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Qwerty's Journal

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Username: Qwerty
Real name: Annabelle Jones
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4


Annabelle was an only child. Annabelle had a happy childhood from which she can remember, Until she turned 10, Everything changed. Her parents divorced, fed up with fighting. Annabelle decided to stay with her mother. Annabelle's mother was a lovely lady. She would often spoil Annabelle. Annabelle was very happy. However Annabelle's mum was diagnosed with cancer a few months before Annabelle's 11th birthday. Sadly, Annabelle's mum passed away a couple of months after. Annabelle was traumatized. She was sent to live with her father. Annabelle's father was a drunk and would often abuse her. Annabelle tried to leave a few times however was found and taken right back to her father. When Annabelle's father was sent to jail for child abuse, Annabelle was sent to live in the city with her Aunty. Annabelle did not mind living with her aunty. On Christmas, Annabelle's aunty brought her the nerve gear and SAO. Excited for once in her life, Annabelle started the game. "Link start!" Annabelle is now known as Qwerty in SAO.

Independent: Annabelle is used to being on her own. She can successfully make her own decisions in daily life and can cook and clean without any help. When she lived with her father in the country, she caught the train to the city for shopping and other necessities so she is very independent. 

Intelligent: Even though Annabelle was home schooled when she lived with her mother, she is very intelligent. When Annabelle attended public school, She skipped a grade because she was smarter than the other kids her age. Annabelle baffled the teachers at the school because they couldn't understand why she was so intelligent.

Artistic: Annabelle is very artistic. Even from the age of four when she drew with crayons. She is at the of her art class for being so artistic and always got A+ on her report card. Annabelle's artistic skills have influenced her way of life and got her through the bad times


Daydreamer: Annabelle is a daydreamer. When she would catch the train, she would often daydream and miss the train. When she lived her mother, daydreaming was just like imagination for her. Annabelle would often use her daydreaming to get away from the real world.

Hungry: Due to not much food in the house, Annabelle was always hungry. Her mother fed her well however her father didn't cook. Annabelle loved food so much so when she was hungry, she almost stole food from the supermarket to eat. One time Annabelle was so hungry, she got really sick.

Angry: Sadly, Annabelle inherits her fathers anger issues. Annabelle would often snap at people if they told her to do something. Annabelle tries to control her anger however often fails. Annabelle would fight with her father. If you are nice to Annabelle she wont get angry at you. Simple.







Weapon skills:


10 bread, 15 water, Cloth clothing

One long basic sword



Story Thus Far:  
Annabelle, now known as Qwerty, has started her adventure in SAO




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