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«SAO» Hitoko Ayakabi

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«Silencer» Hitoko Ayakabi



» Username: Silencer
» Real name: Hitoko Ayakabi
» Age: 17
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5'4"
» About: Hitoko was always a carefree child with a lot of energy, she was very charismatic and easy to get along with in terms of her student life. However no matter how well she interacted with others or how high she got in her grades, Hitoko always felt it wasn't enough. With the desire to find something worthwhile, fulfilling and thrilling she rushed her grades and aced her exams, graduating her school at the early age of 16 and set herself out for a job for some money. 
A year later, Hitoko had earned herself a stable income and an apartment not too far from where her family lived. Though she thought she could never be far enough from them, all they did was bicker with one another and she had grown to detest her family altogether. Though one day Hitoko received a call from her sister explaining the biggest hit in the MMORPG community which had copies flying off the shelves at one of the fastest rates worldwide, the game had been called Sword Art Online. Even though Hitoko didn't much care for her sibling she still listened to her sister tell her that SAO could be the excitement that she was looking for all this time or at the very least could help sate that need for a little while. Figuring it was worth a shot Hitoko used the money that she had gotten from her job to purchase the NervGear and with luck a copy of the game, after signing up and installing in, Hitoko is ready to take on Sword Art Online for all it's worth, though the SAO players may not know what is coming their way.
» Virtues:
Courageous -
Hitoko holds an inner strength that never ceases in which no matter how dangerous the circumstances may be, even if they are hopeless, she will give her all and fight on until she is only in the most critical of conditions. This is not to be mistaken with a foolhardy sense that she is reckless, merely that it takes a lot to keep her spirits down or make her back out on something that she has set her mind onto.
Loyal - Despite having a Manipulative side to her, Hitoko is extremely loyal when it comes to those that she actually trusts and comes to know well. If she enjoys a persons company and genuinely comes to care about them, she would do almost anything for them if they needed her. She would lay her life on the line for that person if they were in danger. This is not something she takes lightly at all and those that she would genuinely consider her friends would never have a reason to doubt her intentions for them were nothing but good.
Optimistic - Hitoko generally dislikes things being taken in a negative tone if she can help it, even going as far to joke with those around her at times, even if the joke may be about herself. She will always tend to look on the brighter side of situations or at the very least give it a solid effort to, this is usually a part of her people tend to find as one of her redeeming qualities as those that stay around her often tend to remain happy.

» Flaws: 
Sadistic -
Hitoko finds battle a thrill and can often go too far in sparring or during dungeon raids, whether it be not leaving a room until all enemies are slaughtered and their loot taken or if not being satisfied with a spars outcome since she didn't feel her win was as decisive as she wanted it to be. Whatever the case she finds enjoyment in the pain of her enemies and will do as she pleases with them until she's satisfied or bored of her target.
Flirtatious - Hitoko is openly flirtatious with those that catch her eye. When she spots someone that she likes she will often make subtle motions towards her liking of them or even flirt with that person outright without a care for any consequences.
Judgmental - Often Hitoko will make judgements or quick assumptions about a person by the first meeting or with a first glance, she will associate individuals into particular 'types' based on what she sees from them or thinks, even mocking some of those she feels are below her due to the type she has judged them to be.

» Profession:




Weapon skills:
» One Handed Dagger - Passive - Rank 1 (Novice) - (2 SP) - 
The effectiveness with which a player can use knives and daggers. (Rank 1 = +1 Damage)


» One Handed Dagger (Beginner Pack)

Beginners Pack - (10 bread, 15 water, Cloth Clothing)
Story Thus Far 
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