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[PP-F3] Run in With a Valentine. ~Piers & Clarence.

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Clarence was a big mess of Blush, it seems that it can only happen to Clarence when he is around Vincent.


"A good friend? Ah, well... I guess I may try to be a better one." Clarence smiled and pulled Vincent into him for a kiss, but Clarence kind of fell backwards on to the dirt.


"Jesus Ch-" Clarence stopped, Vincent laying on top of him kind of had that effect, probably had that affect with everyone he has laid on top of.

Clarence didn't really know how to react at this fact so he did the only thing he knew to break the tension, be a 'Great Friend'. Clarence, tentatively at first, kissed Vincent, sending a surge of happiness and excitement through his body as he firmly planted the kiss.


After a little bite, Clarence pulled away and stared into his eyes, the body pressure a fleeting fact. "Just being a great friend and all." Clarence wink at him and put his arms around Vincent.


"Tell me if you want to get up, as not expecting this, I promise." Clarence blushed more and smiled.

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Piers was shocked at the incident but accepted it nonetheless. He shook his head and after Clarence kissed him, a small smile of pleasure growing on his face, kissed his forehead. The butler took Clarence's arms that were wrapped around him, and put them down to the sides of the boy. Piers stood up, leaving Clarence on the ground. It was obvious now Piers wanted only to tease Clarence. To provoke him simply because it was enjoyable to see.


"That's for another time. Hopefully soon, but another time." 


Piers held out his hand to help Clarence up, if the boy would accept it, a smirk replacing his genuine smile. 


"As much as I enjoyed that position with you I think I'd prefer to spend more time with you. Not loving on each other all the time, I mean."

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"Darn" Clarence sarcastically snapped his fingers and laughed. He took Vincent's hand and hopped up.


"So, Valentine. How else would you like to spend your time?" Clarence with a hand on his hip and looking up at Vincent, Very sassy posture, something Clarence didn't really do much. I am so weird... Well, good thing Vincent is okay with this, because there is plenty more where that came from. Clarence smiled to himself and took Vincent's hand.


"Now, I'm not sure if we are friends, boyfriends, or what. But I am holding hands with you, end of discussion." Clarence smiled lightly and gripped his hand, it soft but rough at the same time, something new but great to Clarence.

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