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[PP-F1] Unexpected Encounters ( Ariel )

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I looked around at the crowds of people, clustered throughout the streets. The lively chatting filled the air, with not a moment of silence. The care free aura made me feel relaxed as I skipped along the roads with a bright smile on my face. I was getting a few odd looks but I chose to ignore them. After all I think it's better to ignore the people that try to bring your spirits down. Besides, skipping is fun! The weather is really, quite nice today even though I, myself prefer the rain. Now that I think about it, I'm not quite sure where I am.....I think I'm lost again. Oh well! I'll find my way back eventually.

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Ariel was as always, returning from one of her errands for the shop. Her companion was as always, leading the way towards the teleportation gate while roaring to make way for them to pass. It was one of those nice bright days in which Ariel enjoyed taking a walk with Kimba, the white lion cub guiding her. From about the time she went to the front lines people started looking at her in a strange way for some reason. At first it bothered her a lot but now her trusty familiar was taking care of any nuisance that might appear but suddenly the white little lion dashed forwards. The blond, without wasting a  second on calling her back darted after her, already accustomed with her wild behaviour.


Kimba was heading towards a girl that was happily skipping along the road. The lion cub stopped near the girl and started jumping with her while hapilly growling, Ariel who was right behind her stopped to catch her breath for a second. And after seeing the pair cheerfully skipping she let out a soft laugh, then saying: "Don't mind her, she's just like that..childish and unpredictable but she's a good companion. You seem in a pretty cheerful mood yourself, I'm Ariel btw and that goofy furball is Kimba." she said showing a bright smile. Her day didn't start that good but it was already improving.


((Ariel and Kimba's pics in the signature.

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I looked at the white lion cub with an awed look. It was a truly gorgeous animal. I kneeled down and put out my hand to pat the cub. It immediately nuzzled its head into my hand. Awwwwww! It was so adorable! I slowly stood up and turned to the player who had introduced herself as Ariel. She was definitely on a higher level than me, there was no don't about that, but she looked like she was really friendly. I walked up to the blonde female and realised that she was quite a few year older than me aswell, she looked around 20. "Hi, my names Aika! That's a really amazing familiar you have!" I introduced my self with a bright smile, holding out my hand.

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The blond extended her hand and shook the girl's, not too firmly since she knew she had a bit of strength adjusting problems. 'Focus, this is not the front line, you don't have to act so tough and be wary of your surroundings here' she told herself while offering a smile to her.

"A pleasure to meet you Aika-chan, can I ask what are you doing here by yourself? I'd imagine you'd be out there slaying boars and...*she stops and thinks what other mobs this floor had*...oh yeah, wolfs, like the rest around here.Hahaha..." she let out a bit of a forced laugh as she didn't think she'd made quite a good joke but now was already too late to take it back. Instead she switched her gaze towards her companion that joined them. Kimba got the cue and started rubbing against the young girl's legs while purring.

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I giggled at how awkward Ariel was being before looking down at the small lion cub that was rubbing itself against my leg. I leaned down and patted it on the head softly before looking back up at Ariel, "Actually I'm not really sure where I am, but its fine, I'm exactly where I want to be." I giggled again at her slightly confused expression. She seemed like the type of person that was always on duty and never really had much fun. But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to have fun.

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She felt relieved when the girl giggled, most likely it wasn't because of her joke but she continued to think that it was. While lowering herself at their level she started petting her companion on the head as well, asking: "I don't quite understand what you mean, how can you not know where you are and affirm that you're where you wanted? Do you enjoy getting lost? you know this place doesn't have a 'lost child' warning system like in any usual Mall." She said tilting her head a little. This was indeed a strange girl, usually people would look at Ariel with mistrust or even envy because she was higher level. But this happy face didn't even flinch when she saw her. An strange warm feeling was beginning to manifest inside her.'Could she be the reason for it?' she thought still tilting her head.

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"Well do you know the phrase, 'Go where the day takes you.'?" I started to explain, and without waiting for an answer I said, "It's sort of like that. When I don't know where to go I usually just follow my feet and trust that fate will take me to where I need to be." I concluded, with a small smile. "Plus, it's sort of fun to not know where your going, because then you find new places!" I said playfully. I hope that that didn't sound complicated. It only becomes complicated if you overthink it, and for some reason I feel like that what she usually does. Over analysing everything and everyone. Now that's something I dont understand. Why try to take something so basic and turn it into something so more complicated than it really is? But I guess that's what some people have to do in order to understand it. I watched Ariel as she thought it over and wondered what was something that she goes by? There is always a sentence, quote or even poem that someone lives by, even if they don't know what it is. I surpose I will just have to observe and come to a conclusion for myself.

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Listening to the girl explain, Ariel felt more lost than before. The term 'fate' that she adamantly refused to acknowledge was present as well, making her left eyebrow twitch for a split of a second before responding to her. "I've heard of it but never experienced it myself. I've had my life planned out for me from the moment I took up the training bamboo sword. Again that is a different story, I don't mean to be rude but I also the term fate is something that I refuse to acknowledge. Being raised as I was I was thought that one makes his own path through life and fate is just a term used by those who can't hold themselves accounted for their failures." she cut her words short right there, she didn't want to ruin the girls mood with her word. Who knows how much time she will be smiling until this 'death game' leaves its mark on her. The blond's smile was halfway gone and her eyes were looking at her companion, remembering some distant memory from the past, before SAO

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I decided to try and put it in a different way, "How about I try to say it in a different way? I also believe that a person can chose their own path and that there are many paths to chose from but I believe that fate creates these paths for us to choose from." I wasn't sure that I had helped explain it any better than I had the first time, so I decided it was probably time to change the subject, Ariel can ponder over what I said later. "So what brings you, a level 17 player, to the first floor?" I asked quizzically. Maybe she had been looking for someone?

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Ariel listened to Aika's attempt to convince her of fate's ways. She was against that as well but decided to stay silent choosing to discuss this thing later on, maybe with more people..although the majority of people she knew were like the girl, believing that their life is guided by something else. She frowned until she heard the new question. This was indeed a good one so she regained her usual smile and answered truthfully: " I was just returning from an errand that I had to do for my shop. I went to visit my teacher, the one that instilled into me the secrets of tailoring. Most of the players will choose to open their shop at this floor but I went with the 4th one. Its fairy tale-like snowy scenery got the me the moment I first step foot there" she affirmed while looking the girl in the eyes.

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"You're a tailor? That really cool! I'll have to come by and take a look at your shop some time!" I exclaimed with an enthusiastic smile. Honestly, I was glad to be off the topic of fate. I knew it was going to take a lot more than words to convince Ariel that something like that existed. Oh well, when the time is right I know she will see what it's like to believe in fate. Even if it's just for a second. I look up at the sky once again with a calmer expression and sigh, "The clouds that come floating into my life no longer carry rain or usher storm, but come to add colour to my sunset." I quoted. It's funny, I can't remember who it's by or where I read it.

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 "It might sound..cool but is a job like any other. I choose it because of my mother. She wasn't a certified tailor IRL but she liked to make stuff for me when I was going to tournaments far away, things like a embroidered scarf or a lucky bracelet." she said reminiscing her mother's face. "Even if I had all that fencing gear equipped, she would always worry that I would get hurt and give me this small handmade things to keep me protected from harm." she then unsheathed her slender black rapier and stabs the tip in the ground. next she shows her the 'omamori' she had strapped to her weapon's pommel. Extending the string to it's full, a 1 meter long dark blue-silvery streak could be seen, with a japanese lucky charm at the end. She handed the lucky charm to Aika so that she could see it more clearly.


'Full description of the item:


Omamori: Feline Eyes


A small amulet made of brocaded silk and encloses papers or pieces of wood with prayers written on them which are supposed to to bring good luck to the bearer on particular occasions, tasks, or ordeals. Omamori are also used to ward off bad luck, this one's exterior is blue with golden writings that say shÅbai-hanjÅ: prosperity in business, success in business and matters of money with Ariel's full name in kanji below. From a distance it looks like it has a couple of cat eyes on each side. The lucky charm is connected to the user's weapon by a 1 meter long, slender  dark blue-silver string that retracts and shortens to a few centimeters when the weapon is sheathed, to prevent it from unnecessarily dangling around while out of combat.

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I held the charm delicately. I examined it for a moment, it was surely one of the most thoughtful gifts I'd ever heard someone give to a person. I'm sure that it means a lot to Ariel, especially since it was her mother that gave it to her. A very small, sad smile managed to find its way onto my face before I wiped my expression of its existence. My mother would never give something like that to me. I carefully handed it back over to the blonde player. "That is an amazing charm that your mother has given to you. I'm sure you already know this but, make sure that you never lose it. Always hold onto the things that mean most to you in your life." Memories of my brother flashed before my eyes. The picture of his bright, happy smile hung in my head, taking my breath away for a short second. No. I can't go back there, not now. It was to good of a day to be thinking of those memories.

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The blond took the charm back and sheathed her sword. Then the 1 meter long dark blue-silver string, rewinded it self into the pommel of her black rapier, like reeling in a fish. Making a soft, almost inaudible, chime when it reached the stand-by lengths of almost 10 cm/4 inches, pulling the charm from Ariel's hand and making it lightly wave back and forth for a couple of seconds.


"Actually it's a replica of things my mother would give me, something I imagined it and had it made by a artisan. But it holds the same sentimental value so you're not far away from the truth. That is why I had it come with this neat attachment gear." she said while her eyes noticed the small change in her smile. 'Maybe memories about family aren't the best thing to bring up right now' she thought looking for a way to change the subject.


She takes a look at her starting gear and sees the opportunity to do so. "That starting gear you're wearing.. it is based on a Japanese sailor uniform right?" she asked and without awaiting her response she makes a couple of hand gestures and summons a item from her shop's inventory. Handing her with a smile the blond then continues: "Quite the coincidence, I was running out of orders from items so I decided to make something that was from my initiative. Here's the result. It's a black sailor's uniform, like yours but this one has my shop's logo and name placed where the school logo and name are usually found. I can't change that now but this set would be more helpful to you than the starting gear. I can guarantee that." she says with a smile on her face.


Gifted Item to Aika: 

Name: Kuro Sailor fuku

Item Type: Clothing

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: +1 Savvy +1 Evasion

Shop: The Lion's Den

Description: A complete girl's black colored sailor school uniform. This one in particular has embroidered on its right side pocket a 'The Lion's Den' small logo, featuring the crowned lion head. This is the regular Japanese school uniform model.

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"Wow, thanks Ariel. That's really nice of you." I told her looking down at the piece of clothing, admiriring it before putting it in my inventory. "I'm sorry that I don't have anything to give back to you." I told her, looking down at my feet while rubbing the back of my neck, feeling a little guilty. It never felt right for me to take from someone without giving them something back. It just didn't, but it would probably be rude to give it back to her. I sighed, I'm not quite sure how to make it up to her but I guess I could start with something simple. "Hey Ariel, would you like to go on a walk with me?" I asked looking up at her with big eyes.

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Ariel smiled as Aika seemed to like her gift. "No need to give me back nothing..I have a habit of helping new player with a item, it's a good way to make friend and a little shop publicity in the same time. Hehehe. Try it on, see it it fits, fortunately here in aincrad you can change clothes by simply equipping them from your inventory, it happens in a flash. You don't have to actually undress and put the uniform, I'm sure lots of guys hate this feature since they can't peek on girls changing anymore." said the blond while laughing.


For some reason she liked Aika's company and didn't hesitate to accept when she wanted them to go for a walk."Sure, I don't mind, this way we'll get to know each other a little better. You know..SAO would sure use more people like you..most of the players are so..sad or/and angry all the time...not that there isn't a reason to be...but still." Ariel herself was no exception but her anger was directed towards the mobs rather than other players.

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"I believe I should take that as a complement." I said in a playful tone before taking Ariels suggestion and quickly equiping the black sailor uniform. After a short flash I looked down to find the uniform perfectly fitted onto my body. I was happy to be wearing something more than the starting cloth clothes. I looked up at Ariel with a thankful smile before walking up beside her and hooking my arm through hers. "Is there any particular road that you would like to take or should we just pick one at random?" I asked her referring to the fork in the road before us.

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"As it was intended!" exclaimed the blond, a bit surprised by Aika's action. She tried to relax her arm so that it wouldn't appear so... muscular, compared with the girl's slender figure Ariel's was a bit more well defined as a result of the continuous training she'd had since she was little. "It looks good on you.." she said a bit embarrassed  for some reason then shook her head twice and continued: "No, I was wrong, let me rephrase that. It fits you perfectly! And as for a road, a random one seems the appropriate 'choice'. " Kimba filled a little left out and started brushing against Aika's legs while making low growling noises then went in front of the two, expecting the road choice.

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  • 2 months later...

Giggling at Kimbas actions I tilted my head slightly to the side, "Well then, which road do you want to take Kimba?" I asked politely. I wonder If Ariel used to play sports. The thought ran through my mind as I noticed that her arms were slightly muscular, especially compared to me. But that's normal. Skin and bones was what my grandmother used to describe me as. It wasn't that I disliked exercise or sports, it was just that I prefered to stay inside and do more... Quiet, subtle things. Like reading. That's probally why I'm always so surprised and amazed by how loud and bustling some of the inns can be at night.

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Kimba looked at the girl and growled before taking point before the two. With a gasp Ariel started to follow, gently taking the girl with her. She had a suspicion to where the white lion was taking them. As they walked she turned her head towards Aika: "I should let you know that if you ask her, we'll probably end up either in a restaurant or tavern or inn... and in the worst case on the leveling fields. She likes 3 things: to eat, to lazy around or to fight." said the blonde, finishing with a chuckle, realizing that she familiar was the perfect match for her, at least in the fighting desire.

"So what are your plans for SAO?" randomly asked Ariel the girl, not sure what to ask the girl next.

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