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Reiko Kobayashi natsu-sora



Username â‡ natsu-sora
Real name â‡  Reiko Kobayashi
Age â‡ 17 years
Gender â‡ Female
Height â‡ 163 centimeters

History â‡ Reiko grew up in Tokyo, Japan, with her three elder brothers. Her father was a business man, and was never home very often. Reiko's mother was given the responsibility of raising four children. Her siblings all went to an elite private school Yokohama, but Reiko stayed in Tokyo, to keep her mother company, and to keep her childhood friends. Many of the household jobs were left to her, since her mother didn't know how. Still, Reiko went to an esteemed local school, giving her a very good education. With three brothers in her, Reiko grew up loving video games and playing them with her friends and siblings. When SAO was first revealed, she immediately wanted to enjoy it with her brothers.   


Personality â‡ Reiko tends to stick to her small group friends, not really getting to know many others. She comes off as a bit cold to strangers, and her first impression of you determines whether or not you will be accepted by her. Though her friend group can be welcoming, Reiko tends to scare off anyone her friends invite in. When you have been declared good enough for Reiko's attention, you are pretty much stuck with the girl for life. She's fiercely loyal to anyone she deems worthy. Those on the outside-beware. She will not hesitate to destroy you if you touch her friends. If you gain the honor of friendship, you discover Reiko is made of sarcasm and dry humor. You can take nothing she says seriously, except when she's serious. Reiko's got something of a knack for debate, and will argue most anything she can.

When Reiko became trapped in the game, she closed herself off from practically everyone. Without her family or friends, she's kept to herself. She doesn't trust anyone in this game, and she can't die. Not when her mother and brothers and friends are away from her. Her only goal is to survive.

Strong-willed â‡ Reiko can stand her ground on any topic that she believes in strongly, which is many things. This is why she tends to get in verbal arguments with people over many things. It also attracts people, as it makes her something of a leader among many scared sheep. This, by no means, of course, says she's fighting on the front lines.

Practical â‡ While she can be a bit stubborn, Reiko can also see when certain things make sense more than others. She won't compromise her own health because she's too stubborn to see it. This makes her a good judge, as she can see when things are efficient.

Clever â‡ While she isn't the most brilliant player, Reiko can work her way out of tough situations. She sees things that many other players can't, like metaphorical "chinks in the armor". This mean that Reiko can make snap decisions, and make them well.

Anxious â‡ Reiko is constantly filled with fear that she will be killed and never see any of her family or friends in the real world again. This tends to make her flighty, and somewhat distracted while she's in the game. It also doesn't help her make friends, as many other players think she isn't mentally sound.

Callous â‡ Even in the real world, Reiko had a hard time of showing emotions. She would only tell her close circle of friends what she was thinking and feeling, and would never betray her emotions on her face. This trait also results in keeping others at bay.

Impatient â‡ Reiko can't wait a second. Everything is now, now, now with her. She hates waiting for the people on the front lines to clear the game. She hates that she's losing time in the real world, because she'll have to make up however long it is in her life. She doesn't want to wait to live!

Non-combat â‡


Passive â‡

Combat â‡

Weapon skills â‡

Weapons/Tools â‡ 10 bread

15 water

Basic one handed curved sword

Basic cloth clothing

To be added

None thus far

Story Thus Far

To be added 


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