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[PP-F1] Row row, I will fight the wolf's! (Quick Silver & Ariel)

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Another usual day on floor one, the sun trickling out from behind the clouds, that littered the azure blue sky. The grey colored clouds, showing that either it was going to rain, or there was going to be a fog rolling in. Either way, Quick Silver was bound to find some foes to kill in the fields, even if they were wolfs, boars, or the occasional Little Nepent that was foolish enough to roam out of the forest. The flash of silver and white was Quick Silver, his two ponytails fluttering behind him, as he walked the Town of Beginnings. His full white attire, the same one he wore in the real world, a white jacket, though this one was without the blue and fur lipped hood. His hands holding just simple white fingerless gloves, his legs covered by the same king of white pants, and housing his shin high white boots. The golden hazel eyes that were his gazed at the plaza, he was looking at all the female NPC and various other women. His smile coming out when they looked his way, and just a wave is what they got, his knee long ponytails now stopping as he took a seat at a nearby bench. His spiky hair, fanning out across his head, the tan skin lighting up as the sun peaked out from behind the clouds. 


The blue sky now opening up, but just for a minute before retreating back into the safety of the pillows of greyness. Hss weapon upon the back of his waist, a longsword, a quaint, mundane, yet elegant weapon, silvery as his hair, and housed in a brown wooded like scabbard. He just leaned forward, his clothing stretching, as the wind came rushing in, and blowing up his shirt to his chest, exposing his tattoo upon his right side. And also showing off his six pack, he just sighed and pulled it down back to where it was before, like a swiftness, he flicked his hand down, and pulled out one of the breads and waters he had in his inventory. He took a sip of the water and a bite of the bread, "Nhmm... yummy starch." He mumbled as he ate the bread and finished it in a few moments of it appearing, while keeping the water out, he just gave a bored sigh. As he leaned in, his hair slipping over his shoulder and falling in front of him, the ponytail on the right side of his body. He just pulled it back and then drank the last of his water before it went away and he was there empty handed, a mysterious young man, with his unusual hair, and unusual red tattoo on his right side.


-Mysterious young man (Picture plain white clothing instead of this.)




-Tattoo revealed by wind-

The Vegvisir Compass Talisman, Viking Protection Rune

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"Oh the first floor, it's been awhile since we were here, isn't that right girl?" this apparently innocent question was being addressed to, lets say, a rather strange partner with whom one could chose to converse with. As a response, a low growl could be heard coming from the front of a particular person. She simply ignored the response and continued her dialog "But still, everytime we come by this place seems filled all the time. Don't these people know there's a 10th floor cleared? One would think people would go out exploring, guess not all are inclined to take the risk like we did." Another growl could be heard as a response. It's origin was a slightly bored white lion cub that was leading the way for a blond girl that had drawn the attention of the surrounding peers. Some might argue that it was because of her short blue skirt and revealing top that were complemented by a pair of shoulderpads and vambraces. While others blame her companion, the white lion cub. Either way she didn't care and had gotten accustomed to the looks.


Her companion, kept growling and occasionally roaring, to make path for the blond girl while they were heading towards the teleportation gate. They just finished the usual errands for her shop and were heading back when suddenly the familiar started dashing in an apparently random direction, deviating from the usual route to the before mentioned destination. The girl started dashing after her the next instant, not even bothering to ask where she was going. She knew she wouldn't get an answer from her companion. The white lion skilfully made her way through the crowd leaving her tamer behind: "Dammit!" sighted the blond, then using her Acrobatics skill she jumped high into the air and landed on a nearby low roof. After spotting the troublesome lion she jumped above the busy crowd managing to keep up.


The familiar didn't even bother to look behind as it dashed towards a nearby bench where a certain Mysterious young man was having a snack, she stopped in front of him letting out a low growl and extending her paw towards the stranger. Seeing that the girl lets out another sigh while catching up with her familiar. She jumped off a nearby roof and gracefully landed at her familiar's left side, her back facing the stranger as she started lightly scolding her companion: "Thinking with your stomach again? You couldn't just wait half an hour more 'till we got back to the shop? geez, you're quite the character, maybe next time we meet up with Oikawa you could learn a thing or two from King, he appears to be more patient at least." The blond takes a better look at her companion while gently patting her head and sees her extended paw, then continues to look to the right until the young man enters her line of sight of her silvery eyes. She stand up and makes a gracious 90º turn to face him and slightly bows: "I'm sorry for my companion's behaviour, she can be...impatient sometimes. I hope she didn't disturb your meal." her voice was firm but sincere drawing the unwanted attention of nearby passers.  


((sry, stuff happened..finally got the chance to post

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The sound of the players around him was soothing, the feet hitting the cobblestone ground that the town had, as his eyes began to close, his mind began to drift, and as the wind picked up. He heard more players, then in the distance, he heard a slight roar, or growl. *A animal... sounds like... what is it?*  He pondered then opened his eyes after a few moments, to find a white cub in front of him, his eyes widened, "Minn, hávaði þinn ég heyrði." He said to himself, as the translation box appeared above his head, showing the language he spoke, as it was Icelantic, though he was Swedish, he spoke Icelantic for personal reasons. Seeing a blonde figure land near him, and telling him she was sorry for the interruption, he just smiled at her, "Hvað? Nei nei það er allt í lagi." He said to her, then gave a chuckle as his silvery white hair danced behind him. The golden hazel eyes peered at the small lion cub, and his attire matching the color of the familiar. "Your a Beast Tamer, I heard about your class type, interesting enough." "I think your friend here thought me as a adult lion, due to my clothing hehe." He gave another chuckled as he looked back up at the figure before him, "The names Quick Silver, pleasantry to meet you miss."


He said standing up, and placing his right foot in front of the other, and taking a bow of respect to her, as he did, his twin ponytails that reached to the back of his knees came over his back. And when he came back up, they returned to the spot they were at, once again, his eyes reverted back to the small lion cub at his feet. "Hmm... you seem to sport white very well, just like me, wonderful for you little one." He spoke, his voice, deep and mellow toned, every word was clear, and masculine at the same time, as his Swedish or Icelandic accent was there, subtle but present. He turned his head back to the woman before him, "So tell me, whats a beauty like you doing here in the slums of ye good ol Aincrad?" He asked her, as his weapon clanked against his movement. Wondering who she was, and why she was here, then that struck him, "Oh, and to ask ye another question, whats yer name miss?" He asked her, his Icelandic talk starting to slip out, his tan skin becoming brighter as the light trickled out from behind the clouds once more. Making his hair light up, as well as his Hazel yellow eyes, that seemed to be more golden than anything else. His arms crossed as he waited, another gust of wind came in, and did as last time, making his shirt fly up. And exposing his tattoo, and six pack, though they were slightly there, under the layer of body fat, he still had them, with his hands darting downward, he pulled his shirt back down. And looked back at the woman, waiting, and wondering who she was.



Language Spoken: Icelandic

Words said:  

1.) Minn, hávaði þinn ég heyrði.

2.) Hvað? Nei nei það er allt í lagi.


Translated Language: Japanese/English/opposing players natural Language.

Words Translated: 

1.) My, your noise I heard. 

2.) What? No, no it's okay.

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The girl straighten up and looked at in the guy's general direction, then focusing on the translation bubble that appeared above him. "This again?" she thought while remembering a similar conversation with a lance wielder, not too long ago. She then took a better look at him, his silver hair and attire being the first thing to stand out. Next she noticed his accent...couldn't match it with a specific country but she assumed it was one from northern Europe. Even if was a wild guess she left it to that and continued talking: "Beast tamer...no, You may not be aware but SAO doesn't have a specific class system. Each player builds his stats and acquire their skills as they wish. I am not her tamer, we merely reached an agreement when we first meet at the 6th floor and since then she'd been my thrusty companion, I like to think we're kindred spirits since my full name can be interpreted as 'Lion of God' or 'Crowned Lion by the Sun God'. Anyway I'm Kayla Ariel D'Sole, Ariel for short, and this troublesome girl is Kimba. Nice to meet you too."


She then let out a chuckle thinking that she revealed her full name and nickname, when Ariel was simply enough. For some reason she was fascinated by the extremely long pony tails, as well as Kimba that attempted reaching one with her paw. She then continued while taking a glance behind, seeing that the small crowd that gathered started dispersing so she let out a sigh: "We're just on our way back to the 4th floor after we finished some...shop related business." As the wind blew she couldn't notice the strange tattoo he had, she couldn't say she saw it before and was very interested about what it meant. So she continued while pointing at the now covered tattoo: "Can you tell me what that represents? I'm certain i've never seen that kind of model in my travels, I'd take a random guess and say its of celtic origin. "

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As Quick Silver listened in, he felt something pulling on his ponytails, or at least one, of them, he turned his gaze down to Kimba, the white lion cub, she seemed to like playing with his hair. He bent down, and grabbed his hair, and began to play with he cub, taking the tip of his hair and brushing it against the cubs nose, being so playful with her. Quick Silver then adverted his eyes up, letting Kimba go at his hair, it wasn't like it would do anything to it in this virtual word. "Shop business, then I take it your a shop owner." He said, as he then took a shocked look, as Ariel pointed out his tattoo on his side, "This ol thing, it's nothing more than something my ancestors scribed, yes your right it is Celtic, its a Vegvisir Compass Talisman." "Or a Viking Protection Rune, if you must be specific, and thats a keen eye you have there Ariel." He said his Swedish and Icelandic accents came out slightly, as he was not only Swedish, but he was Icelandic as well, on his mothers side of the family, his Grandmother.


Quick Silver looked back at Kimba, and spoke to Ariel."I think you should know my name as well, since you were so kind to tell me yous, it's Theodor Bergfalk" "Berg meaning "mountain" and falk meaning "falcon, it's not so common a surname Ariel, in fact it's a rare one, and I am lucky to have it, like my blood type, only one percent of people have it, I'm AB-." He said to her, giving her some useful information about himself, he bent down and looked at Kimba, "Tell me little one, would you by chance be my friend until I get a partner like you?" "Hehe" He jested as he looked back at Ariel, "It seems that I have taken a liking to your companion there, mind telling me, how did you obtain her, I would want to have a partner like her with me." He said as he gazed at her with his golden hazel yellow eyes, his silver white hair dancing behind him, as his two ponytails went flying as well, due to another gust of wind that seemed to litter the town every so five minutes.

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While Kimba let out a happy roar at his question Ariel continued talking while looking at the two: "That's right, I own a tailor shop located at the outskirts of "Snowfrost Village" at the 4th floor. Perfect spot for a cozy home." she then points to her companion while showing a smile and continues: "This one especially loves to sleep in front of the chimney fire all day while 'Toaru no hito'... works all day."  While she said that she took a quick glance at her companion while the familiar translation bubble appeared above her head displaying the following words: 'A certain person'. Seeing as Kimba barely reacted to her statement she let out a sigh of relief and continued. "So I was right? guess all those travels to 'Igirisu' weren't that bad, though I would've wanted to get first prize that one time...." while the blond was caught in some recollections of past journeys the same bubble appeared once again showing only the word 'England' above her. Noticing it herself she stopped her pondering more about the theme and changed the subject again.


Quickly thinking about the name Theodore, she remembers one of her greek contacts:"I know somebody named Theodore, I've meet him while attending a tournament in Greece. He told me that 'Theodore' in greek means 'Gift from God' I don't know if that applies to your name as well but  'God's Gift, The Mountain Falcon', that's indeed a fine name you got there. maybe us meeting like this wasn't just a random occurrence. You didn't have to go so far as to give me your blood type but I appreciate the thought." She took another look around them, some people we're still stopping midway and look at them in a manner that she didn't like. She frowned while thinking 'I don't care if you're curious just move along. ' her eyes appeared to shoot daggers as she didn't quite liked the crowded places, mainly because her instincts would start kicking in and she would get suspicious at everyone that simply passed by. Unconsciously putting her left hand on her black rapier's hilt she turned around to the two, now best friends as Kimba was letting out growl in a attempt to talk to him.


"She has that effect on people and other companions..only when she is in the mood thought, I can't actually tell her to do something she doesn't want." She stopped and thought about how to properly formulate the next part."As for how we meet..well an old gypsy told me about a way to tame wild mobs into familiars and I didn't believe her at first. But at sunset I was lost in the 6th floor's jungle for a while, didn't know I could use the default map. And she came out of the blue...." she hesitated for a second then skipped a part finally saying: "We reached an agreement of some sorts and here she is. Aparently it's a available at every floor, tis..'quest' of sorts as a few friends of mine got their own companions in a similar manner."

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Quick Silver listened in, as Ariel spoke, when he noticed she put her hand on the handle of his weapon he looked at the people around him. "You know, it's rude to stare, best be on yer way, or I might have to use some of his... pent up Icelandic anger on a few of yer heads." He said cracking his knuckles at the few players looking at him, he gave them his usual I mean it evil smile. And like that, they began to scatter, "There, should be abit more comfortable, I do apologize for you having to see that. I just find it rather rude for people to be nosy in others business." "And no, I don't think my name is Greek, though it may be similar, mines Swedish, people just call me Theo for short." He said then looked back at Kimba, "Floor Six eh... I'm not sure I would tackle that floor anytime soon, I prefer this floor, nice and simple, as well as quiet." He said looking at the sun, "Say... I do enjoy talking, but think we could do this in the field, I would like to get some training in, and try to use my Japanese Sword fighting style." He said pulling his sword off his waist, and holding it in his left hand, as he looked at Ariel, his right one swinging from his arm, as his hair began to flutter once more, he was eager to get his kill on.

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Looking at him, Ariel was glad to see that she didn't appear paranoid. She knew her behaviour wasn't exactly 'regular' but spending all the time she could get, on the front lines let to that type of behaviour. With a faint smile she responded while looking in the boy's eyes: "No need to worry, I saw people behave ..let's just say 'uncivilized' towards curious crowds. You were just voicing your thoughts and I can understand that, its my fault in a way spending that much time in the front lines has made me become suspicious even in the most safest of safe zones, The Starting City. Changing the subject, how would you like me to address you Silver or Theo?" that was the biggest dilemma Ariel currently had, that is why she found nicknames troublesome and decided to use her middle name as username for almost every game.


Hearing his proposition Ariel couldn't help but show a small grin creeping up in her usual smile. Even more when he pulled out his sword, at the mention of 'Japanese Sword Fighting style' she would've expected of him to pull out a katana like the too many samurai wannabes she meet before. "You're talking about Kendo, right? I hope you're not going to stick with that weapon in the future, it isn't suited for that style. Anyway I have no objection to that but I'll have to warm you that mobs with lower HP than 20 will aren't going to certainly give you loot since I'm with you. But I have received IRL training in fencing and basic kendo so I might be able to help you improve your technique if you allow me to fight with you."

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Silver looked at her, "You can call me whatever you want." He said to her, as he watched her, and when she mentioned Kendo, he shook his head, "No no, it's called Iaijutsu, or Iaido, its the art of drawing the Japanese sword, but in my case a longsword, it is one of the Japanese koryÅ« martial art disciplines in the education of the classical warrior, known as Bushi." He said then looked at her, " I learned it when I traveled to Japan 10 years ago with my grandfather, I modified the style to where I can use it with a longsword, or any other than the Katana." He said then sighed, "It disappoints me though, I took on the One handed curved skill, yet there isn't a sword for the class that a beginner like me can use in the art correctly, as it feels awkward."


"So I went with something outside my class for now til I find a Lai sword, the official weapon that I used to understand it, it's been ten years, and I still have not been able to beat my master, Hakimoto-san." He said to her, as he took the stance his learned for Iaijutsu, stepping forward, lifting his right hand up to his chest, leaving his left hand at a bent. With his longsword, his eyes glanced at Ariel, "Also, I did take at least two years out of my time to understand Kendo as well, but Iaijutsu is abit more elegant than Kendo, it's soo rugged, this more more free to me. " Quick Silver stated as he grinned at Ariel, "20 Hp eh?" "Well I thank you for protecting me Ariel, I would surely fall in battle without your aid, come let us be off." He said, as he began walking, his stance fading away, he was sure to begin his combat once again, but he wasn't sure how well he would fait with a longsword and not a Laisword. 


OCC ___


Sorry for this late response, been sick for a few days and could really not do much.


Quick Silvers Stance ___



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"Silver it is then... I've heard of that style, or better said I had to learn about it. father told me it's more based in defence than offence. Or to surprise attack your opponent a pretty old and traditional fighting style if I remember right, never got the chance to actually witness it though.. But don't worry about weapons, for now you have to focus more on surviving than comfort." she said while watching him enter said fighting style stance then continuing:


"Drawing your weapon and placing it behind you..and a pretty heavy one as well, to me at least seems a little strange but we'll see what you're capable off pretty soon. You look more like a shinobi." she says with a giggle then starts walking alongside him while looking around. "I know the feeling, I haven't been able to defeat mine as well..and he's been training me since I could wield the training sword... Father doesn't like to lose at anything, you would think he would go easy on his daughter once in a while. But it's better that way, I think, I don't know..." her voice started fading with each word at the last part.


Taking a look at Kimba who started walking in front of them she casted away such thoughts. "But I WILL survive, I WILL clear this damned game and return to them!!!" she said with passion, her eyes practically burning with conviction as her left hand grips onto the black hilt of her rapier.   


((Don't worry about it:D

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Quick SIlver looked at Ariel over his shoulder at the word father, and he frowned, "Must be nice to know yours, I never met mine, he left before I was even born." "My mother took care of me, and at the same time, was in a full time job as a nurse, she worked at Mälarsjukhuset, the largest hospital in the region of Sweden." He said to her and sighed again, "At least I learned everything from my grandfather, he's the one who introduced me to Hakimoto-san." Quick Silver said as he looked at his sword, as it was somewhat difficult to wield, but he held one before, "So tell me, what is the best way to get weapons in this place, or even that, the currency?" He asked her, as he entered the fields, the green grass, the brushing of the wind upon his skin was nice, relaxing. His hair fluttering behind him, and the words Shinobi took him for a surprise,


"Really?" "The word shinobi appeared to define and clearly identify ninja as a secretive group of agents." "I believe it was in the Sengoku period where the evidence for this can be seen in historical documents, I highly doubt I would make a good or even decent Ninja." He said to her, as he reached a hillside, the slant at a sixty-seven degree angle, once getting over the top, he found the other side to have some nice open plains. The field in the distance having some monsters in the distance, Quick Silver was somewhat unsure what to do now, "... Well... now that I see the enemies, I'm not sure what t do." He said as he held his longsword in left hand, and rubbed his chin with his right, "Ariel, your call here." He said to her, hoping that she might aid him.

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Concerned about his reaction, Ariel started speaking in a mild apologetic tone: "I'm sorry to hear that..shouldn't had to brought it up." then reverting to her usual cheerful tone she answered his next question: "Some people want to focus on staying alive and I don't blame them, so they establish themselves a shop and almost never leave the town's safety. Except only to resupply with materials but those can be encounter in any floor so they could establish themselves at the 1st floor and have a relatively safe way of living and earning col, that's how currency is called here. Other*she grinned* like me, choose to go hunting and do difficult quests for the rewards, going on the front lines to help defeat the floor and field bosses. As you can assume it's a lot more risky than the former option but I find it suits my character. I too have a shop located at the 4th floor but I only tend to stick around there when orders start piling up my counter." she let out a soft laugh before continuing.


"And those ,I think, are the main sources of income in Aincrad. Choose one that you think you'd enjoy doing but first..my recommendation to you is to join a guild..any guild for starters. In time you will learn about others and develop connections but now its the time to gather intel about the game. That's the beauty of Aincrad, there is not many restrictions so you can do as you please." meanwhile they have reached a hunting area. She took a look at Silver while he was assessing the surroundings, unsure of that to do..or what mob to pick first. Grinning she decided to give him a little push, unsheathing her black rapier in a smooth and graceful motion she pointed it towards the nearest mob. "How about that guy? wanna have a shot at him? I'll be right behind you!" she said.

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Quick Silver just sighed, "No, it's okay, you didn't know, and going to the front lines not going to happen." "I'm not going to die yet, not until I beat him." "He is the one person I want to beat before I die, if I die to soon I can't challenge him again."  Quick Silver said as he gripped his sword tighter, "So until I met him again, I will train, and train till I surpass him." He said once more, as the wind kicked up, and when Ariel said something about  Guilde he sighed, "If there is any open I am willing to try, but it will take some effort for a guild master to take me in, I'm a nice guy, and willing to help." "But you need to show me what it is that is driving one to hire me on, to take me as a member." "Not just for some extra hands, I want a guild that is rearing to go but also knows how to have fun."


"But also, I like a pretty face to look upon as well, show me a guild with a few pretty girls and thats extra points to you." He said in a serious tone, he liked women, and cared for them in the same manner any gentle man should, as the sight of the enemy near, as Ariel gave Quick Silver a gentle push, and pointed at their next foe. Silver slightly sighed, "20 hit points, here we come, how about we lead one away from the other, so it's easier on me." He said to her, as his hand went to the handle of his sword, his stance going to defensive as he went down abit, trying to stay hidden. His eyes locked on the wolf's ahead of him, he gave Ariel a look of readiness, but caution at the same time, though his hand was hovering above the handle of his sword, he had a set reaction, and was on his mark when Ariel made her move.

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Seeing the guy sigh Ariel decided to let go of the family/mentor discussion for now and focus on the guild topic: "There's actually been a guild on the rise recently, and the guildmaster happens to be a friend of mine. His name is Azide, guildmaster of the Square One. They are a guild dedicated to training low levels so that they grasp the mechanics of the game and stay alive... I would've liked to steal you from them but my guild, The Azure Brigade isn't recruiting at the moment, and you'll have to gain some more levels to join if the occasion arises. I'm new there myself as my ex-guildmaster sent the brigade a recommendation letter for me and 2 more ex-guardians. My former guild was named Guardians of Aincrad, unfortunately we got disbanded. Most of us found a new home, If i'm not mistaken Rebekah went to the Square One, so I can say for certainly that they have at least one girl with them."


Then she made her way with him near a wolf that was away from the pack "Big mistake, doggy!" she whispered while grinning. Once Silver gave her the mark ariel stated: "Okay, showtime! Kimba stay near him and you, jump in whenever you want." then unsheathed her rapier and dashed towards the target, searching for the proper place to strike her first hit. Since it was a floor one mob she decided to attack it head on..literally, the blond was running in a direct collision course with the wolf that noticed her and started running at her. When it seemed that they would smash into each other the girl kicked the ground and gracefully executed

an aerial cartwheel (side somersault) thrusting her black rapier at the mob's back as she was above it. The wolf abruptly stopped it's sprint landing with it's face on the ground. 


ID: 12899 BD: 8 [Bleed Activated]


Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


Wolf's HP: 11/20(-9) [2/2 Bleed @Ariel]

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Quick Silver watched as he saw Ariel go after the wolf, as he was still unsure if he could do much, seeing how it's health was much larger than his own. The wind kicking up, and his hair dancing behind him, the sight of Ariel going for the hit was marvelous. The power her attack inflicted was stunning, compared to his weapon, hers could perform much better than him, with effect if bleed now upon the wolf, and it's HP now going down, Quick Silver locked on and rushed in. As he got close to the wolf, he slide and grabbed the handle of his sword, and tried to go for a hit, as the sword came out of the scabbard in a fast pace motion. The silver shine of his weapons metal glinting in the sunlight, as he saw the weapon for at the wolf, but to his prevail the beats lept back, making him miss his attack. Like instinct, he quickly sheathed his sword and went into his combat stance, arm wielding the sword behind him, his left one, while his right one held up to his chest line. The right foot stepped outward, and his left behind him, as he gazed at the wolf, "Blasted beast evaded me, wondrous strike you performed Ariel, I am lucky I have a ally like you to aid me in this battle." He said complimenting her, and locking his golden eyes back upon the grey coated mongrel on front of them both, "Go for the legs, cripple it, and then we can strike it while it is down, if it flees, cut the legs as well, we don't want it to alert the others." He said to her, letting her know that he had this planned out, and how he would predict the wolf's actions.


- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13266

BD: 1 [Epic Miss]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Quick Silver: 0 damage inflicted on Wolf.



- Foe

Wolf's HP: 11/20 [2/2 Bleed] [Ariels effect]


- Damage taken: 9 

Round One: Ariel [-9 HP]

Round One: Quick Silver [-0 HP]

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Turning around for a second Ariel saw a silver flash pass her and attack the mob. 'Silver' apparently decided to make a move, the blond thought she would get a chance to see his mysterious fighting style in action. But in the end the wolf dodged his attack attempt. Hearing his comment she returned him a thumbs up while saying. "Don't worry about it it's still to early for you to take it head-on and expect a 100% chance of hitting it. Don't let it get to you, I got your back" she said as she returned her gaze at the beast. 


The mob apparently ignored the boy as it bared it's fangs at Ariel, dashing at her into a frontal assault. Ariel already saw through the wolf's intention and smiled at it, entering her heavily trained defensive stance, lowering her weight center a little in expectancy of the wolf's hit but in the last moment, as the wolf entered her striking range. She thrusts her rapier into its open mouth while making a couple of steps to the right to evade it's incoming attack. Her hit was so savage that the tip of her rapier's tip could be seen exiting throw the backside of the wolf's skull. But she didn't stop there, with a trained motion she quickly retracts her rapier letting the mob crash beside her and roll over a couple of times behind her, finally exploding into thousands of polygons, leaving behind only a single item called 'Wolf's fur'.


She lets out a faint smile while turning towards 'Silver' and making a downwards right slash, to clear her weapon of the inexistent blood. A trained action she'd picked up after watching her friend, Baldur doing it countless times. "Take it, I know it isn't much but that's all you get sometime from these guys. I wish 'it' would've dropped some col too but what can you do.." she said with a tinge of regret in her voice.  


ID: 13331 BD: 10 [Bleed Activated]  MD: 2 (4-2eva) CD: 5


Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


Wolf's HP: -2/20(-13) [2/2 Bleed @Ariel]

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Quick Silver just sighed and as the battle ended as the wolf disappeared from the game, and seeing Ariel kill it off he smiled. "Most excellent, I am grateful for the aid once again." He said as he rubbed his chin and looked about, the wind coming over him once again, he just closed his eyes and his hand grabbing the hair he had flying over his shoulder and placing it back over it and looking at Kimba. The little white lion cub that he found nice and relaxing, and bent down to her and smiled. "You did very well to Kimba, I a glad you and your bog friend helped me in this battle." He said with a chuckle and stood back up, and then once more looked at Ariel, "That was only one of them, his pal over there had yet to notice us, and I think we can take it on." He said as he pulled his sword in front of him, having it verticle to him, holding the handle with his right hand and the sheath with his left.


Pulling the sword out slightly, letting the silvery metal flash, and then he snapped it closed, walking towards the other Wolf. He had a smile over his lips and he burst forth at the wolf, letting his feet slide on the ground and as he got close he did like last time. His sword rapidly exiting the scabbard, sliding on the ground, cutting through the grass, and rushing at the beast. But something was wrong, the wolf seemed to know of his wereabouts, and jumped over him, and now was behind him. Quick Silver took this as a surprise and quickly sheathed his weapon but he fell over and now the wolf rushed at him, all he could do was watch it come at him. Everything seemed to be in slow motion to him, and this might have been a bad idea for him, as usual he had to push his luck and impress the ladies in anyway possible. Now it might lead him to his death, Quick Silver just hoped that this beast would not cause to much damage to him.


- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13465

BD: 2 [Epic Miss]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Quick Silver: 0 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 20/20


- Damage taken: 0

Round One: Quick Silver [-0 HP]

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The blond looked at Quick Silver as he engaged another wolf but unfortunately this one evaded him as well. She was starting to second guess her decision to bring him on hunting high level mobs. 'No backing up now!' she thought while entering her trained fencing pre-attack stance. At first she didn't believe that her fencing skills were of this much help but with each new rank in the 'One Handed Rapier Skill' she'd feel her that IRL practiced moves were beginning to be more fluid and less laggy.


Now she was currently had a 'Master' rank but she still felt that her moves were restricted by an unknown force... In any case this was more than enough for her to handle a couple of wolfs. remembering a certain night when she got attacked by a pack when she was only a newbie, she allowed herself a small smile while attacking the new opponent. With a swift but powerful thrust Ariel stabbed the mob in his right side shouting: "Hey... over here. Let's dance doggy! " She then looked at Silver and gave him a wink while drawing the wolf's attention away from him.



- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13614

BD: 6 (3+3acc) [Hit]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Ariel: 9 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 11/20


- Damage taken: 9

Round One: Quick Silver [-0 HP]

Round Two: Ariel [-9 HP]

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WIth Ariel making the wolf stop and strike her instead, the wolf now focused on her, and a wink coming at him. Quick Silver blushed, as he was thankful now, "Thanks you Ariel, now Onguard beast!" He roared as he he rolled onto his feet and rushed at the wolf once more, as Aiel had it distracted this was more of a time for Quick Silver to make his comeback. With his feet hitting the ground and the wolf in front of him, he drew his blade once more, and suddenly it made contact. The flat side of the blade hitting the wolf's rib cage, and sending it into the air, Quick Silver reacted instantly, he slide under the wolf, as he sheathed, and unsheathed his weapon lighting fast and then unsheathed it again and drew his blade up. As he slide under the wolf, and went to each side of it, left then right three times as he then slide back next to Ariel and sheathed his sword. All of this happened in the event of thirty seconds, and as Quick SIlver sheathed his weapons for the end of his attack the wolf came crashing down, and he looked at her. "Now, while its down, finish it!" He beckoned to her, as the wolf was getting up, and Quick Silver turned to the wolf waiting for an opportunity, to strike again.


 Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13619

BD: 8 [Hit]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Quick Silver: 1 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 10/20


- Damage taken: 10

Round One: Quick Silver [-0 HP]

Round Two : Ariel [-9 HP]

Round Two: Quick Silver [-1 HP]

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Apparently the wolf wasn't pleased with Ariel's display, even if she did more damage. As it raised into its four legs it let out a roar and dashed towards Silver who managed to piss it off with his combo hits that got it into the air. It was a beautiful series of well placed moves from his part. 'Maybe this fighting style is more based on aesthetics than mine.' she thought but the mob let out a roar and dashed towards the silver haired boy beside her. 'Dammit!' she thought while moving in front of him and blocking the wolf's claws with her vambraces. She turns her head a little then says jokingly:


"Guess wolfs don't like to fly huh?" before pushing it back, overpowering the mob. Then with a swift and elegant move she thrusted her rapier from below his belly, while it was still in 2 legs, with such a force that the black tip of her blade went through it and exited his back. The wolf let out a horrible roar then exploded into bits of polygons. Ariel, who remained with her rapier pointing upwards and her left hand around her face in a shielding stance, returned to her normal pose than slashed her rapier to her right side. Then with a fluid and a little slowed motion she sheathed her black bladed rapier. Turning towards Silver she asked with a smile: "Up for more?" She ignored the drop, hoping that he would get the hint and pick it up for himself.


 Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13623  BD: 9 [Critical Hit]  MD: 2 (4-2eva) LD: 7 

Loot: 1 material


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Ariel: 10 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 10/20


- Damage taken: 10

Round One: Quick Silver [-0 HP]

Round Two : Ariel [-9 HP]

Round Two: Quick Silver [-1 HP]

Round Three: Ariel [-9 HP]


(I don't usually use this ^ form but it looks nice, don't mind if I'll use it in other RPs..maybe.

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