside. I figure that's when it'll get a bit more dangerous."


She told her plan to Icarus, who merely nodded and rubbed his face against the leg of her pants. Joy.


"Let's try here."


Icarus plopped in the designated spot, and Tyger dug until she found a material. Lucky, lucky!


"Let's keep this trend going til we reach the town."


ID 8975, LD 15


+1 Material

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ID 8976, LD 14


There was a little hill, so Tyger and Icarus took the liberty of sliding down it as best they could without a sled. It ended up becoming a painfully awkward process for Tyger, given her shield and sword, and it never dawned on her until she hit the bottom of the hill that she could have just used her shield. Oh well. There were times that Tyger wasn't noted for her brains. Sometimes action and emotion took over, instead of common sense. Such as sliding down a hill without a shield, although you had a shield. The bottom of the hill certainly looked promising when materials were concerned, so she and Icarus got to digging. However, her wrist hurt from the fall, so she didn't have enough strength to keep digging in the hole she'd made. She felt like there should have been a material there, but she could have been overthinking. 


No materials found.

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ID 8986, LD 1


The town was growing closer. How did she know? 


Well hell, she'd walked this path so many times. Even though their footprints from earlier had been covered (Even Icarus's slushy ones) the scenery never changed. It was always breathtaking, and not necessarily just because it was cold. It literally took her breath away. So many times she'd wished for snow in the real world. The only time it snowed really didn't count. There had been some falling snow, and that caused it to ice over because it was so cold, and her city was in chaos. It had taken Baldur 8 hours to get home due to the traffic and people who couldn't drive on the ice. Speaking of ice, maybe there was some material under this patch of ice? She had Icarus melt away the ice, but because of the heat, the material she'd found under it was half burnt. It wouldn't hold up strong enough to craft anything with. Oh well. You win some, lose some right? 


No materials found

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ID 8891, LD 13


Erring on the side of frustration, Tyger frantically dig in another place in hopes she'd find a material. Her wrist wasn't as useful as it could be, but Icarus digging with his little paws seemed to help a decent amount. 


"Please let there be a mat, Please let there be a mat.."


She prayed silently in her head, but to no avail. There wasn't anything in the hole. Oh well. You win some lose some, right? 


"I'm so tired of that sentence."


Tyger growled to herself, picking herself up off the snowy ground. Without another word, she stalked back to the portal and went back home. At least she got some things, and she got the snow.

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