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[PP F1] A little Bump in the road (Aika) (COMPLETE)

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Hikoru saw Aika, or Amber, turn away and start to stammer, which was odd of her, but he saw it as trying to remember the riddle. As soon as he heard the first sentence, he knew the answer immidiently. He remembered it from his childhood, from amovie he watched


"That my dear friend, is darkness." He said with a laugh. He leaned back once more, and thought. then snapped his fingers


"I got it! What is your favorite thing about a person? Or a guy? Either one works." He said, trying to figure out more about this player he had become quite aquainted with quickly.

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Curse it! I should have known as soon as that riddle started to come out of my mouth that it was too easy. It was most likely that he had seen the movie, The Hobbit. Whether it is fortunate or unfortunate, myself personally had not actually seen the movie for I much prefer books.Oh well, I guess that's what i get for becoming so unfittingly flustered.


Responding to his question, I replied, "I haven"t actually thought about that before.Well... If it was people in general i would have to say the ability to be considerate and loyal. And if it was a boy in particular..Hmmm... i guess he would have to be... charming and...persistent." I finished slightly wondering if my answer sounded proper. 

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Hikoru nodded and crossed his arms


"Okay, so its my turn...." He said as he thought for a moment. He needed a good one, one that would knock the others out of the park. The one he was going to use was also from the movie The Hobbit, but he knew she would probably guess it in a heartbeat. He sighed and thought, then a riddle popped in his head.


"Here we are." He said quietly "When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit, And my second confines her to finish the piece, How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit If by taking my whole she effects her release!" He quoted, crossing his arms. He knew this would stump her, it had to

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I stared into the dull, but still lit, space in front of me. My mind had gone blank. It was a riddle that I had never heard of before. Yet that wasn't the problem. It was as if someone had put a glass wall between myself and the answer to this... Obscure question. I couldnt think of anything. With a quiet, defeated sigh I shuffled around so to sit cross legged before looking over to Hikoru once more.

"Alright, I give in. What's the answer." I said, slightly disappointed that I couldn't figure it out, though also slightly excited that I would be learning the answer. Another thought came into my head. Though the game wasn't over yet, I was worried of that I still didn't know what the prize should be.

Edited by Aika
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Hikoru smiled in triumph. He had done it! He had found a riddle his mother taught him years ago, and used it to his advantage. He looked at her and smiled

"The answer is Hem-lock. It doesn't make sense to me, but I know that my mom taught me it, so I know it has to be right." He said as he leaned up against a pole and crossed his arms, smirking. "So now what happens? Because I won so...." He said as he laughed to himself

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I tilted my head and giggled at his slight confusion. "You haven't won yet! Do you remember what I said?" I asked teasingly. "We will each ask three riddles to each other." I reminded him lightly before continuing my explanation, "We have only done two each so far, so that means if I can stump you with my next riddle and still answer correctly to your next one, we will have ourselves a tie." But what will happen if there is a tie? The question hung in my mind, though I didn't really care what would happen. I found that I was actually enjoying playing this game with Hikoru. It was nice. Relaxing almost.

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Hikoru listened, then hit his head with his palm

"Whoops! I forgot! Okay, then hit me with another one!" He said, laughing whole heartedly and smiling. This was the most comfortable he had ever been with another player, and with any human being in the longest time. Maybe..... Maybe she was the one, the person he had been missing for so long.... but he couldn't get his hopes up too much. She may hate him, dislike him for all he knew. But he wasn't sure....

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