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[PP F1] A little Bump in the road (Aika) (COMPLETE)

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Hikoru just looked up and laughed quietly.


"Yeah, I just had one too many Vodka's" He joked. He got up, and limped his way towards the barn, trying to get into some warmth. It would help with the pain, and it would help him to ignore it. He looked Back at Aika.


"Come on then, lets get moving!" he said as he came but ever closer to the warmth of the barn

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Looking up at Hikoru as he made his way towards the old farm house, noticeably limping, I shook my head at him with an amused smile dancing on my lips before quickly bounding to my feet and hurrying after him, slipping slightly on the wet earth. By the time we had both made it across the field and past the threshold we were soaked with rain. Even though the cool rain had wet my clothes and drenched my hair, it was actually quite refreshing. As I ran my hand through my damp hair, pushing it out of my face, I looked around us and saw that it was quite dark inside the barn with only light source being the silver light of the rising moon that flooded through the wide open door and seeped through some of the small cracks and openings in the walls and roof.

( OOC- Semi-stupid question, can you actually get wet in Sao? I sort of forgot...)

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(OOC: Im not sure.... I don't think it ever really happened in SAO xD WB Btw)


Hikoru found his way into the barn, and fell to the side, panting slightly. He grit his teeth as he made his way over to the edge, and found a lantern. He turned the handle of it, and it flickered to life. He smiled and put it on the middle of the floor, sitting next to it. He pulled up his leg, making sure that it wasn't too broken, but soon he realised it was slowly healing itself, and he sighed as the pain went away. He looked over at Aika


"You gonna come and sit by the warmth?" He asked, motioning towards the lantern. It wasn't much for warmth, but it was much better than shivering in the cold.

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Pulling me out of my analysing thoughts, I looked over to where Hikoru was seated next to a glowing latern. The slightly yellow tinge highlighted parts of his face and contrasted against his striking blue eyes. With a silent smile and a quick nod I walked over and sat down down next to him, hugging my knees to my chest. I stared at the steady light of the lantern for a moment before moving my gaze back to Hikoru. "What was your first memory as a child?" I asked curiously.

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Hikoru saw Aika come over and smiled, being polite to the young player. He looked up at the ceiling, seeing the drips come through, and sighed happily as he knew he was safe from being cold and wet, one of the only things that he disliked.


"What was your first memory as a child?" He heard as he looked over to see Aika huddling for warmth. He sighed and looked back to the ceiling.


"My first memory?" He asked rethorically. "Well.... My first was being, well.... the outcast of the neighborhood kids.... and my mom, always comforting me when I cried about it..... I miss my mom...." He said as he got a little teary eyed. He knew he wouldn't cry about it because he knew, he knew, that he would see her again. He wouldn't die in this game, not without saying goodbye. He wiped his face and looked at Aika


"What about you? Whats your first memory?" He said, trying to stay away from crying

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Resting my chin on my knee, a small yet sad small formed on my lips. "My brother." I said softly before continuing, "My first memory was of my brother on my third birthday." Images flashed in the back of my mind. Big chocolate eyes that shone with joy within a hidden knowledge and mischief."I remember i was in my room, having a tea party with my imaginary friend, when he came in and told me that he wanted to show me something." Every night, the sound of his voice, like velvet, lulled me to sleep as he read stories of princesses that slayed evil witches and saved the princes. "When i asked him where we were going he smiled, and told me that it was a secret."   

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Hikoru sat up and listened intently at Aika, quite interested in what she was saying. He had a brother himself, although younger than him. He sighed and remembered his brother well, the roudy one, more muscular of the two. But Hikoru himself was the smarter one, who was able to memorise things easily. He sighed and faced Aika as she stopped her sentence


"What did your brother show you? If it's alright for me to know...." He said, quite curious about this girls past. He knew it had to be something good, something she remembered well.... or it could have been something bad for all he knew.

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Turning my head back to Hikoru, my eyes locked with his as i opened my mouth once again. "He built me a tree house. The back yard of our house was a forest so there was plenty of space, but he decided to place it waaayy down the back, right next to a creek that ran through the bottom of the hill." A reminiscing grin took place on my face. "He knew that i hated walking long distances back then..... I guess that's why i like them so much now...It became my most favorite place in the world. I have so many memories there." I continued as my smile changed into one of pure joy, even though the tears building up in my eyes told a different story.




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Hikoru smiled and sighed


"Wow, I wish I had a brother like that.... But i'm the oldest child, so im usually that brother... I always dreamed of having a brother to look up to, I just wasn't lucky enough to get one...." He said with a sigh. He looked out, and saw that it was still raining, and night was starting to fall


"Well, it looks like we may be spending the night here.... There's no way that we can get through that without getting chilled to the bone...." He said as he looked around, seeing if there was a place they could sleep, but all there was around them was hay and more hay, as far as he could tell.

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I wish I had a brother like that... Hearing that come out of his mouth only had me realize how lucky i was to have someone like my brother in my life... it also made me painfully aware of how much i still missed him."Well," I exclaimed, jumping up with my back turned to Hikoru, desperately rubbing my eyes as tears started to fall before turning back around with a playful smile. Now was not the time to get so emotional. "I'm. Not. Tired." Yet. Thoughts bounced back and forward in my mind."Why don't we play a game?" 

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Hikoru stopped looking and faced her as she asked him. He sat back down by the lantern and weakly smiled, happy they were changing the topic. He crossed his legs and put his arms down at his side, slightly leaning back.


"Alright, what game are we going to play?" He asked curious. He didn't really play games, but he liked to in the real world, and they were safe. There was no chance nothing bad would happen.

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I put my finger on my lips and furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about what we could do. Hide and seek? No, there's not really any place to hide.. I spy? No, it probably wouldn't turn out that interesting. "Hmmmm... I like riddles... I know! We will each ask three riddles and if the other person gets it right, they get to ask any question they want, no matter how weird or embarrassing it is you have to answer it!" I said firmly. I really hope he likes the idea, other wise, I've got nothing.

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Hikoru blushed slightly at the thought of the outcome, but it sounded fun. He smiled and nodded


"Sure, why don't you go ahead first?" He asked, wanting to make sure he played the game correctly. He didn't know any riddles, so he would probably have to make them off the top of his head. But he was excited for a little challenge, and a little bit of curiosity struck him, because this was a good time to learn more about his new friend

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Kneeling back down beside Hikoru, I pondered over a few riddles, trying to figure out which one I should ask. Oh, I know! "If you drop a yellow hat into the Red Sea what does it become?" I asked with a challenging smirk and a twinkle in my eyes. I really liked mind games. They make you think. Most people don't usually figure out the answer to this one, even though it's so simple. But that's the point really. When people think of riddles they almost always try to think outside the box.

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Looking at Hikoru i pouted, unhappy that i was already giving away information. As i tilted my head to the side i gave a small smile. "Amber... My names Amber." I never understood why my mum decided to call me that but she did. And i wouldn't have wanted any other name in the world. "Alright, its your turn now." I was curious to what type of riddle he was going to ask me. I really hope its something i haven't heard before. I quite enjoy a challenge.

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Hikoru smiled and nodded at the new information


"Amber.... its a nice name...." He said quietly. He looked up at the ceiling, and did his best to remember a riddle. His mother used to tell him a few when he was young, but he couldn't remember all of them, but there was one he was stumped on for a week before he figured it out, and smiled and looked at Aika


"What asks, but never answers?" He said with a smirk, crossing his arms and feeling proud of himself. He had a feeling she would struggle with this one, but he couldn't be too sure

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I sat there for a moment in silence, thinking. I had not actually heard this one before. Gears and cogs turned in my brain as I tried to remember my #1 rule when it came to riddles. Most of the time it's over thinking that leads to confusion.

After a short while I snapped my head back up to look Hikoru in the eyes as i mimicked his crossed arms and confident smirk. "An owl." I stated bluntly yet boldly, before pondering for a few seconds about what I should ask him. "Alright, when and who was your first crush?" I asked in a teasingly playful manner.

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Hikoru felt his smirk falter him when she figured out the answer to the riddle. He sighed and nodded, showing that she was correct. He looked up at the ceiling, watching a few raindrops fall through the cracks around them.\


"Alright, when and who was your first crush"


Hikoru immediently lost his breath, falling onto his back. His crush? Why did she have to ask that? He got up onto his elbows


"IRL you mean? Well, my first crush there was a girl I met in 6th grade.... I won't give names, because well, thats not something im willing to give, but we get into contact before, well, this game, and it turned out she liked me too.... We never dated though...." He said, remembering the girl that he had fallen for years ago


"And in here? Well," He said blushing "I'm not going to say that...... I know I promised, but it would be too easy to tell them that I do..." He said. He knew that he promised to tell, but its hard to say who your crush is, when shes right in front of you. He rubbed the back of his neck slowly


"I Promise I will give you a full answer on your next question, but this one was.... Well, not something I was prepared to answer...." He said as he blushed more "But anyways, hit me with a riddle."

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Watching Hikorus cheeks turn bright red as he... Well, half answered the question, I felt a surge of confusion bloom in my chest. Why wouldn't he tell me who his crush is? But I guess there are some things that are just to embarrassing to share with others. As I blinked and continued to watch him, I became suddenly and shockingly aware of how handsome, or cute as some might put it, Hikoru actually was. With the sudden jolt of awareness I abruptly shifted my eyes away from him and tried to occupy them on something else in the room as a light red tinge dusted my own cheeks.

"Umm... I-It cannot be seen, c-cannot be felt," I quickly stoped to take a short breath, trying to re-gain my composure before a starting again. "It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills.It comes out first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter." I concluded with a soundless sigh.

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