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[OP-F1] An adventure begins

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Following the events at the start of the game, Atticus assumed that his parents would have the best team of doctors and computer experts working on a way to get him out of the game. But as he sat there on a bench near the outskirts of the main city, he came to the conclusion that it wasn't in him to sit around and wait this thing out. As he looked over his basic Two-Handed Spear, and the cloth armor that he was sure would provide little protection against the monsters he would meet out in the world. He decided his first priority would be to try and upgrade his gear, aswell as gain some experience in the process. "But what was the best way to go about doing this?" After continuing to sit there for a few more minutes pondering his options, he quickly stood up. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Atticus decided his best course of action would be to head out into the forests and grasslands to hunt boar, a monster most new players started their training out on.

As Atticus walked around the vast grasslands surrounding the starting city, he began to wonder how long it would take to find the mobs he was looking for. As he turned around to stare back towards the city, trying to judge just how far he had traveled, he noticed a boar a short ways away from him."Finally!" He thought to himself. Entering the boars agro range, he quickly grabbed the spear off his back and took a defensive stance. As the boar came running at him, Atticus made a quick attempt to side step the boars attack as he thrust his spear deap into the gut of the beast, laying him to rest. As he stood there a moment taking in his kill, he noticed blood seeping out of his leg where the boar had managed to cut him with its tusk. He was going to have to get faster, that was for sure. After all, if he couldn't even dodge a simple attack from a boar, what chance did he stand up against a boss.

BD:6, MD:7, CD:8, LD:2

"Atticus"(Hits for 1+1=2 damage)

"Boar"(Deals 1 damage)

"Atticus" 4/5


{{this being my first real post and all, I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me any feedback on whether I did everything in the correct manor}}

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(OOC to make things easier most people when RPing their thoughts they use italics. And I already PMed you about the whole Loot thing! Just edit your post as technically the creature didn't drop any loot.)


Niklaus entered the fields of the outer city. He  knew if he was going to save his sister, he would have to not only get stronger but know the very ins and outs of this game they were trapped in. Glancing around, he looked for a creature to slaughter. He mouth twitched at the thought of killing boars and wolves. They seemed to be the unfortunate creatures that inhabited the first floor. Sweeping his vision across the fields, he spotted a boar that had just spawned. He had not even taken a step yet, when another player wielding a spear, plunged his weapon into the creature.


Nik walked over to the player and spoke. "Impressive kill. However, that was my target and I do not appreciate you killing my prey." Eyeing the player, Niklaus let a twisted grin settle on his face. This kid is a complete newbie. If I so choose, I could end his life with a few guttural stabs of my dagger.. I'd then become a player killer... and seeing how they are treated, it would not be in my best interest to become one just yet...plus...he could make for a nice protege....


Looking up to the player, Klaus spoke. "My manners seem to be elsewhere today. My name is Niklaus Mikaelson. You can call me Nik or Klaus if you so please." Lifting up a hand, he continued. "So what is your name?"

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Atticus pulled his spear from the gut of the boar and turned to face the stranger that had approached him. As Atticus stood there for a moment taking in the site of the stranger, several thoughts went racing through his head. For as long as he could remember Atticus never had much luck interacting with people in a positive manor. Do to his privileged upbringing and higher education, Atticus developed an arrogence and know it all attitude about him from a young age that turned most people off to him. Standing here now though, faced with this stranger, Atticus decided that it would be of benefit to him to make an effort to try and interact with the people he incountered in the game in a more positive light. Atleast that is untill he got into the swing of things and was confident he could survive out in the world on his own.

"Atticus" he responded as he reached out to shake the strangers hand. "And if it was your prey then I guess you should of gotten to it faster." Atticus studied the stranger carefully in an attempted to gage his reaction to his response. From a quick glance he could tell now the player must be of a higher level then him. This being Atticus's first venture outside the starter town, it hadnt dawned on him till now that this player could most likely kill him where he stood. Hoping to keep the conversation moving Atticus added "So what brings you out this way?"

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Atticus. Sounds like the name of a great person or weakling. I haven't decided yet. Atticus then commented regarding the killed boar. Slightly annoyed by the reply, Nik drew his dagger and swiftly placed it at the neck of the player. "Is that fast enough for you ?" Not waiting for a reply, he withdrew his dagger and straightened himself. "If you weren't already aware. Outside the city, no one is safe from anyone. That being said, I could've just attacked you and proceeded to take your life if I pleased. But that would be of no benefit to I and especially not you. While I am stronger than you I'm no where near the strength of those on the supposed front lines."


Taking a minute to pause, Niklaus gazed past the boy and took note of an incoming MoB. "I propose we work together for the time being. We are both liable to be slaughtered by Player Killers. At least if we're together we may be able to bluff them into leaving us alone. And to prove you can trust me let me handle this pesky pig that's about to impale you from behind."


Drawing his dagger once more, Klaus rushed past Atticus and attacked the incoming <<Frenzy Boar>>. The attack didn't go as planned however as the boar turned it's attention to Nik and impaled him with it's powerful tusks. Crumpling up, Niklaus looked at Atticus and yelled. "Well don't just stand there. Kill the damned thing!" Luckily, Niklaus had Battle Healing, so he recovered 1 HP. Standing up, he grunted and looked to make his next move.


*Frenzy Boar has 6 HP and deals 1 base damage.


[10903] BD: 4 CD: 10 MD: 10


Niklaus: 9/11 (-3 + 1 = -2)

Atticus: 4/5


Frenzy Boar: 6/6


(OOC: In battles where there are two or more players and MoBs, whichever player spawns the MoB, roleplays as the MoB. With that being said I will control all the action for the MoB. When you attack just worry about your BD/CD/LD roll.)

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As Atticus watched the boar impale Klaus with his mighty tusks, it took a minute for it to register in Atticus's mind what was going on. As klaus recovered from the attack, Atticus quickly regained his wits and without further hesitation drew his spear and ran towards the boar. Griping his spear tightly, Atticus leaped into the air and with all of his body weight drove the spear deep into the boars side. Quickly regaining his balance, Atticus whipped his spear around and prepared for the boars next attack.

BD: 9, CD: 6, LD: 14

Atticus-(Hits for 2+1=3)




{{Just to make sure I showed all the math out right, since I rolled a critical I would simply show that as 2(roll damage plus critical) +1(extra damage from my spear skill). Or should I show it as 1+1+1? Or does it really matter? Also I thought the general rule was you regained 1 health point for every out of combat post, so I should be back at full health right? Sorry for all the OC type and questions, just trying to get a handle on things.}}

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(OOC: Your math is fine. You showed it how I normally would so I'd leave it. Technically since you were still removing your spear, you were in combat, At least that is what Oske said. So as it stands you still are at 4/5 HP.)


The little newbie is better than I thought. He actually dealt quite a bit of damage to the little piggy. I suppose I should finish it off then. Especially since he stole my last kill. Eyeing the pained boar, Nik flipped his dagger into a reverse grip and rushed it once more. However, he stopped when the boar targeted Atticus. "Oh no you don't" Niklaus said as he cut the boar off and used his dagger to deflect a stab attempt by the boar. "Take it down while I still have it's attention."


[11144] BD: 1 CD: 3 MD: 5


Niklaus: 9/11 

Atticus: 4/5


Frenzy Boar: 3/6

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As Klaus distracted the boar, Atticus swung his spear and put a deep gash into the side of the boar. "This is amazing" Atticus thought to himself. Atticus thought back to his past training attempts in the grasslands and how one way or another they always ended in him sprinting back to town trying to avoid getting trampled by a boar or stung another time by a wasp. But here, as a team, Atticus fealt invincible. "Hey" Atticus yelled, "It seems you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat today" he said light heartily and jokingly. "Would you mind finishing him off from here?"

ID: 11146 BD: 8, CD: 7, LD: 9

Atticus-(deals 2 damage)

Atticus- 4/5


{{so whats the rules on my lvl up since it occurred during this fight?}}

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(It is ignored until this RP is over unfortunately. Whatever you come into a thread with, is how you must end it. ALSO YOU FORGOT YOU ID ROLL :P)


Couldn't hit water if I fell out of.. this arrogant child has nerve. Gripping his dagger, he looked at Atticus. "I'm simply giving you the training you desperately need. But if you must pester me about damage I'll show you how a Mikaelson handles its prey." Running at the boar, Niklaus tackled it and slammed his dagger right into the boars throat. The creature instantly burst into polygonic pixels, only leaving behind a loot orb. Picking it up, he addressed the young man. "We Mikaelsons aren't weak in fact, in the real world we are some of the most influential and most power families in the world. Of course we're as one would put it "under the radar."


"I suggest we continue our training. The front lines aren't going to make themselves and you still have much to learn."


[11183] BD: 10 HIT 5 Damage CD: 2 LD: 20 MD: 1


Niklaus: 9/11 

Atticus: 4/5


Frenzy Boar: 0/6 DEAD





Received 2 Materials and 30 Col 

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"I agree" Atticus replied while thinking things over in his head. In the outside world Atticus Smyth, better known by his real name as Sebastion Kennedy, was born into one of the most wealthiest and power families in America. Known by his peers for his arrogant attitude and supiority complex. Atticus never aloud himself to settle for being anything other then number one and always maintained a win at all costs attitude. Staring down klaus, Atticus saw a lot of himself staring back at him. "Together they could make a powerful team no doubt, but could he trust him?" he thought to himself. For now it seemed he didn't have any other options, klaus was a much higher level then him, and there was a lot that could be learned from him. "So where to next?" Atticus asked.

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"Lets head to the forest. I've dying to kill a wolf." He said as a sadistic grin flashed across his face. I like this kid. I see me in him. I want him to get strong but it won't be easy. I'll need to push him to the limits. Make him earn a protege title. That is if he wants to be one of the most powerful beings...Glancing up, he realized he had fallen quiet due to his thinking. "Lets move. The forest isn't too far from here and the wolves are no stronger than the boars so I've heard."

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