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[SP-F1] Learning to Cook <<Earning a Living>> (Completed)

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It seemed Kotori ended up having a bit of luck with her because she found a small patch of wheat in between all the tall wildgrasses and bushes that was in the area she located. She was able to cut them at the base with her dagger and then add them to her inventory. If she used the grains of wheat correctly, she would be able to actually create any food she wanted that used bread as a main ingredient. This would work very well once she opened her shop, the possibilities were endless.


ID: [18003]
LD: 20 [19+1]

+1 Material



8/13 Materials

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Kotori was happy to find another plentiful find in the form of mushrooms, something she had found once earlier today. It was a couple of shrooms that were just hanging about under the shade of a few trees although she didn't know if they actually grew like that in real life or not. Her dagger sliced the bottoms of what she assumed to be the stem for fungi and then inserted them into her inventory as well. She just needed six more materials and then she could go back to the NPC to end the quest once and for all. Her material finding skills were actually getting better than before which would explain the rise of materials that were being found by her.

ID: [18005]
LD: 17 [16+1]

+1 Material



9/13 Materials

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Kotori simply shrugged off the fact that she couldn't find another material, she had simply raided all of the bushes and trees in search of a material that she could use. It was a bit annoying, but nothing could be done about so she didn't whine or complain about anything at all. What the girl actually did was look around for materials in another area because she was so close to being done with the weary quest. It was only a matter of time before she had what she needed. One thing was for sure. She was going to need a lot of rest after today.


ID: [18006]
LD: 12 [11+1]



9/13 Materials

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Kotori was very close to being able to finish up her quest, she was on a streak of finding materials considering she had only not found anything a few times. A few mushrooms were hanging out in the shade of an oak tree, swaying along with the wind. The girl sliced at the bases of the fungi before grabbing them and inserting them into her inventory. She then continued on in search of more materials, it was only a matter of time as she just needed a few more materials and she would be done.


ID: [18018]
LD: 18 [17+1]

+1 Material



10/13 Materials

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"Its only a matter of time till I'm finished with this damn quest, I'm so tired.." Kotori muttered as she grabbed a bunch of wild chestnuts once again. Only four materials were needed until she could actually become a cook. It wasn't worth actually just going back with eleven items as she had made this far and she wasn't going to stop until she had gotten everything on her list. It was just a matter of when she was going to find everything she needed.


ID: [18019]
LD: 16 [15+1]

+1 Material



11/13 Materials

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Kotori wasn't having much luck finding anything else. At this point in time, the same thing was repeating itself over and over again. It was either forest was barren or the same edible materials were to be located. She wished slightly for a bit of variety in between what she got, but beggars can't be choosers. In the end, the girl chose to continue on in hopes of finally ending the day with a satisfied noted.


ID: [18020]
LD: 12 [11+1]



11/13 Materials

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Kotori wondered what types of food she would create once she became a cook. Would she makes regular sandwiches or would she create items like bento boxes which would increase the health of the person who ate. Even without the added buffs to the items, just making tasty food for her friends and others would be good enough. She just wanted to be able to do something nice in return for once instead of being the one always receiving all the time. 


ID: [18051]
LD: 10 [9+1]



11/13 Materials

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There would be no end to this hunt, at least by now Kotori would have been done. No use in whinin at all however because by midnight she will have all the materials that she needed. That's when the girl saw it. It was a tree about a few meters away filled with nuts and cashews it seemed. That would be perfect for her shop. She dropped the grass in her hand and flew towards the tree. Maybe she would finally get all her materials from here.


ID: [18055]
LD: 13 [12+1]



11/13 Materials

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Kotori began picking the nuts and cashews off the said tree. They smelled delicious and she could only wonder how they would taste like in her food. Even thinking about made her crave the material but she would need to wait till later before she could actually taste it. Hopefully she would finally get the last material she needed from the oak tree. Maybe not, but all she needed was one more material and that was it. She was getting so giddy from that thought.


ID: [18056]
LD: 18 [17+1]

+1 Material



12/13 Materials

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Finally! Kotori finished her material hunt by picking off the last cashews of the tree. It was finally over after the entire day of picking and harvesting the food in the entire forest. She grinned so widely that her jaws started hurting. Now she was an official cook or she would be once she headed back to the NPC and showed him all the materials she had. She ran towards the city with her hair flowing in the wind and her feet barely touching the ground. She could barely wait to start making food for others and she also couldn't wait to tell Oikawa about it. She hadn't even told him that she was attempting this quest.


ID: [18057]
LD: 15 [14+1]

+1 Material



13/13 Materials

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Kotori walked towards the NPC with a bag full of all the materials she had collected. It was finally time to become a cook and all the NPC had to do was check. "You did it, now here are your keys to your new shop. Take care of them." he said before giving the girl the keys and sending her on her way. The girl jumped up in excitement, overjoyed at finally being able to end this quest. She went to the teleportation gate and disappeared to go to floor two. She reapparated on the second floor and dashed to her new shop. It was a small one with two small tables and few chairs. It was just so beautiful. Kotori flipped the closed sign so it said Open For Business and stepped inside.




400 Col

+13 Materials

The Ability To Open A Shop 

2 Skill Points

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