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PP-F1 A New Beginning. [Complete]

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As Vasth walks out of the giant city which him 30 mins to get by the way because he got lost. He went towards where the plains where the monsters are his level. He stand and looks around he spots a boar level 1. He got his Spear ready and start the fight. He Stabs the boar on it's side but missed then the boar strikes back and missed as well.



  • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (mob) dice.


Damage Given to Boar = 0 ( missed )

Damage Received = 0 ( missed )


Boar 5/5


Vasth 5/5

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He Strikes again but missed then the boar strikes back by leaping into him. Vasth falls on to the ground.He look at his HP it's low. He need to watch how the boar fights.He starts to freak but train in real life allowed him to keep calm. He need to find a where to beat this boar without dying. He was ashamed that he was losing to a level 1 boar.


  • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.



Damage Given to Boar = 0 ( missed )

Damage Received = 3 ( 1 + 2 Crit )


 Boar 5/5


 Vasth 2/5

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L walked out of floor 1s town, it was slowly getting dark.. He scanned the outskirts of the green acres to spot two figures struggling against each other. He began to jog lightly towards them as he had a bad feeling in his gut about the humanoid and the beast. Obviously it would be another noob getting thrashed by a boar. When he got closer he nearly face planted in irony "Oh boy.. just as i thought" He saw the boar about to make his next strike, if he didn't do something about it, the boy would die. "Fell.. Crescent!" Within an instant, L appeared in front of the boy, taking the boars attack and thrusting his blade into its chest. He smirked and watched it explode into a thousand particles. He turned back to the boy and offered him a hand to help him up. "You're the impudent type aren't you?" 



ID: 9341 


~CD: 5+3= 8

~MD: 9-3=6


~ Life activates charge! 6 damage (+1+2+2+1)


Life: 46/47


Boar: -1/5 - DEAD


Loot: 1 material

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When the boar was about to make it's third. Vasth was waiting for it to hit him. Then a figure jump in front of him and caught the attack then charged into the boar and killed it with one strike."Woah that was close" said Vasth to himself. He look at the figure,it was a young man with black longish hair and a black katana, he was dressed in a blue coat and he said to Vasth "You're the impudent type aren't you?"  "Sorry if i embarrassed myself there Mister, I am quite ashamed that i lost to a level 1 boar and Thank you for saving me there Sir" And at the moment he made a mental note to not fight a monster in this game without a good back up plan or help.

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He shook his head and frowned. This boy would have died for the stupidest reason possible in the game. "Make sure that you fight mobs that you're stronger than next time. You could also do with some brushing up on your technique" â€‹He sighed and sheathed his large katana. He didn't really want to waste too much time on the boy but he wanted to make sure he got the right idea when it came to fighting monsters. "How about this. You fight monsters. I watch you kill them. If you're about to die, i save your ass again. Sound good?" He smirked and folded his arms, he'd make a warrior out of this newbie.

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As he said he will help me with fighting some monster, Vasth really felt very happy that this man was helping him but he figured he need to level up before he fought monster again but it was getting dark and he need to get back to the city. " Thank you for your offer but i think it's getting dark,Sir maybe we should do this another time, I am really happy for you to help me,My name is Vasth by the way pleased to meet you." Vasth offer his hand for a shake, giving a polite smile.

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L nodded, slightly glad he didn't have to waste much time on him. "Im glad you're taking the initiative. Well i hope you do well in your future travels Vasth" He Shook his hand and smirked "Oh, by the way, my name is Life. But you can refer to me as L" Life rubbed the back of his head and brought up his menu. "Eh before i go. Perhaps you could use this" He set up a transfer for 1000Col "My gift to you" He grinned and turned his back "Take care bud" He saluted him with two fingers and walked away.



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Vasth jaws dropped as L give 1000 col to him. His giving money to him just like that. His the nicest person he has ever met on RPGs. Vasth promised himself that he will repaid his debt one day. If it's in real life or in game. He will one day. Vasth started to walk back to town. "Hmmm i need to get some health potion and armour for me to life through this but anyway let start this new adventure!" As Vasth put his arms in the air and grinned.


- 1000 Col received

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L wondered what his next plan of movement was. He had to get into a new guild, 'expand his horizons' or so his father would say at least. He chewed the bottom of his lip as he walked towards the teleporter. It was indeed getting dark, and quick. "Floor 3!" With that he was gone. Perhaps, he would try with the Knights of christ, they seemed like a reliable guild. 


-Life leaves the roleplay

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Vasth walked into town and it was already quite dark. He walked around a bit till that was no one around. he walked outside for the town near it enough so that he didn't need to walk far. He laid under a bunch of tree and then make some hand gestures then the inventory open. He pulled out some bread and water then munched on some as he look at the night sky. After he ate his bread and drank his water. He stare at the night sky and slow then slow fell asleep with the summer breeze blowing against him.


- One bread taken

- One water taken

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Vasth Woke up and he really didn't want to. He laid there for quite some time then he got up and started to walk into town. He looks around, he spoke with some people about some thing and he hear the the Molten Blades is a good shop but the owner is a player killer, he might go there but he needs to be careful. He walked around and he needs gots 2 health potions. But he needs to kill some monsters.

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Vasth goes back to where he fought his first boar.He scans the field for some boar to kill.He pulls out his spear and strikes the boar on it's back then it strike Vasth back on the leg. The boar sniff and started to makes it 2nd strike and I get ready to prepare to attack back.


ID 9640.


CD: 8

MD: 8


Damage Given:1

Damage Received:1


Boar 4/5

Vasth 6/7

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Vasth make his strike trying to slash the Boar but the boar jumps in the air and attack him. Damn IT  why is he losing to this monster. Vasth was getting ticked off by a mob this was very annoying to me but he needs to calm down there now point of getting angry.


ID 9641


CD 4

MD 7


Damage Given 0

Damage Taken 1


Boar 4/5

Vasth 5/7

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Vasth makes a strike again. Missed yet again and then the boar makes a strong hit and Vasth backs up a bit. His health was low he need to get lucky.His mind now was scared of death.





Damage given:0

Damge taken:3 (1+2)


Boar: 4/5

Vasth: 2/5

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Vasth grabs a potion out and drinks it and and then the boar Charges at him and shoves Vasth in the chest.Then Vasth gets up and gets into his stance. "yummy it tastes like strawberrys."He gets ready to attack the boar soon


ID 9657


Drinks health potion - One Health Potion used gain 5 health makes 7/7

Damage given-0

Damage Taken-1


Boar 4/5

Vasth 6/7

Edited by Vasth
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The Boar Jump at Vasth but he was prepared this time. As Boar is in mid air Vasth Slaps the boar and it smash into the ground. Vasth Smiles his got a chance now and his going to use it.He get into his spear stance .Holding his spear's blade out behind and his hand into of him.


ID 9658





Damage Given-1

Damage Taken-0


Boar 3/5

Vasth 6/7 

Edited by Vasth
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Vasth Charges and stabs the boar in it head and then the boar headbutt him back but the boar seem to take more damage.He finally was getting the hang of this. He get his stance really and then waits for the boar to strike.


ID 9569





Damage Given-2 (1+1 Crit)

Damage Taken-1


Boar 1/5

Vasth 5/7

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The Boar Charges and jumped again,Vasth runs and slides under and tries to attack while under it.Well IT was hard then he then he thought he slid under and missed his attack.He was getting new moves.....which wasn't going to go for him.


ID 9660





Damage Given-0

Damage Taken-0


Boar 1/5

Vasth 5/7

Edited by Vasth
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Vasth Strikes this time.His jump in the air and strikes down but missed by a long shot.it was his first time doing this type of attack so Vasth would have missed.He lands the ground and turn and rolls out of the way just in time to dodge the boars attack.


ID 9661 





Damage Given-0

Damage Taken-0


Boar 1/5

Vasth 5/7

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The Boar attacks,Vasth Blocked the attack but was still damage by the attack. Vasth counter strikes but the boar backed away faster then he thought.The fight was hard.Even just fighting a level 1 boar was hard.


ID 9662





Damage Given-0

Damage Taken-1


Boar 1/5

Vasth 4/7

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