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[OP-F1] To fight, or not to fight? (COMPLETE)

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"Well, come on guys." I called as I started towards the mouth of the cave.

If we didn't hurry, the sun would go down, and more monsters would spawn. That would only make things harder once we got whatever was in this place. I didn't look to see if Rage was following. Anyone who thought killing was the answer, regardless of the situation, was not someone I wanted to be around. As I got to the cave, I dared to see who was coming with.

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Sam jogged up and caught up with Sterling. He placed his kunais back into his pack, easing up a little. "Do you two know that guy? His name was yellow, so..." Sam rubbed the back of his neck, continuing to the cave with the party. He coughed, and decided to change the subject. "Alright, we should try and get in and get out as quick as possible and as smooth as possible."

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"Daeron looked at Mono. "His name is Rage. I met him at a bar some days ago, Let's just say my fist said hi before me. Oh and the reason. His name is yellow is because yellow symbols mean that they're player killers. I saw the look Sterling had, we both share the same uneasiness about his being here. Rage is part of the front lines so we're curios at to why he's down here on the third flood instead of the seventh. All I recommend is that you stay on your toes." Daeron explains as he turns around to see if they were being followed.

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Sam nods, his face turning stern. "Maybe you shouldn't provoke the guy so much next time. He's a way higher level, and he's killed other players... We could have been dead right there." Sam shakes his head, taking a few breaths. He cleared his throat, and then spoke again. "Whatever, I think we're good for the time being, so we should probably get going."

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Daeron looked at Sam, who seems to feel slightly uncomfortable, but focused at the same time. He had never liked, being told what to do or being criticized on his actions. Daeron, slightly mad, continued to walk forward. He looked behind once more to check if anyone was behind them, surely enough there wasn't.

"Even though he's a player killer, he would be dumb to face on three of us at once. In fact, it would be dumb off of him to attack us right now anyways." Daeron explained.

Daeron was sure that he wasn't going to attack them from behind, due to the fact that they were in a party. He finally focused forward again to make sure there aren't any enemies up ahead. Noticing up ahead, he saw something move. It looked like a large plant.

"Careful guys. I think that's a Little Nepent with a fruit." Daeron told the crew behind him. "The Nepent is probably going to attack us, but be sure whatever you do, not to attack the fruit up on his head. If you attack the fruit, it WILL attract more nepents around, making them highly dangerous in numbers. Also, it's a level 3 monster so it's bound to be a slight challenge for us. However, if we work as a team, it should come along as now problem at all." He finished.

Daeron pulled out his starter's sword and got ready for an attack at any moment as they drew near its programmed range. Any moment the Nepent would jump at them and use its vines or large mouth to attack them. For once, Daeron knew what they were facing this time.

"Also, make sure nobody is around us. I've heard players use the fruit on top and attack them on purpous to Monster PK a player, therefore killing a player and stealing their loot without actually doing the killing, therefore, their name stays green. It's one of the few dangerous traps for the low leveled players." He points out as he looks behind them and all around them once more.

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Who the hell did this guy think he was? Acting all smart, just because he thinks he knows what's going to happen. Sure, maybe that player killer wouldn't attack them 3 on 1, but if he did, what then? Hell, the group had had trouble fighting 2 wolves that were their level! Sam looked ahead from his moment of anger and followed after Daeron. He may not have liked the guy all that much, but he just had to deal with it for the time being.

Daeron kept looking behind them, it was evident he wasn't feeling right. More than likely he expected someone to sneak up on them, and Sam was willing to bet that it was Rage. Suddenly Daeron's vision snapped forward - an enemy.

It was a large plant like creature which, according to Daeron was called a "Nepent." Daeron said that it was a stronger monster, but apparently he was confident we could take it on. As per usual, Sam wielded his short sword, in his off hand he drew two shurikens, preparing to attack when the party was prepared.

Before the engagement Daeron mentioned a trick used by PKers. Joining Daeron, Sam analyzed the room, looking for anyone that could be hiding, but he couldn't see anyone, the cave was quite dark. If Rage, or any other PKers wanted to kill them now would certainly be the chance. In a low tone, so only the party could hear, Sam spoke, "PKers could easily get the fruit, so stay on your toes. If, by chance, it does happen, we should make a run for the entrance."

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"Agreed." I nodded.

This plant creature gave me goosebumps. Things should either be a plant or a monster, never both. I pulled out my knife. The last thing I needed to do was try to snipe it and hit the fruit by mistake. I had to prove I could hold my own in this world. Creeping up, we entered it's range, and it lept towards us, tenticles flailing about. I brought up my blade and aimed for one thin vine that was closing in.

Come on!

(1-5) Misses

(6-10) Severs tenticle

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Daeron watched as it flailed its tentacles towards Sterling. Sterling quickly enough, cut off it's tentacle. Unfortunately, the attack wasn't enough. Daeron felt a strange uneasiness even as they were fighting it. He still felt his hair on the back of his neck stand up, as if they were being observed from a distance still. Daeron losing focus, once again, noticed the monster was coming towards him now. It opened it's mouth wide ready to bite. He knew what it was doing. It was trying to trick him into hitting its fruit. The plant-monster now close enough to bite him, he had to hit it to back it away, dodging it was too late at this point.

Daeron raised his sword ready to stab at it hoping the fruit doesn't lower into his blade.

1-2 Miss and Hit The Fruit

3-5 Miss The Attack

6-8 Hit The Mouth (Deal 1 Damage)

9-10 Hit Inside of Its Mouth (Deal 2 Damage)

Dice Roll: 4

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Daeron's attack missed, and as such the plant was incredibly close. It's tentacle was reaching for Daeron. He needed to do something. Sure, he didn't like the guy all that much, but he couldn't sit there and let him die. Sam strafed around the side of the monster, drawing out two kunais. All he needed was a hit, and Daeron would be alright. Sam threw the two kunai, aiming for the Nepent. He made sure to aim for the tentacle; well out of the way of the fruit on its head.

1-6: Miss the Nepent

7-8: Hit and cut the tentacle (Deal 1 damage)

9-10: Hit and cut the tentacle, as well as hitting the body with the second kunai (Deals 2 damage)

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Daeron watched as the tentacle or vine came at him. However, a kunai hit it away as well as into the body. He must have noticed that it was low health, because the Nepent was now going after Mono, who had done the most damage to it. He was the lowest level of the group, and he wasn't going to die. Not with Daeron being in a party with him. Daeron quickly pulled out his sword and ran at the nepent from behind.

1-4 Miss

5-8 Hit Nepent From Behind (Deal 1 Damage)

9-10 Cut through the Nepend, thus killing it.

Dice Roll: 5

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I watched as Daeron attacked the plant. He sliced it across the side, and I knew it couldn't take much more. A single strike would probably end it. But I saw Mono to my left, and decided on something.

"It's almost dead. Mono, finish it off!" I yelled. He could use the experience. I watched as he approached the plant monster, his weapons raised.

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Sam expected one of the others to finish off, but to his surprise, Sterling had offered him the chance. He could see the Nepent's health bar - almost nothing, the party had made surprisingly quick work of the monster. Of course, even for a mere level 2, it wouldn't be hard for him to take it out. One shuriken would do it. But then again, where would be the fun in that? He had to make himself look cool in front of the others; more so that stuck up Daeron.

He holstered his short sword, reaching into his bag. He then pulled out four shurikens, two in each hand. If Daeron can make up some skills, I sure as hell can. But what would he call it? Suddenly, it hit him. He smirked, yelling at the top of his lungs; "Schadenfreude!"

The pleasure derived from the misfortune of others, it seemed pretty fitting, and sounded kind of cool, he thought. Hopefully, he wouldn't goof it up. He launched all four of the shurikens at the Nepent, hoping he wouldn't miss.

1-2: Ultimate failure! All shurikens miss the Nepent.

3-6: One of the shurikens hit and kill the Nepent. The other three miss drastically.

7-8: Three of the shurikens hit and kill the Nepent. Overkill. The last barely misses it.

9-10: All four of the shurikens hit and decimate the Nepent. A perfect hit!

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Daeron stood there watching as Mono put two shurikens into each hand. He heard him say an ability and as he threw the shurikens all four went into the nepent killing it. Daeron was astounded.

"I must say Mono... I had my doubts in you at first, but you have proven me wrong. I'm sorry for ever doubting you. That was very impressive." he complimented Mono. Complimenting was something Daeron rarely ever did because typically when he said something like that, the people would let it get into their head. He feels different about Mono however. He knows that he will be a very deadly challenge for those who oppose him in the future.

"Why don't you have a title?" he questioned Mono about this. He noticed he didn't have a title like Daeron. It's what represents a person.

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Sam smirked openly and proudly. It didn't just go as planned, it went even better than planned! Then Daeron spoke, and praised Sam. He had actually praised him! It felt real good to get some form of praise, especially after a display of skill, such as that. "Hey, uh, don't worry about it. I didn't think I'd actually pull that off, to be honest..." Overall, this Daeron guy wasn't too bad. The Sterling guy wasn't too bad either; it was obvious he wanted Sam to get the experience, so he was a pretty nice guy. It'd gotten to the point where he could call the two friends.

Then, Daeron asked him about his title. Daeron and Sterling were both Merchants. It kind of made him think about what title he actually wanted. "To be honest, I'm just not sure what I want my title to be. I don't want to just pick one that I won't really get invested in." Sam smiled softly, happy to be able to be a little open and less serious with the two. "So, uh, hey, would you guys prefer to call me by my real name? Like, as opposed to just my screen name. I feel as if we're all kind of friends at this point, so..." He trailed off, feeling a little awkward. Dammit, that was such a weird thing to ask! He couldn't just leave it as it is, so he finished what he was saying, "It's Sam, my name is Sam, if you want to call me that instead."

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Daeron noticed how he was being modest. He liked that. He didn't like conceited people, even though Daeron himself acted very conceited at times. When he was asked to call him by his real name he was shocked. Most players haven't used the term, "Friend", in such a long time. He doesn't even remember any of his friends.... What they sounded like, looked like, or even how they acted. He missed the real world. He was tired of living the same nightmare every single day of his life. Knowing he was just laying in his bed or even a hospital by now. He was terrified that even if he does make it out, that he won't be able to fit into society ever again. Daeron cleared his mind and set it into the back of his thoughts.

"Alright. Sam. Name's Daeron in the game, but in the real world it's Bryan." He wasn't sure as to how this was going to work. Will he be able to actually maintain a good social balance? Will Sam really be what keeps Daeron sane in this game? He wasn't sure if he could take another moment thinking about any of this. He finally came to a final conclusion. Daeron was beginning to lose his mind.

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He smiled, although he was a little nervous, this was going pretty well! After such a long time he had finally found some normalcy in this game. To be honest, it was probably more normalcy that he was used to in his real life. He thought it would be what everyone, not just in the party, but in the game would need. Some essence of regularity. In reality it wasn't much different from real life. Okay, to be fair, it was very different from real life. But the people were the same, the interactions that they had, were real. He could see that between himself and the others. Just because this is virtual, doesn't make it any less real. And, in that moment, he knew what he wanted to do with his life, what he would do in this hellish game. Extending a hand towards Bryan, he nodded, still smiling, albeit kind of awkwardly. "Well then, I guess it's nice to meet you, Bryan." He felt that if he had friends like these, he could do anything! And this, is what he wanted everyone else in the game to feel.

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This was going to far. Friends? No, I couldn't have friends like this. People who trust you with thier lives, and vice versa. If they knew, I would become nothing more than a burden to them. A weight constantly holding them back. As soon as we got to the chest in the main cave opening, I would have to make an abrupt exit. For their safety.

"Yeah, friends." I said, hoping my inner turmoil didn't show."The loot should be around the bend up here. Oh, its Hunter; my name."

We turned the corner and came to a large hollow area.

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Daeron looked around the hollow room hoping to find the loot for the team. He searched until he finally found another room with a chest in the center. Daeron walked in the room. It looked like it was made of some blue crystals or plates. Different sizes of squares and rectangles fired the room. Daeron finally knelt down to open up the chest as his team stood behind him. As the chest opened, the door to the room closed and the blue walls and floor became a shade of red. He looked around himself to find there were monsters everywhere. This wasn't good, there were three of them and four monsters. Prepare for a fight, this room was a trap.

Daeron 17/17

Sterling 11/11

Monochromatic 9/9

Nepent1 5/5

Nepent2 5/5

Scav. Toads 7/7

Scab. Toad2 5/5

Battle Order








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The room was a trap. Why wouldn't it be? Sam hastily drew a kunai from his pouch, preparing to throw. "Don't worry, we've got this, let's kick their ass!" He knew the team could do this - they'd gotten throw all of this together, and now they were ready for this fight. Sam threw the kunai at the second toad, hoping for a hit.

Daeron 17/17

Sterling 11/11

Monochromatic 9/9

Nepent1 5/5

Nepent2 5/5

Scav. Toads 7/7

Scab. Toad2 4/5

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(Nepent1 Attack)

The Nepent watched as Mono harmed one of it's allies so it began swinging it's vines to hit him.

To dodge you must get higher battle dice than the attacker.

For a counter you must beat the battle dice by 3 or higher.

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