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[PP F1] A little Bump in the road (Aika) (COMPLETE)

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Hikoru walked around town, enjoying all the NPC's and their stores, enjoying the sounds of the Markets and the players buying and selling goods to other players, and he knew one day he would be the man people would buy and sell to, which made him want to prepare for his upcoming quest even more. He smiled as he walked around, listening to bargains and arguments about a price of a piece of equipment or for weapons. Suddenly, he felt himself bump into someone, and he staggered back a bit, falling onto the ground


"Stupid clumsy feet." He muttered to himself as he looked to see a girl, not much shorter than him, was standing, looking around. He looked at her in apology


"Oh, im sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean to run into you...." He said as he stood back up, making sure he didn't break his hilt or anything around him

Edited by Hikoru
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I was admiring the clouds. Sounds like a pretty odd thing to do, huh? The sky had many clouds in the sky today, and they kept getting darker. It was surely going to rain later today. Suddenly someone bumped into me. When I looked down and saw the other player on the groud I was just about to help him up when he got up on his own, saying sorry. "No, it's fine. It was my fault anyway." I told him with a kind smile, before mumbling to myself with a sigh "I was daydreaming again." The player that had bumped into me was a boy that looked around the age of 16. But it was odd that I wasn't the one that fell over when he bumped into me.

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Hikoru brushed himself off, making sure no stray pixels lay on his body. He looked at the girl to see a kind smile, and he smiled back


"So um... Well, Hi... Im Hikoru. Are you uh.... you looking for a specific place or something? I can help you out if you want..." He says, trying to be as polite as his mother had told him to be. He looked around, seeing other players about still talking to merchants. He wondered when he will finally be able to open up his own store for other players to come to, and the thought only made him more excited for the upcoming quest.

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Upon hearing him stuttering I quickly understood that he wasn't one for talking. "Im alright, just doing a bit of wondering about." I replied. "My names Aika by the way." I told him politely. Looking at him I relise that he was looking around at the many merchants talking and chatting to their customers. It was most likely that he wanted to become one himself, or maybe he was one already. Either way I hope that if that's true his business will / is going well.

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He heard the girl, whos name was Aika, and came back to reality. He nodded slowly "O....Okay.... My names Hikoru...." He said silently. He wasn't comfortable around people in general, and this girl just made it a little bit harder then normal, because, well, she was a girl! He looked around, seeing if there was anything he could do to take his mind off it, but found nothing.


"So what are you doing in this neck of the woods? People don't just walk about in the market.... Well, at least, thats my theory...." He asked her, then started to think of the possibilities of how a person could just walk into the market, without caring. It confused him more and more

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Hikoru was looking more and more uncomfortable by the minute. I tried to calm him a bit by giving him a soft, reassuring smile. "I was out on a walk." I said carefully. I pondered over my next words for a moment, unsure if it was ok for me to say before asking him, "Would you like to accompany me on the rest of my stroll Hikoru?" I looked at him with big eyes, hoping that his answer would be yes. There was just something about him that made me want to be friends with him.

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He looked back at Aika, seeing that she was smiling at him, and he smiled back. She asked him a question, and he knew the answer in a heartbeat

"Uh, sure.... I would love to." He said, calming his nerves about being surrounded by so many people. "So uh.... where are we going to go?" He asks, to see whther or not he would need to fight.

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I smiled brightly at Hikoru when he said yes before happily skipping to his side, gently hooking my arm through his. "I'm not sure yet, so I guess we will just have to follow our feet." I told him. Noticing that the noise was rising at an alarming pace I suggested, "Maybe somewhere quiet." Looking around I suddenly remembered where I was, "Hey, I know this small field close to here that nobody really goes to anymore and there aren't any mobs spawned there either. It's really nice and green, would you like to go there?" I asked, remembering the small, secluded field that I used to go to when I wanted to be by myself. I had never shared that place with anyone before.

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Hikoru noticed the crowd starting to get larger, and became more and more frightened of enclosure. He wasn't big on crowds, so stuff like this really freaked him out. He suddenly felt and arm touch his, and looked to see Aika hooking arms with him. He smiled as he felt reassured, and heard her talk about a secluded area she knew, where there were no mobs. He smiled at the thought


"Sounds good. Lets head over there then. Lead the way!" He said happily, knowing soon he would be able to hear himself think again.

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As soon as the suggestion was approved I took Hikoru by the hand and started running through the crowd, eager to be somewhere more peaceful. The thoughts and memories of laying underneath the shaded trees and looking up at the sky, trying to make pictures out of the clouds, while the gorgeous green surroundings and smell of freshly fallen rain made reminded me of the lake that my brother use to take me to when I was younger. As a navigated my way through the maze of people my excited smile never left my face. All the sounds, all of the people, they were all a blur. Just as I thought, it didn't take long for us to find our way out of the town and to a lush green field with a few big trees and a rather large old farm house off to the side. I lead the way the big, shaded tree in the middle of the pasture.

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Hikoru was pulled along the crowd, seeing all the people crowd around him made him uncomfortable, but knowing he was leaving, he was able to withstand the onslaught of people. Soon they approached the field, and it took his breath away. It was so beautiful, so serene, so.... peaceful. Peaceful compared to the rest of the world, and its floors.


"Wow.... I may, have to come here more often.... This is so beautiful Aika..." He said as he sat down in the grass.

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I looked up at the sky and sighed. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of dewdrops and fresh air, before spreading out my arms and allowing my self to fall backward onto the soft grass beside Hikoru. "Isn't it?" I replied to his earlier comment, with my eyes still closed. Everything was so quiet, the only thing you could hear was the gentle wind, the slight rustle of leaves and the soft breathing of Hikoru and I. It felt like the rest of the world just drifted away. The fact that we were stuck inside a game, the thoughts of never being able to see real daylight again, every problem just disappeared without realisation. Right now, it was only the present that mattered. Nothing else.

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Hikoru smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of peace. He knew that a lot of things have bothered him lately, with trying to escape, to be free of this cursed game that caused him and many others a lot of grief. But he felt.... at ease here. He felt like he could lower his weapon, sheathe it fir as long as he needed, and soon, before he knew it, he was starting to drift off to sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I eased my eyes open and turned my head to the left to find that Hikoru had fallen asleep. Looking at how peaceful and quiet he looked I couldn't help but let a small giggle escape my mouth. Slowly I stood up and brushed a few stray pixels off my clothes before making my way towards the trunk of the tree we were laying under. I stared up at the large tree for a moment before starting my climb. It was simple enough seeing as there were a excessive amount of sturdy branches. Once I was a reasonable height I found a branch that looked like it would have the perfect view. After a clambered my way to the branch and made myself comfortable, a satisfied grin spread across my lips, as I soon found that the view I was presented with was in no way disappointing.

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Hikoru started to slowly start to fall asleep, when he heard the rustle of leaves above him. He looked up to see Aika climbing the tree, and he just sighed and closed his eyes


"What are you doing up there?" He asked in a monotone voice, but yet a hint of curiosity in his voice. He did used to climb trees in the real world, but he didn't find a point for it in SAO, and he didn't have any idea why Aika would climb one here.

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I looked down from where I sat in the tree to where Hikoru was laying on the grass below me before looking back up to the view that I was admiring moments ago. It was almost as if it was a picture that someone had painted. The dark, cloud filled sky cloaked the town below with a shadow of sorrow and mystery. As if all the happiness had been stollen from it. It wasn't the happiest looking place I will admit, but none the less it was beautiful in its own way. "Why don't you come up and see for yourself." I said to Hikoru in an awe filled voice, slightly turning my head in his direction but never taking my eyes off of the sight before me.

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Hikoru sighed and got up from the grass, making his way to the tree. Although it was hard at first, he eventually made his way up the tree. He sat by Aika and looked at the scene before him. Although the sun was going down, he found the scene beautiful. It reminded him so much of his home in the real world, and it made him close to crying. He held back his tears and sat on the branch, overlooking the town itself


"Its so beautiful...." He said, with a glazed look in his eye. He had nothing else he could say about it, but it made him feel better knowing he wasn't alone.

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Glancing over at Hikoru I notice slight tears in his eyes but decide not to pry. I started to open my mouth in the hope of starting a conversation when I felt something cool and wet land in a drop on the back of my hand. I look at it for a long moment before stating simply, "It's raining." Not a second later the rain was pouring down as if there was no tomorrow. Wasting no time I quickly jumped up from the branch and swiftly started making my way down the tree. Halfway down I looked back up at Hikoru with an excited grin on my face before calling out over the small but audible sound of the rain, "Are you coming or what?", and continuing my quick decent downwards.

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Hikoru heard a rumble, and soon he felt something wet touch the back of his neck. At first, he thought it was just sweat. But he looked up and got a raindrop in his eye. He soon heard the pit pat of rain on the ground, which was unusual in SAO, but he shrugged it off as he heard Aika talking to him. She asked him if he was coming, and he looked at the nearby barn. He pointed towards it.


"Lets head in there. I can start a fire." He said as he quickly climbed towards Aika, hoping to get out of the rain as soon as possible. In the real world, Rain wasn't his favorite thing, and this definitely did not help him when it came to it. He grumbled as he reached for a nearby branch, but his hand slipped as he fell to the ground, back hurting from the fall.

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Seeing Hikoru fall to the ground made me quickly jump down from the small distance that was between the ground and myself and rush over to the place he landed before kneeling down in the already saturated grass and leaning over him, "Are you okay?" I asked, concern was unmistakably evident in my voice. It was quite a stupid question if I do say so myself. Of course he's not okay, he just fell out of a tree, It's not as if he is going jump up and start doing the Macarena.

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