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post-5439-0-06678300-1431189554.jpg<Xavier's Photo (Ducker from Episode 3)

Username BillTheDuck

Real Name Xavier

Age 14

Gender Male

Height 5'3





Xavier's life is sad and tragic, growing up on the streets as a young boy he had ran away from his adopted family at 6 after finding out his father and mother had been murdered when he was little. He was initiated into a street gang who he lived with for the rest of his childhood, having robbed many tourists he had a nice amount of cash saved up, but one day in a turf war when he was 10, he saw one of his freinds pushed down and shot by a rival gang member. After that he blacked out, when he came to, his hand had a knife in it, was bleeding badly, and the man who killed his freind was dead on the ground. He was rushed to the hospital and had his left hand removed and replaced with a mechanical arm. After that he became very depressedarrow-10x10.png and was sent to a foster home, but had found out about SAO and used his leftover money to buy the supplies and had gotten ready for launch date.


Xaivier had a hard time trusting people and can be very violent if threatened or bothered. His violent traits bring many "Underworld Sources" like gang leaders and drug dealers, however he refuses to work for gangs after his freind's death. He will not kill anyone for he knows the sorrow of death, and has learned martial arts along with the ability to know a person's interest and mental condition by quickly seeing their weaknesses and uses that to his advantage.


Xavier is very insane and has breakouts of his supressed rage, anger and saddness where he blacks out and violence occours. He tries to make these less common by trying to make jokes and be the comedian but to no improvment his rage gets the better of him. He is a dark secluded being and his sadness can be seen in his eyes.




Fast - Years on the street has given him reflexes and skills to use weapons from a crowbar to a pole of a stop sign. He attacks quickly and painfully giving him an advantage as he changes attacks to suit his opponents weapon as quickly as he can blink.


Intellegent - Although he had no Proper Education Xavier had learned everything in combat and things you learn in school, like math. He is as smart as a collage student and has been underestimated in terms of intellect.


Persuasive - A cunning liar, Xavier has gotten 40$ off  many things worth 80 dollars or less, he can convince a god to sell its soul if he wanted, but he hasn't found one, yet.




Emotionally Driven- With his past in mind, if a traumatic enough thing happens he will black out and do anything while his emotions pour out. That can be good or bad but he will be so tired and confused after he will be an easy targetarrow-10x10.png


Disabled - With his mechanical arm, the Nerve Gear has difficulty sensing his left hand from the wrist down, making it impossible to use a shield becuase he has to try very hard to move his hand quickly.


Recluse - With his past he cannot trust anyone easily, making it harder for anyone to become a ally to him. This will make him seem like an easy targetarrow-10x10.png becuase of him being a solo player.


Suicidal- He has given up on life, having seen so many people die in real life and games that he cannot concentrate without remembering the people that cannot live anymore.


Mentally Insane- He is mentally insane and if he doesn't black out during a traumatic thing he will make the traumatizer suffer in terms of pain anger and letting them get paid for thier crimes. While this happenes he might injure a freind becuase nothing will get in his way and he might have to shove the freind out of the way


Profession - Blacksmith


Weapon One Handed Rapier



One Handed Rapier Rank 1

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