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June, The Speed Demon

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âAre you done talking? If so, let's finish what we started, with the race that'll end your track career with a BANG!âž

» Username: June
» Real name: June McCloud
» Age: 17
» Gender: Male ♂
» Height: 5'8


Waving goodbye to his old house in American was rather disheartening. The young males parents were both tragically involved in a horrible car accident. The other driver was drunk and ended the life of two people who impacted June's life so much. June had finally pulled up at his Aunt's house in Japan. Seeing his Aunt hop down the stairs of the house quickly putting June in a headlock and giving him the biggest kiss on his forehead like she did when he was younger. They greeted each other and grabbed the bags outta the car. When he walked into the house it looked amazing. Of course he had to slip off his shoes before walking through the house. It was so organized and was full of cultured things that looked rather expensive. June's room was located in the basement which was rather comfortable and large. Something he could easily get use to.

First day of school went better than usual. Even though he had a lot of hate from the males. He had signed up for the track team and was signed up to be the teams captain. Only because in America he was Co captain and was the fastest on the team without trying his hardest. That's why the males hated him, but it's not only that, but probably because he attracted a lot of females. Even though he didn't really see how considering he was just a kid from American. No matter....he wasn't very liked by males and he didn't like them. He was rather rude to everyone to hide his shyness that was deep inside.

Then one day on tv there was am announcement for an mmo that was coming out. Sword Art Online? It sparked some interest in June's eyes so when it released he managed to get a copy. It was on his bed waiting for him when he got home that day. His Aunt must've waited all day in line for him. It brought a smile to his face and he swiftly laid on his bed after plugging it in and putting the helmet on. "Link......start..." He smirked and suddenly zoomed into the game.

Personality: June McCloud is a one of a kind guy. It's not so much of what he does, but more so how he says/does it. June is a stuck up and rude young man. He tends to act as if he only acknowledge himself and forget the people around him. That's why he was greatly disliked at track because he didn't care about a team. He just wanted to win all the races he could without the others interfering. And he was so stubborn he refused to listen to what others say. Even his own coach. But one person he always listened to was his Auntie that took him in. He greatly appreciates that and loves her like she's his new mom. June also takes consideration and dillgence in things he put his mind to. He's very fearless and will do anything crazy when he's up for a challenge. People may see June as a total jerk, but he mostly does it because hes not use to people. He pushes everyone away so he hurts them before he gets hurt.

Secretly, June has a huge shy side which enables him to really look at girls too much. He'll easily get embarrassed and end up saying unforgivable things to them that he honestly doesn't really mean half of the time.

Fun fact - June turns 18 on March 20th. He's THE Spring baby. June's favorite food to eat is Bacon.


» Virtues:
Erudite: June McCloud is characterized by great
knowledge; learned or scholarly;
educated; knowledgeable; wise,
sapient. June McCloud having or showing much knowledge about a
wide range of subjects, or about one
particular subject.

Diligence: conscientiousness in
paying proper attention to a task;
giving the degree of care required in
a given situation. June McCloud has the action or power of focusing one's
attention or mental effort. June McCloud has the diligence and patience to give any task he does his full attention and making sure it is executed properly.

Dauntless: June resolute
courageousness; not to be daunted
or intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold - Courageous implies an inner strength that draws
on principle or purpose as well as character: Fearless emphasizes absence of fear and a
willingness or even eagerness to take risks: Bold stresses readiness to meet danger or
difficulty and often a tendency to seek it out. June emphasizes spirit and heart in the face of
unfavorable odds: undaunted imply unflagging
courage and a refusal to be dismayed.


» Flaws:
Discourteous: June showing rudeness and a lack of
consideration for other people. June McCloud not having or showing good manners towards others and is flat out rude at times. June is thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience
to others. When he comes off rude it's like he's showing or feeling no concern for others'

Shy: June McCloud feeling nervous and
uncomfortable about meeting and
talking to people. June tends to hide his shyness by being blunt, rude and not caring about what others have to say. Some say when he opens up it only makes him shy-er. June is so shy that he can't make direct eye contact with females or he'll blush and quickly look away.

Stubborn: June, having or showing dogged determination not
to change one's attitude or position on
something, especially in spite of good
arguments or reasons to do so. June McCloud stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion
or chosen course of action, despite attempts
to persuade one to do so.








Weapon skills :






» N/A


☆Story Thus Far☆

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