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[OP-F1] Let the Crusade Begin!

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Near the North Gate of the Town of Beginnings, a small marketplace run by NPCs and expanded on by opportunistic players made a decent business. Players would pick up gear and supplies as they headed out, and returning players would sell off their gathered loot or buy things with their newly-earned Col. The market, so small it didn't even have an official name, hummed along in peace and relative quiet.


Into this calm setting a single man strode in. Most mistook him for just an NPC with his basic brown villager clothes, until they noticed the small pack on his back, the shoddy war-hammer gripped in his hand, and a large smirk across his features. Marching into the center of the market, he adopted a wide stance, held his war-hammer aloft and bellowed out:


"I am Sozen, and I offer my hammer to those worthy of my service! If you would add my strength to your own, then come forth and make yourself known!"

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I ran throughout the town of beginings rooftips with maruchan.

"Smell that? That's food, the market were almost there!" I said to Maruchan who barked a little high pitched "ruff" and continued running at my side.

I quickly dashed on the city roof tops and jumped across alleyways. The market was now in sight so I quickly got behind maruchan. Then flipped forward picking him up and landed back on my feet on the adjacent roof. I set him up on my shoulder and jumped off the roof. I landed on the top rung of a ladder standing on some crates and rode the swing down. When I finally reached the market some lunatic level one was asking for some merc work.

"Hey you there hammer-head!" I said thinking highly of myself for that on the spot nickname.

The player was obviously low level the idea anyone would hire him is rediculous. I've got some col to kill might as well spend it on some "entertainment".

"I got 500 col with your name on it if you think you can take me in a duel!" I yelled to the player as maruchan barked and wagged his tail.

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Sozen looked up to see a... man with a dog on his shoulder? His blinked a few times, then resumed his smug grin and walked towards the other player. The residents of the marketplace began clearing away, leaving an empty space around the two/three.


"You wish to face me in a sparring match? Very well, boy, I accept your challenge. What are your terms of combat?" Sozen idly flipped his war-hammer in his right hand.

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OOC: the point of this is to teach you the hell that is the dice gods of the perma roller so remember to link your rolls to the post! ;)

The brave level one accepted the duel request!

"Alright well usually the challenged player sets up the terms but... Since I'm forking the money over il set it up. Ok so it's to half health if I end up criting you first hit you won't die. Just remember if I lan two hits I win and you've got some work to do to get me." I said to the player as I set up the duel.

Players onlooking began to place bets among themselves. Eventually someone shouted out about how they recognized me as a performer. Pretty soon I could hear the crowd requesting I play a song rather than fight. I waved out to the people and smiled a little bit.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry but hey! Afterwards, the starlight cafe il be there!" I yelled to the crowd getting them excited.

I swiped the duel request over to the player and unscathed my cutlass. Maruchan jumped off my shoulder and ran to a girl he recognized in the crowd, who of course started petting him.

"Now then show me what your made of!" I said to hammer-head.

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Sozen barely glanced at the duel request, offhandedly tapping the 'Accept' button as he tossed his backpack aside.


"So be it, boy. Show me your strength!" With a guttural bellow, he charged forward, hammer raised over his head.


[iD: 9918]

BD: [1] (1-1=0, Critical Failure)


He then tripped on an uneven cobblestone and fell flat on his face with a resounding *thwack*, his hammer smashing into the ground in front of him. Spitting out curses, Sozen staggered back to his feet, a nasty bruise on his forehead.

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The player called me boy... Now normally stuff like that pisses me off but, I it the player some slack on account of his bravery and bravado. The player then ran at me I quickly flipped over him and landed crouched behind him. However when I turned around I noticed he tripped on a cobble stone anyways.

"Hahaha dude keep your head there are girls watching! Hahaha!" I joked to the player as i pointed to the female player who was petting maruchan.

I then charged at the player with my cutlass in hand truly showing off my speed.

ID: 9919 battle:4 = fail

I decided if I hit the player it would be really boring since I know I'm going to win. I simply did another flip over him and stood there curlass in hand.

"Come on! I'm waiting!" I yelled to the player.

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Back on his feet, Sozen quickly looked around to see if there were any more treacherous stones between him and his opponent. Satisfied that the ground appeared to hold no more tricks, he once again raised his hammer and charged forth, a wild gleam in his eyes.



BD: [2] (2-1=1, Miss)


He managed to reach the dog tamer without tripping again, but the boy dodged his swing with almost contemptuous ease. Sozen backed off a few steps, keeping a close eye on X.


"I must admit, you are quite good at avoiding my attacks. I'm curious, though. Does your pet not fight with you?"

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"Ha! Maruchan? Fight? Hahaha did you hear that maruchan? No no maruchan doesn't fight all he does is hog the girls as you can see." I explained to the level one while maruchan wagged his tail in the girls arms.

I dodged the players strike with an insane amount of ease before he asked me that question. This guy isn't really fighting with a lot of spirit granted I never fight with spirit but still I hear it's important. I charged at the player once more this time jumping up and performing acrobatics.

ID: 9922 battle: 4= fail.

On my decent from the mass amount of air I gained from that jump, I slashed the air next to the players ear making sure he heard the sound.

"Alright come on hit me! Or else next time il show you the sound it makes actually cutting you." I told the player as I backed off and readied my cutlass.

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"You claim to be taking it easy on me? Heh. More likely you're so unbalanced from all your jumping around you can't land a decent hit. I, on the other hand-"

[iD: 9931]

BD: [6] (6-1=5, Miss)

"-can focus on actually fighting!" With a roar, Sozen lunged forward and clashed with the cutlass, before disengaging with a wide grin. "Ha! Almost had you that time. Do try to keep up, boy!"

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The player came tremendously close however I dodged it truly showing off my speed. I then backflipped away and stared at the player.

"Un balanced you say?... Hahaha. Some ones never seen my performances." I said to the player one with the hammer.

I charged at the player quickly dashing to the left then the right and next thing I knew I was already right in front of him.

ID: 10004 battle:4

I then slashed at his neck but stopped just before contact.

"Well il show you some balance now." I said in a soft tone.

I then backflipped away and threw my cutlass down into the street so it sticks up. I then landed on the cutlass and began balancing pretty much as steady as a surgeons hand.

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Sozen's grin grew wider. "You challenge me to a duel, and then repeatedly hold your attacks. I attack you with everything that I have, and you just dance around me. You mock me!" He threw back his head and laughed. "Marvelous! Your strength is truly commendable! May I have the honor of my opponent's name?"


Still laughing, the player leapt forward, hammer grasped in both hands.


[iD: 10034]

BD: [2] (2-1=1, Miss)


Once again, Sozen's strike missed by a long shot, completely missing the player balanced on his own sword. Chuckling, he stepped back, watching the stationary swordsman for the counterattack.

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The player charged at me again and once again missed. I couldn't help it simply dodging his slower slower types of attacks was too easy. This player might be better off using the mitigation system rather than focusing damage. I hopped off the cutlass and snagged it out of the ground.

ID: 10036 battle: 8

I then performed a series of acrobatic twists and turns. When I finally ended up close enough I slashed an X into the players torso.(2 damage Sozen)

"The names X." I said as I pointed to the players chest.

Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR HP: 17/17

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Sozen staggered back, a hand pressed to the glowing orange X cut into his shirt. "So I see. And it seems first blood is yours." He crouched down and readied to attack again. "Allow me to return the favor!"

[iD: 10041]

BD: [9] (Critical, +1 DMG)

Sozen gave a cry of victory as his hammer finally struck true, leaving an orange mark on X's defending arm. "It seems that the Prophet smiles upon me today!"


Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR: 15/17

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I looked at my arm I'm much used to pain so I didn't really flinch. I stuck my cutlass in the ground and began balancing on my injured arm.

"Prophet you say... Hahaha! Ok ok il humor you." I said to the man with the hammer.

To be honest I'm not a big fan of psychopaths like this. Especially the ones that seem especially attached to there beliefs. It's people like this who forget we're in a game and end up not using the menu and are very difficult to work with. I decided to see how far I could push his mind before it eventually broke in half. I took out the item I got from the long live the queen quest.

"This item adds one damage to my weapon for the duration of one battle meaning... There's no longer any need to wonder where your God is... Because he's right here!" I said to the player as I aplied the stingers affect to my cutlass.

-The Matriarch's Stingerx1 used.

Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR: 15/17

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Sozen rolled his eyes. "I know where my god is, thank you very much. But I'm flattered that you think me worth using a boss drop to take down." Stalking forward, the player looked for an opening to get past the now-glowing cutlass. "Since I doubt the Prophet would grant me enough hits to take you down before you strike me, let's just see how many I can land!" This time Sozen swung low, aiming for X's legs.


[iD: 10093]

BD: [7] (7-1=6, Hit)


"That makes two to your one!", boasted Sozen as he left another orange mark on his opponent. "It seems I am not yet out of favor! Now, let's see if your boosted blade can finish the job."


Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR: 14/17

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Well I guess now il just have to give my congrats to the player. He actually kept to his morals granted they seemed psychotic to me. My morals are simple I have exactly none. I am truly neutral in all things.

"Well then maybe you would want to say hi to your prophet." I said to the player as I raised up my cutlass.

I took pretty long strides and began to jump holding my cutlass in front.

ID:10268 battle: 3

I swiped down just next to his neck but kept my blade away. If that doesn't scare him nothing will.

"So then seeing that prohpet of yours yet?" I asked the player with the hammer.

Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR: 14/17

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"I'm still quite a few floors away from the Prophet, sadly. An in any case, I wouldn't want to meet him just yet. A player of my low level, seeing the Prophet in person? That would just be embarrassing." Sozen attempted a haymaker of a strike, swinging with both hands.

[iD: 10271]

BD: [9] (Critical, +1 DMG)

"Another blow for me!" Sozen stepped back raised an eyebrow at his opponent. "I may lose if you so much as scratch me now, but I feel pleased with my performance this battle. Thank you for a most enjoyable match. Care to 'finish me off'?"

Sozen HP: 3/5

XWuZHeAR HP: 12/17

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"Well hold up hold up... This prohpet of yours is in this game?" I asked the player not even worried about his hammer just hitting me.

This player was off his rocker no doubt everyone here can see how crazy this dude is. Thinking his messenger from his god exist here in this game. I do hope he's not ranting off about some floor boss he sees as a god. I wonder if he's one of those weirdos that worships a human as a god. Basically like some kind of Kim Jong un thing the dude literally has his people belive he's a god and it's sick. No doubt if I was put in that position id totally have my people see me as a god but that's besides the point. Maybe il actually have to cut this dumb idea out of this players head. I began my charge and quickly rolled to the player with the hammer.

ID:10292 battle:9= crit and item + 2 damage

When I stopped crouched in front of the player I slashed up wards. And then I remembered the cold hard fact.

"OH CRAP THE ITEM!" I yelled out as I looked at the player who had begun dissapearing.

I'm no stranger to death but his buddy murder whom I just now learned is a real jerk just crashed the party. This is my first time killing someone surprisingly I'm not throwing up my guts as I heard soldiers and cops do.

"Good luck in the next life." Was all I could say to the person turning into polygons right before my eyes.

As soon as the winner icon appeared over my head I could hear the sound of the guards coming.

"Maruchan! Let's bail!" I yelled as I grabbed the pup and ran from the crowd of witnesses.

I got on the rooftops making my way out of the city. The guards began following in pursue on the rooftops. Luckily I had just made it out of the city before they caught up.

"Let's run! Maybe the guild can help us!" I told maruchan who is whimpering in my arms.

XWuZHeAR leaves RP

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So The battle should have ended when Sozen reached half HP:
Sozen did NOT Die during this battle. Half HP of 5 can be deemed either 2 or 3. In this case GMs have ruled that it was very clear that XWuzHear intended to kill Sozen, especially with the use of the Matriach Stinger. Despite it being a half health battle.

As such it is the GM's ruling that this battle ended; before Sozen died. Please edit your posts accordingly else this topic will be deleted.

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