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SP F1 The Passing of a Soul (COMPLETE)

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Stats going into this thread
Lvl: 1
HP: 5
Dmg: 4
Eva: + 2
LD: 4
BH: 1

current skills

Search & Detect: Rank 1 +1

Item:Wind Slasher Glaive (2H Assault Spear)
Enchantment: 3Dmg

Item:Nullifying pendent
Enchantment: +2 Evasion. +1 LD

Item: Obscurely Weighted ring of Unnecessary Heaviness (OWRUH)
Enchantment: +1 Search and detect, +1 LD

Gladious vitamin (food) +2Ld

Klick was sitting down in the fields where he and his friend first met up in the game. Tears rolled down his face as he stared into the artificial sky which was so surreal to him. This game kept so many things real and yet everything was so fantasy. How could death be so real but the sky stays so bright and blue. If this was a fantasy world, it would alter to reflect the mood of the main character. (English) “Is this world saying I should be happy.” He let out a sigh and rubbed his hands through the grass. (English) “I wonder what she would say if she saw me sitting here…” he got on his feet and began walking into the field. He remembers back in town running into this small girl. The hope in her eyes where gone as she accepted her eternal fate in this cruel joke of a world. He tried to talk with her but she just wished him luck and handed him a bunch of gear. He was never great at speaking Japanese and feared he had only made things worst. Still, the gear looked so rare how lucky could some newb like him get. He did not see it as luck, only as another death in his eyes for despite the girl’s body being alive, her hope was gone and left her a hallow shell of herself. He brought the Wind Slasher Glaive, the Nullifying Pendent, the Obscurely Weighted Ring of Unnecessary Heaviness or OWRUH for short, and some vitamins that grant + 2 LD. He popped the food buff item and then looked into the field. There was nothing but fresh boar to kill. (English) “She would want me to survive and beat this game, that’s what I have to do.” He had to learn the basics of this game and what better way than grinding. He walked up to a boar and pulled out the Heavy Glaive.
LD +2 (6)

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ID       Battle Craft Loot MOB

14608 8        5       4+6  1


Klick struggled to pick up the weapon. He felt a little embarrass that such a small girl could pick this up with ease but he could not. As he caught up in thought the boar charged. Caught up in surprised he crossed his arms bracing for the blow. His body had other plans and at the last second he dodged the boar. The boar tripped and fell to the ground unaware of what just happened. (English) “Weird, I would never have been able to dodge that in real life.†He smiled and grabbed his glaive with two hands. (English) “This is about to become addicting… I hope I don’t get lost in the chaos†He dropped the Glaive, allowing gravity to bring it through the boars torso and crashed along the ground. Dust flew every where hiding the data destruction of the monster animal. When the smoke cleared, all that was left was some meat. Klick picked up to meat confuse to what it did until his mat counter went up. (English)"So this is a mat... I wonder what they are used for."


Klick 5

boar 3-4 (Dead)


obtain 1 mat


total loot

mat: 1

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id          battle craft loot mob

14609 5          5      16    10



Seeing a perfect opportunity to attack another boar, Klick raised his glaive in the air and slowly swung down. The boar rose to its feet and noticed the attack quickly jumping back and kicking up dirt. It charged and with full forced it aimed for Klick’s chest. As it leaped waited for his body to automaticly move... but it didn't and he was knocked down to the ground. His hit points dropped fast puting him below halve. (English) “Ouch... why didnt my body move...†He rose to his feet and faced the boar. The boar turned around and kicked up more sand. He dusted off his clothes and prepared for the next attack. To Klick, the mobs battle logic was so simple and he knew he could still survive if he were to avoid the next attack survive. His plan was simple, just land a hit like before.


Klick 5-3 (2)

boar 3

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id         battle craft loot mob


14610 3         1       20    4


The boar ran at Klick with the same plan. It wanted to drive its tusk into Klick’s stomach and finish him off in one more blow. It charged at the same speed and jumped. This time Klick held out his weapon, blocking the boar with the shaft of his weapon. As the boar and Klick battled it out, Klick screamed and knocking the boar to the side. The boar squealed as it hit the ground but quicky recovered. Klick nearly knocked his self over during the stun as he struggled to hold the boars and his weight. (English)"Darn it I was so close to hitting it..." He kicked the ground in annoyanced before remembering he was in a fight and quicky retook his battle stance.


Klick 2

boar 3

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id        battle craft loot    mob

14614 9        5     10+ 6 1


There was a big pause as the boar reseted its position. Then it cried loudly and its skin became redder. Klick watched as the boar charged again at him. He quickly rearmed himself and stared down the boar. He watched the boar continue the same attack pattern as before, blindly rushing to its target chest with its enormous tusk. He positioned the heavy glaive so he would not have to move it much. The boar jumped as Klick raised his spear. Instead of soft flesh, the boar made contact with the shaft of the weapon. Klick quickly rotated the weapon tossing the boar to the ground. Then he let gravity drive the blade into the boar’s side. The boar squealed before turning to data. Some Col and meat was left behind. (English) “This is new.†He picked up the items and lowered his head as he studied his low hit points.


Klick 2

boar 3 -5 (Dead)


Obtain 1 mat and col 15


total loot:

mats: 2

col 15

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ID 14621 8+4


Klick walked away from the zone of boars to avoid getting into another fight. He walked up to a field of wild plants and got the idea to pick them while he waited to recover his hp. He walked up to the biggest leaf he could find and pulled on it. The plant would not come out of the ground. After several minutes of trying, he sat down and gave up. He was exhasted and desided he would just laydown. As he closed his eyes he thought about the game and his skills.(English) “I used my first 2 points for battle healing and search and detect like Voilet advised me but she was supposed to be the damage of our duo.†He rubbed his eyes in an attempted to halt the tears which were forming. (English) “Now that I am by myself… I have to focus of my battle stats. I decided that I will use the rapiers, a shield, heavy armor. I also have a point in battle healing which has been very helpful…†He rubbed his eyes in an attempted to halt the tears which were forming. (English) “Now that I am by myself… I have to focus of my battle stats. I decided that I will use the rapiers, a shield, heavy armor. I also have a point in battle healing which has been very helpful…†He shook his head wishing he could understand the tutorial better. Being trapped in a Japanese game while being a weak Japanese speaker, will be the most memorable moment in his life. Especially since the tutorial was straight audio. (English)  “Ok… focus on what you know. The shield skill… Bl..o..ck is supposed to work like dodge. And dodge has saved me from quite a few hits so far. If I remember correctly, those 2 don’t stack and I need a shield to use it. So I would be useless until I get 3 more skill points. The rapier skill makes rapiers hit harder, but I don’t have a strong useable rapier yet. All that leaves me with is the heavy armor skill and Battle Healing.†He started scratching his head because; although those skills work great defensively they do nothing for offenses except allow him to attack more. He bounced around the 4 skills unsure what to do. Ultimately his decision would depend on, what gear he could obtain. He sighed and looked at his total col. It was a pitiful size compared to the prices of the good gear. Clearly he knew he was not going to be able to by any gear anytime soon and these weak mobs were not a good source of income.

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ID       battle craft loot mob

14624 6       12    9+4     1 


His break was short lived when a boar walked over to him. He groaned ,wishing it would go away. He knew that was not going to happen though. the boar began charging but Klick picked up his weapon and lunged his self into the air, effectively dodging the boars attack. Then he slammed his weapon into the ground causing dirt to fly everywhere and the boar was  forced to stopped in its tracks. He then did a wide sweep cutting everything inside the dust cloud and killing the boar. The boar turned to data and left behind only 1 piece of boar meat. Klick picked it up and went back to resting on the tree.


Boar 3-4

Klick 5


obtain 1 mat


total loot

Mats: 3

col 15

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id        battle craft loot mob

14637 4       12     3     4  


After 5 more mins of resting, Klick got up and started streching, (English)"Violet would kill me if she caught me sleeping all day... I gotta stay focus."  He slapped his face a few times, then ran back to the field. Immediatly a boar rushed at him with the same pattern as the previous boars, running straight into the enemy blindly. Klick was prepared to dodge, fearing another crit like before. He sided step the boar and attempted to trip it. The boar squealed and jumped over the maneuver. Then it snarled as it kicked up more dirt. Klick bit his lip, as he was hoping for that trick to work. He then sidestep, moving to a more open area in order to get the full range of his weapon


boar 3

Klick 5 

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id        battle craft loot   mob

14693 7       1      14+6 6-2 


The boar stampeded at Klick. He rasied his weapon and prepared for the boar to move just the right distance. As the boar entered the range of his glaive, he rotated his body so he could charge at the boar and preform a wide swing. The boar jumped into the air ready to hammer down on klick, but klick striked at samuria speed, of a snail. His weapon stopped inside the dying boar. (English) “Wow… I did not see that coming… well at least i still killed it.†He waited for the mob to disappear so he could pull his weapon out. His weapon was hard to control when doing fancy strikes. As the mob disappeared, it left meat and a bottle with red liquid in it. Klick was surpised at the find, he did not know these creatures could drop drinks. With a closer inspection, he discovered that it was a health pot. With a smile on his face he continued moving forward until he saw another boar.


boar 3-4(dead)

Klick 5


Obtain 1 mat, 1 hp pot



Total loot

Mats: 4

col: 15

Hp pot: 1

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ID14698 B8 C4 L1 M5  


He began to move closer to the boar slowly as to not startle it. Knowing all he needed was one clean hit, He positioned his spear. Because of the sheer weight of his gear, he had to move slowly but he knew the rewards for his success would be great. As he entered the range of the boar it noticed him and squealed. Right there he knew his window to attack first opened up. The boar always turned the ground before charging in. He tightly gripped his glaive and swept it across the field. The boar did not react as if it was trapped in its scripted movements. As the blade of his weapon passed through the boar half the legs of the boar ran at him. The top half slide off. Right as the boar’s lower half was about to make contact, it turned into data followed by the top half. All that was left was some meat. The crystal its self-looked to be really rare and powerful, but he had never seen it before. He would have to ask someone about it later.


boar 3-4 (Dead)

Klick 5


Obtain 1 mat


Total loot

Mats: 5

col: 15

Hp pot: 1

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id14699 b7 c9 l13+6 m6-2 


After seening a health pot drop, Klick knew that if he kept killing boars, eventually they would drop something more useful. Until then, his only option stands in front of him. Murder the boars and keep farming. He looked around and spotted another boar. This one had its back turned to Klick. He quickly walked over to the mob and lifted his glaive. Before He could land a blow the boar noticed him and jumped out back. The glaive crashed into the ground throwing up sand. The boar lunged from out of the sand but Klicked managed to dodge, and counter attack, piercing the boar in mid air. As it disappeared, it dropped meat and another health pot. Klick picked it up and continued moving forward in hopes to fine better stuff.


boar 3-4 (dead)

Klick 5


Obtain 1 mat, 1 hp pot


Total loot

Mats: 6

col: 15

Hp pot: 2

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ID 14700

Klick discovered another boar eating something in the bushes. He slowly walked to it trying to be as stealthy as he could but he accidently steped on a branch with snapped and alerted the creature. He picked up his glaive and pointed it at the boar. Since losing the element of surprise, he would have to wait for the animal to get within range. The boar kicked the dirt and charged at him. He dodged the boar by side stepping to the left. As he did that he attempted a counter attack. Nothing too fancy, just a simple strike but the boar had already passed him. His glaive hit the ground again picking up dusk. (English) “ARGH, this boar moves fast.†The boar did not stop running. It slammed its foot into the ground and used it as a pivot point. Then it slide kicking up more dust behind it. The boar blew out hot air and grunted a few times. 


boar 3

Klick 5

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ID14701 B9 C6 L20+6 M7  -2


Klick recollected his balance and watched as the boar put on a show. He was not scared or even impressed as the weak mob attempted to assure its self. He knew all he needed was one hit and this would be all over. He thought about how some of his pass fights were much easier than this. This may have been the fastest boar he fought. Nomatter what he knew he had to stop it somehow. The boar charged at him again. He took his stance ready to counter attack when suddenly the boar turned left. Confused Klick dropped his guard for a second, thus leaving him open for the boars next attack. The boar quickly turned around and lunged at him. (English) “CRAP, You are not getting me that easily†A surge of excitement rushed through his body giving him the energy to jump over the boar. As he jumped he swung his weapon and nailed it in the spine. The boar froze and shortly after fell to the ground turning into data. It dropped col, a shield, and meat. Klick was surpised at his fine, the creature was holding such a item, and a vaulble one at that. He felt that it was hard to be a tank without a shield but now he has a shield. All he needed was a better 1 hand weapon. 


boar 3-5 (dead)

Klick 5


obtain Anarchy, mat 1, col 15


Item: Anarchy

Type: Shield

Enchaments: 1 Thorn 1 safeguard

Obtain: The Passing of a Soul

Description: a blue Heater shield with the monster symbol on the front



Total loot

Mats: 7

col: 30

Hp pot: 2


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id14702 B7 C4 L13 M6 



Klick continued to walk along searching for more boars when suddently, one jumped out of the bushes. Klick fell down, accidently dodging the attack. The boar turned around and continued is charge to further weaken the down Sword Art Online Player. Klick made it to his feet and watched as the boar leaped. He slammed his weapon into the ground vaulting him into the air just high enough to evade the boar. On his way down he swept his weapon across and nailed the boar in the head. The boar squealed before falling over in to halves. Then it exploded into data bits and pieces leaving behind a hp pot and meat. Klick fell to his knees and started panting. He really was shocked that it just came out of nowhere. He seriously under estimated the ninja powers of the boars. That’s something he would not do again.


boar 3-4 (dead)

klick 5

obtain 1 mat, 1 hp pot

Total loot

Mats: 8

col: 30

Hp pot: 3


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ID 14703


Klick searched around looking for another boar to fight. He positioned his heavy glaive and picked his next target. It was a boar that had wandered away from the pack. This made a prime target. Also he knew he would not have to worry about a random boar appearing out of nowhere for it was by its self. He ran to the boar forsaking stealth so that the boar would not have time to move closer to its pack. The boar saw him and started kicking dirt. Then it charged dodging the glaive. Klick picked up the glaive deflecting the blow of the boar and they both slide around unharmed. Klick grin knowing that he was going to win easily.


boar 3

Klick 5

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Klick ran at the boar postioning his spear to stab it in the face. The boar ran at Klick, like every other boar before it. Nothing new really. Klick lunged his Glaive but the boar side stepped it, then it jumped at Klick. Klick new he could not dodge it if he jumped away. Using the momentum from his attack, he vaulted his self up, barely dodging the boars attack. The boar squeled and put some distance between the two. Klick sigh not wanting to chase after the stupid pig. He also did not want to wait for it to attack back again, so he ran after it hoping to catch it in a bad spot.


boar 3

klick 5

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id 14707


Klick finally caught up to the boar and leapped into the air. He pounded the ground with such force that a dust cloud engulfed both him and the boar. THe boar dodged the attack by jumping to the left and it left the dust cloud. Trapped inside of the blinding dirt. Klick prepared for the worst. The boar charged into the dust cloud and nearly grazed Klick. Seeing the direction the boar came from, he quickly ran out of the cloud and re armed his self. The boar did not leave the dust cloud and so the two enities waited. Klick bit his lip as he tried to develop a plan to take ou this boar. Yet again Klick and the boar where at a stand still. Neither enity could damage the other, and the battle continued to be a draw.


Boar 3

Klick 5

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id 14708 b8 c6 l18+6 m7

Klick and the boar faced off one more time. The boar charged squealing on every step. Klick also charged in recklessly. Both parties ran down the field one sync. The boar jumped giving its all in this final attack. However, Klick had other plans. He slid under the boar and held up his weapon, cutting through the creatures belly. The boar landed and turned around. Klick slowly got off the ground and wiped the dust off of his clothes. He knew he made contact with the boar and only walked over to it as it turned into data. The boar dropped some meat and a red Knuckles with black outlining. Klick picked up the weapon and was suprised. It was a glorious trophy, and the last piece he needed to become a tank.


boar 3-4 (dead)

Klick 5

Obtain 1 mat, Democracy


Item: Democracy

Type: Gaunlets

Enchaments: 1 unarm dmg 1 thorn

Obtain: The Passing of a Soul

Description: a pair of red kunckles with  black outlining


Total loot

Mats: 9

col: 30

Hp pot: 3



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ID14709 B6 C12 L1 M5  


While Klick was admiring his new find, another boar appeared out of nowhere started squealing loudly. He turned to it and watched as it went through the motions of kicking up dirt, and sprinting to him. He held out his weapon and prepared to destroy the creatures very life. The boar jumped at Klick but klick smacked it down into the ground with his weapon. Then he pierced its heart and soul with his Glaive turning it into data. The boar dropped behind meat. Klick sighed wishing to get another good item. As he finished picking up the mob drops he continued walking down the field looking for more boars to slay. He still felt that there was other useful things he could obtain from the creatures. 


obtain 1 mat

Total loot

Mats: 10

col: 30

Hp pot: 3



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14782 b9 c6 l15+6 4


Klick continued roaming until he located a boar that was by its self. Seeing this as a great time to fight, he dashed foward and jumped into the air, As he came down, the boar jumped back and kicked up dirt. Then it charged foward aiming for Klicks face. Klick was not finish with his attack though. As the boar passed over the weapon, Klick swiped up cutting the boar in halve and watching the 2 halves past him on both sides without making contact with his body. Klick had a huge smile on his face as he turned around to check the loot. He chucked at the fact that it dropped a Hp, pot. (english) "Well i know someone is not dieing anytime soon mahaha"


Obtain 1 mat 1 hp pot


Total loot

Mats: 11

col: 30

Hp pot: 4



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