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(OP-F1) Helping Out

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Breeze took a deep breath, saying quickly, "Have you ever known anybody who has died in this game? I fear I may join those who have already passed on, and I just want to be sure at least one person remembers me." Once more, he nervously laughed, afraid that she may think him silly for being so scared. Normally, he wouldn't care if nobody payed him any attention, but he had slowly began to fear being forgotten or unnoticed. And with the threat on his life, that fear had grown exponentially. He saw a waiter walk by and said, "May I have some water, please?"


As the waiter walked away, he looked back at Meokka, smiling sheepishly.

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Guest Meokka

"You'll only be forgotten if you do nothing. There's plenty you can do that doesn't require you to slay monsters." she gave him a polite smile. "Don't worry, I started off fearing the same thing when I started. If you want I can help train you to get stronger. What kind of weapon do you use? We'll just train you up so you can get materials to sell, or open up a business. Is there a type of trade you enjoy?" She was actually thinking he might do well going to the church and getting information about the orphanage.

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Breeze unsheathed his scimitar and set it on the table, saying, "Well, if it is not obvious, I use a scimitar. Well, not use, carry around." He thought for a while and said, "I do not know which trade I prefer. All of them can help others, so it is a bit of a difficult decision." Perhaps he should get a proffession. But which one?

If he were a blacksmith, he would make weapons that aided in the progression of the game, quickening the escape. Helping everybody. Yes, blacksmith it is.

He smiled, it had not taken much thinking to decide, after all.

"Perhaps I could be a blacksmith. But forging weapons is not the only thing I will do. Helping others can be done is so many ways."

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Guest Meokka

She gave a light hearted chuckle.


"Well, in a way you're in luck. I so happen to be a blacksmith." she smiled at him.


She quickly ordered herself a smoothie and started to drink that when it arrived. She thought about it.


"Why don't you and I go on a material gathering trip, or you can take the quest to become a blacksmith, and I can help you out if you'd like." she offered. "After you complete that you can open up shop and I can help you out in it." she offered.

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"Yeah," Breeze said, "let's do that. I will take the quest to become a blacksmith, I guess. Help would be welcomed." He smiled politely as the waiter gave him his water, and continued to speak to Meokka, "I will go ahead and get ready for the quest, when would it be convenient for you to assist me?"

He was excited, he was going to be able to help others in another way.

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Guest Meokka

"Anytime you'd like actually. When's a good time for you? I'll have to check where the NPC is for the quest, but I"m sure we can figure that all out. You'll be making weapons and armor in no time. Those swords are one handed huh? That's actually really good. Unlike me you can equip a shield, and trust me I can't tell you enough how good a shield is."" she admitted. "While we do the quest we can gather materials for your craft, after that you'll be able to make yourself a better weapon or a weapon for someone else in your shop. Whatever strikes your fancy." she explained. "We can do a lot of quests together if you'd like."

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