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[PP-F1] A Bun By Any Other Name - PC Intro

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A lone man sits in a dark street, seemingly content to stare at the stonework road beneath his feet. Dim light from the overhanging streetlamp colour the road a weak orange hue, separating it from the cool darkness that occupies the spaces in-between. The lithe wooden bench the man occupies holds unrealistically as his large frame leans forward, just enough so he can reach down towards the ground. He runs his fingers across the smooth stone surface, which for all intensive purposes, feels like a stone road should. Cool, gritty, and stable, yet still, a deep frown slowly forms on his face. Dark eyes narrow, lips forming a thin line as he removes his hand from the ground, clenching it into a fist.

“There’s no breaks.†he mutters to no one, as if confirming something. Confirming to himself something he had already known for over a month. None of this is real. As real as the ground before him looked, it was only data, with certain codes or something that sent info to the sensory area’s of his brain. Drawing his eyes up off the fake ground, he looks around, taking in the rest of the impressive looking, yet equally fake street and buildings of the Starting City. Even with a number of floors being cleared- floor seven now, last he checked- the vast majority of players were still holed up on the first floor. So it seemed awfully strange that this particular street was so deserted. With a low grumble, he runs a hand through his coarse, black hair, before activating his menu. He scrutinizes the name that hangs over the equipment slots, being the only thing in this world of his creation.

“Shard†he exhales with a shallow breath, wondering why in the world he thought that would be a good name. If he knew he would be stuck in this world for over a month, he would have chosen a better damned name, like Ruiji, Bob, or Zuul the Unbreakable. Grunting in annoyance, Shard stands up off the bench, stretching out to his full height of six foot four. With a few practised movements through the menus, he quickly equips some of the new clothes and equipment he just spent his entire small fortune of col on, each piece of clothing flashing onto his being. Plain leather boots, loose black pants, a basic iron breast plate over a grey long sleeved shirt, and simple leather gloves. Why the gloves? Because they looked badass, that's probably why.

Standing in place, Shard hovers a finger over «Two-Handed Iron Sword» before shrugging and exiting out of the menu. The way he saw it, he was probably intimidating enough without the bigass two-hander strapped to his back in town. A grim chuckle escapes Shard, remembering how one of his big selling points for SAO was avatar customization. So he could make sure he didn't end up scaring people off because of- well… Turning his head slightly, Shard glowers at his reflection in a store window. His rough features seemingly content to scowl right back at him.

A sudden high pitched rumbling cuts through the stillness of the night, causing Shard to flinch as he whips his head around to look for whatever did that. A second grumbling caught Shard, as he realized they were emanating from his own stomach. His face goes sour, looking at his own mid-region as if chastising it for demanding food at a time like this. Looking around, he notices a large inn a ways down the street, with a small number of players casually entering the establishment. Turning his head to his left and right, as if there was some other option, Shard shrugs, placing his hands in his pants pockets while casually walking towards the inn.

The building itself was a standard looking affair, having a similar stone-mason feel to the rest of the city. Compared to the rest of the nearby buildings, the inn was quite large, being two floors with a fair amount of windows. The outside of the inn had a simple wooden sign, hanging over the doors. As long as Shard probably could have stood outside that inn, looking for reasons to not go in, the faint smell of stew and bread caught his nose, dragging the 19 year old through the large wooden doors.

The interior of the inn was about as standard as the exterior, with a large number of tables, booths, and something of a bar. A number of NPC’s moved about, serving food to a fair few players present, the majority talking amongst themselves, or hungerly devouring platters of food the likes made Shard’s mouth water just looking at. Surprisingly, only a few of the patrons took notice to Shard, some seemed surprised, others whispered amongst themselves as the scary looking man stared at their meals. Shard stood staring for a moment longer before a young woman in a servers outfit more or less jumped in front of Shard, causing him to take a step back.

“How may I help you today, sir? Are you perhaps here for food and a room?†asked the server, a NPC whose bubbly smile seems a bit too real for Shard. Not that Shard found the NPC’s and their preprogrammed human responses creepy. Just odd, or slightly disconcerting how this NPC looked exactly like a few girls he could recall. Perhaps it even seemed to give off a similar aura of life, as crazy as that sounds.

“Ahhhh- Yes. Food and a room,†Shard replies with an almost unsure note to his low voice. His now widened eyes meeting the NPC’s, as she swiftly guides him to the bar, placing a small menu before him. Staring at the NPC, then looking back down to the menu, Shard cautiously shifts himself onto a stool, opening the menu as the NPC stands in wait, as if excited for his inevitable order of imaginary food.

A sudden horrifying realization hits Shard as he makes his way down the list of tasty sounding foods. Flipping to the back of the menu, he finds the room price. The line of Shard’s mouth turns into a frown, as he realizes his folly in buying so much equipment; he didn't leave enough for food and boarding. Closely scrutinizing the prices, then comparing them with his own col amount, Shard had just enough to get a room, but most of the fulfilling looking meals were far out of his price range. Shard sweatdrops, looking up at the ever smiling NPC server, staring at him like his order was going to get her a puppy.

“One room, single bed and whatever food item the rest of this money gets me…†Shard leans forward into the bar table, lightly tapping the wooden surface as the NPC dipped her head with a smile.

“The room has been marked on your map, and will open on your command for the next 24 hours. I’ll be back with your food item in just a moment sir!†Nodding as the NPC walks off, Shard turns to take in the atmosphere of the inn. Homy is the word he would use. The lights are bright enough warm the skin, and the people here seem to be in a well enough mood. Shard noticed a real change in the players these past few weeks, apparently the doom and gloom of being trapped in the death game was being replaced by hope they could get out. A good few anyhow. At least he didn't have to put up with seeing mass suicides every second day…


“Your food is ready, sir. Have a good evening!†Shard was suddenly ripped from his morose thoughts by a small plate with a single white bun of bread being dropped before him. His eyes narrow as he judges the miniature loaf of bread before him, before jerking to the side to see the NPC happily skipping away to serve a new customer. With a ragged sigh, Shard picks the bun off the plate, hungerly taking a bite which ends up being more than a third. For a moment, he has to remind himself that he’s a man, and will not cry for lack of food. Taking a deep breath, Shard takes a smaller bite out of the bun, accepting with a stony expression that he’s likely to pass out with an empty stomach…

(OOC: Feel free to stop by and chat. I promise my responses wont be quite so long.)

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Freya let her hood down, the black cloak switching with the skirts of her silver dress. Everyone in the inn seemed to happy or pleased to be seating with others, yet she had no such fate. Nibbling on her lower lip as her pale violet eyes scanned the room, her gaze stopped where an immense player was sitting by himself at the bar. Moving as quickly and as effortlessly through the room, she tried not to bump into anyone or touch them by accident.

She was not in the mood to apologize, nor to make small talk. Not acknowledging any of the looks that were thrown her way, she finally felt relief at having reach her destination and by then, her hunger had increased by a fair amount. Sliding the stool back, Shiera took her seat and only turned to give the huge player a quick look, before giving her own order for food.

Sitting quietly while she waited, her eyes looked down while her mind was absent as she tried to calculate how much time it would take her to get to the other safe town in the middle of the night. The loud clang waked her from her thoughts and from the corner of her eye, she watched the stony expression of the large member. The way he bit the meager bun with smaller bites as if to savor it.

"Is that all you will eat?" The question came out of her lips so swift, that she forgot her rule for not making friends or acquaintances for the night. She did not expected an answer from him though, he reminded her too much of her brother Daemon, who had been too proud to admit any weakness.

When the warm bowl of beef stew and bread settled in front of her, Shiera silently pushed the warm bowl towards him as a small smile came upon her lips in greeting. She followed after with the plate of bread loafs. Catching sight of the NPC, she ordered once more another bowl of beef stew with a plate of bread loaves and tried to keep to herself. Still watching the large male from the corner of her eyes.

'He reminds me so much of Daemon. Too large for his own good and always too observant' She thought to herself silently, feeling her own heart ache at the thought of her dead brother, who had been one of the many victims of SAO.

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Shard's eyes glaze over, the corner of his mouth quirking downward as he nibbles what little remained of his mini-loaf, and with it what little col he had left. For a bun which ingredients consisted of data, it was surprisingly good. Or perhaps Shard was just hungry enough to make anything taste delicious. He's so distracted by his forlorn thoughts about data-buns, that Shard didn't notice the blonde haired, violent eyed, young lady settling into a seat next to him.

Just as Shard's thoughts were about to reach the crescendo, an epic battle of will where he may have briefly considered heading out in the middle of the night to gather col, the sweet tone of a lady's voice cut through, pulling him back to Earth- the Death Game. Still leaning on the table, Shard shifts to the side, facing the young lady with an impassive, or perhaps unsure expression.

For a moment his eyes narrow, surprised the lady was giving him the time of day, asking him about his pathetically meagre meal. Looking down at the tiny nugget of bread that lay on in his hand, then back up to the woman before him, the line that was Shard's mouth opened somewhat as if to speak.

Now, he was probably going to say something pretty impressive, but as a hearty bowl of stew and entire loafs of bread are placed before the woman to his side, only air escapes Shard's mouth. His eyes go wide as the woman in silver pushes the stew and bread towards him. As she smiles, Shard can only nod with a slightly dumbfounded expression, little does she know, Shard was pretty sure she is an angel from... somewhere that just dropped in to save him from starving.

Shard stares at the food gifted to him by this stranger, then looks up and watches as she orders more for herself. His common sense overcoming curiosity, Shard shifts forward in his seat, letting his gaze fall on his food. As he tucked into the stew, his thoughts still lingered to his side. Why did she do that? The obvious thought that came to Shard was that she felt sorry for him. That was fair he supposed, though most players seemed content to avoid Shard. Looking at her from the corner of his eye, their eyes meet.

At that moment, Shard had to restrain himself from jumping back, instead simply shifting so his body was better facing her. He lets his left arm rest on the counter, while his right arm rests on his leg. Truthfully, Shard never liked stools, seeing as with all of them his feet always ended up awkwardly reaching the floor. Realizing he was still looking at her, Shard clears his throat softly, his mouth opens in preparation to speak. Momentarily, there is a unease, as he searches for words, his face going neutral.

"Thank you." Shard's voice is low, but he tried to push some gratitude into those two words to show his appreciation. He was not about to admit to some stranger his financial woe, but seeing as she was generous enough to offer him her food, he felt almost honour bound to thank her. Perhaps a smile was a bit beyond him, but Shard does to his best ability allow a small hint of warmth in his simple words of thanks, his face softening.

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When his gaze met her own, Freya blushed and focused her attention fully on the arriving NPC with her meal. Their surrounding environment was full of noise and laughter. Full of warmth and friendship, yet at that precise immediate moment no words between her or the male had been exchange. That made her happy seeing as Freya did not know whether to apologize or urge him to eat the meal in front of him.

When the second warm bowl of beef stew was put in front of her, Freya's stomach gurgle in happiness- the delicious smell teasing her senses. With her mouth watering she quickly took the silver spoon and began to eat with much gusto. A happy sigh leaving her lips as her taste buds buzzed with happiness at the taste. Too bad it was all fake, her mind kept reminding her.

Hearing his throat being cleared, she could feel his eye on her and she turned to watch the unknown male. The silver spoon was between her lips as she sucked it, while her violet eyes shown with curiosity. His face did not betrayed his feelings, but once the thankful words left his lips this time it was her who blushed.

"Eat. Your dinner will get cold, plus the expiration can go out quickly." She replied, her soft tone carrying the chiding note of an older sister. A funny thought, seeing as he was three times her size. Giving him a small friendly smile, her attention went back to the stew and just as quickly as the large bowl had come her way, so did it disappear. Focusing next on the buns, she ate them slowly and asked for two tankards of beer to be delivered her way. One for her and one for the unknown man.

Once the cold glasses were settled in front of them, Freya shoo the NPC and passed the glass to her new acquaintance. Unable to keep her curiosity at bay the Silver hair woman, let out a sigh and turned to him once more. Her violet eyes focus on his big and brawny body.

"Tell me the truth and don't lie. I will know if you do! Did you spent your Col in weapons?" Her question perhaps was too blunt for the setting, but that niggling feeling of lending a hand scratch at her. In the first week of her being stuck in the game, Daemon had done the exact same thing and she had been left to take care of getting currency from whatever she could. Her brother dying, had only left her with an expensive dagger she rarely would use and too much items as well as Col for her own good.

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Hearing the word "expiration" Shard's eyes flicker with worry, his attention outwardly move back to the gifted stew, now half gone. With the speed and precision of a master food inhaler, Shard consumes the stew in a very military fashion, keenly aware that he could die here in this world, so he would be damn sure his death would not be due to starvation.

While his body stuffed itself, internally Shard's mind stayed ever on the woman to his side. The image of her soft smile and the gentle tone of her voice replayed in his mind. He hummed a peaceful note as he finished the stew, recalling the blush of her face as their eyes met. Discretely, Shard once more looks at her from the corner of his eye, watching as she picks away at her bread.

There was something about her eyes being pur- violet that caught him. When Kayaba trapped the 20,000 players in his virtual world, he also forced them all out of their avatars, baring their true selves. Perhaps Shard never thought he would meet a woman with violet eyes, let alone one that looks like the one beside him now. She looked like someone right out of a fairytail...

Fairytails aside, Shard's eyes move across the bar-table, where an NPC fetchs two tankards of beer for the mystery lady beside him. Face still neutral, his eye brow moves upward, watching as the NPC happily drops the beers on the counter. For a moment he studies the hefty metal tankard, glistening with condensation, the head of bear dripping over the side of one. How long had it been since Shard last had a beer? How long had it been since he had consumed alcohol in general?

As the NPC skips away to serve another more rowdy group of players away from them, Shard's attention is suddenly pulled to his side by a certain woman's voice, this time slightly more blunt then soft, enquiring into his lack of col. For a moment, Shard avoids looking directly at the woman, his face shows the smallest wince as a strange mixture of annoyance and warmth bubble inside him. Of course she would guess how he lost it all too... If she was going to mock him, she would not have gone to the trouble of helping him, or so he supposed.

Gathering the beer into his large hands, he takes a small sip, enjoying the full, albeit false flavours of the drink. His face goes soft as he allows a small sigh, careful not to get a beer moustache as he looked down into the mug.

"It's been a while since I last had a drink like this. At this rate, I'll need more then words to thank you," Shard's voice has a slightly playful touch to it, though his face at best only shows a silent contentedness. With a small nod, Shard turns to meet the gaze of the woman beside him, his dark obsidian eyes once more meeting with her warm amethyst.

"I spent the vast majority of my col on new equipment." Shard's voice is deadpan, almost to a comical level, as his face remains a defiant neutral. "I plan on heading to a town across the floor in the morning. Looking for a certain quest," he leans back into his seat slightly, looking back down to the beer he held in his hand. Shard knew he was skipping over the important bit, which was that he didn't take into consideration the need for food or sleep for the entire day and night trip. The woman more or less already figured that out though, so he felt little need to reiterate it.

Taking another sip of his beer, if only to avoid eye contact- [censored], this is good stuff- Shard searches for something else to add, quickly coming to the realization he had yet to do something.

"Shard. My name is Shard by the way." At the first mention of his username, Shard winces internally, but continues to turn his head to the side, the corner of his mouth quirked upward slightly. He realized that she is the first person since he arrived in SAO, that he has had a conversation with consisting of more then a few sentences...

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Watching him eat the stew was a treat. For such a large male, he seemed so young then and so adorable. Pursing her lips tight and moving her attention to her own plate of loafs, Freya tried to finish off her meal. When the last piece of bread disappear from her plate, her full attention went to the tall cold glass of beard. She let out a sleepy sigh as her right hand moved the glass closer to her and as she did so, her thirst became very present then.

Pressing the glass to her lips, her eyes closed as the cold liquid washed away the dryness she felt in her throat. Licking the foam away from her lips, she turned her head to watch the male enjoy the beverage as well. The small female wonder what exactly went through his mind, since he seemed such a master at keeping his thoughts veiled. Freya could only hope that someday she could do just that, since her eyes would always betray her true feelings.

Catching sight of his wince her lips spread in an endearing smile. Laughter bubbled inside of her as she clearly had guess how he had lost his Col. Unable to keep herself from teasing, she leaned in towards him as she would have with Daemon, before letting out a 'Tsk'. That had finally made her lose control of her laughter and a soft giggle erupted from her.

"I'm sorry... it's just- you remind me of someone," She replied, clearing her throat as she grappled to put on a serious face. Once she had thought that she had done so successfully, his comment made her snort almost making her spray out the liquid content from her mouth. Clapping both of her hands on her lips, her face turned a beet red and her pale eyes became a darker purple.

"You are wicked! What if I were to take you up on that offer? Hm? Ask you to warm my bed for the night?" Freya retorted, her tone husky and full of wickedness. Catching herself Freya turned away from him and focus her attention in the still frothing cold glass of beer. Taking another gulp her whole attention was on the large male and his voice, not wanting to seem as if she was poking fun of him or shaming him for his mistake, she decided to stay quiet then as he continued his explanation.

Playing with the rim of her glass, her lips managed a tiny smile as for once she had finally found herself relaxing in someones company. Moving her gaze back to him- she silently studied him before shaking her head.

"Most quests have been done... Blame the stronger players for that. Unless you get lucky, it would take a long while to reach the next town and by then you'll need some currency to provide for your in character needs." She knew that by fact, after all traveling alone was even more costly than traveling with a group. Resting her elbows on the bar top, she lifted her left hand and rested her head on it in thought, while she absentmindedly nibbled on her lower lip.

He was a good fellow. She didn't wanted to see him die for a foolish thing, specifically because he reminded her so much of Daemon. Purple eyes traveled his face, before going back to meet his gaze and she offered her other hand in polite greeting.

"Freya. My name is Freya, not as unique or powerful as yours." Her voice carried no mocking tone, just a friendly one as if she truly meant what she had told him.

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As Shard takes a deep drink from his cool tankard, savouring the smooth brew, he considers the words of the woman next to him. He reminded her of someone? That could be taken in quite a few ways, both positive and negative. Though Shard couldn't place it, the way her words were expressed almost seemed... sad. For a single moment, there is a knot deep within Shard that twists, but it quickly vanishes as he hears a small snort, followed by soft giggling after his own words. Though he cannot see her face from the bottom of his mug, he could positively feel the blush radiating from her.

Her comment about "warming her bed" did not surprise Shard as much as he would have thought, with him simply allowing the thought to melt into his being. It was a nice thought, but was it something he could follow through on? Her voice was sultry enough to topple a king, eyes inviting to the point of corrupting the chaste, or so Shard thought. With a small nod, Shard continues speaking, choosing to... pass up the comment for the moment, moving his own eyes up to her own. Shard felt a small smile tug on the corner his mouth as she turned her head away, looking down to her own tankard, still bubbling. Honestly, he didn't mean the comment the way she took it, it being a bit more innocent then it came out. Looking at the way the pink lingered on her cheeks, he decided he was okay with her misunderstanding.

Listening to her critique of his plan, Shard observed her in earnest, nodding occasionally, keeping his taciturn gaze on his own beer, which he continued to drink slowly. Truthfully, he had considered the fact that the vast majority of truly noteworthy and valuable quests had been gobbled up a while ago now. He did not however take into account his "character needs", still wondering how exactly he forgot about something as important as eating, or sleep. Shard was still kicking himself for not training harder to keep up with the advanced players, but this was something he knew he had to do. Looking back up to the woman before him, his thoughts were torn asunder as he noticed her softly biting her lower lip. They looked... soft.

As her eyes met his own, he had to contain a heat that rose within his body, moving from his feet, up to his neck. It was then that she held out her small, porcelain looking hand to him. Shard looked at the hand with a contemplative expression, mouth narrow, but eyes still soft. Slowly, he moved his gaze back up to meet her own. As she told him her name- Freya- in a warm tone, he outstretched his own arm, wrapping his hand around her's. It was soft, and small, but felt warm in his own. Holding her hand for a moment, Shard looked into her eyes, as if looking for something, before allowing another small upward quirk of his mouth.

"Freya," Shard's voice is low, almost a rasp as he finally utters her name of his mystery companion. He found the name fitting. He seemed to recall a Norse god of love named something similar, and considering how she looked? Well it just fit. He kept his eyes on her's for a moment longer, before slowly releasing her hand from his own, turning back to his beer.

"The quest I'm looking for was apparently passed up by most," He takes a long drink from his beer, finishing it, before continuing, "I've gone too far to give up on the plan now." with some finality, Shard slowly pushes the mug away, face hiding the wistfulness the welled within him. For a moment, Shard remains silent, as if contemplating the mug, before turning his head to the side, gazing down at her heart-like face.

"Sorry 'bout the wickedness." Shard's reply is sudden, deadpan, and the playful note is slightly stronger this time, his face collected, barring a slight quirk in his brow. He leans forward, being himself closer to Freya- not too close, but enough so she would know he was being serious about this. Or so he hoped. Leaning against the counter, Shard notices a few other players looking at them with jealously in their eyes. For a moment, Shard considers something evil, but quickly forces it to the back of his mind as foolhardy. Instead, Shard decides to round back to something she brought up before.

"Tell me, do you have a bed yet?" considering the topic he chose to round back to, Shard's face is surprisingly straight, the line delivered as innocently as possible. "You could take my room. It's small, but free." The pragmatic part of Shard's mind thought this was a great idea. The other parts of his brain were screaming in horror, or whooping. Where would he sleep?- ehh, he would figure it out after.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With her hand inside his and her eyes meeting his gaze, she felt something stirred inside of her but her wounded nature didn't know what to make of it. She liked this player, unlike the rest he seemed to be bursting with life and tenderness. The hollow husk she had always believed herself to be suddenly craved human touch. A dangerous feeling, she thought.

Undaunted by his seeking eyes she did not look away. Perhaps, he was twice her size but there were times that Freya could feel powerful. That specific moment was one of them. Her blush tinge a more reddish color as his lips uttered her name. When he said it there was something about her player name that seem powerful. The silver hair woman liked that. As his touch retreated from her skin, her lips let out the barest of breaths and she just stared at him.

Rolling her eyes at his bravado, Freya turned once more to stare down at her tankard. Brave men always died for the most stupid of reasons, or so she thought silently to herself. Turning her head just a bit as he leaned in closer to her- a silver blonde eyebrow raised up. She wasn't scared by him or his proximity, in fact her heartbeat increased and she hoped that he would steal a kiss. A shameful, wicked idea from her part seeing as she didn't want trouble.

Her lips spread in a seductive leer, while her left hand caressed his cheek. Moving it down his jaw to cup his chin she pulled him closer; their lips mere inches away from each other. Pressing her lips to him in a tender caress, she rubbed hers against him and breathe out a sigh into his lips.

"No," She said softly, before straightening and getting up from her seat. A devilish smirk on her lips as she did so.

"Perhaps, another time." She continued on as she adjusted her dark cloak. Moving her hand over her cursor the girl began to work something on her HUD, before she sent her request.

A 3,000 Col amount pop in front of him and she waited for him to accept it. Her purple eyes turning darker as she tried to look as menacing as she could.

"I have too much of this and i think it will help you keep warm as well as fed. Take it, please?" Her tone was soft and full of worry. She didn't want this one to die, not like Daemon had.

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Shard's eyes go wide in sunrise as a soft hand moves to the side of his face, smoothing itself over his jaw. His mouth opens, normally hard and unforgiving, gaping softly as this incredible woman brings him in closer, her lips but a scant few millimetres from his own. His eyes moving down, he spotted them; her violet eyes, so full passion and desire. For a moment, something was a fire within him, causing the smallest of momentum in him. A momentum he had long though washed away with the baptism of fire that was SAO.

As her lips lightly brushed his, Shard could feel his heart beat fasten in pace, the room going silent. His hand slowly, shakily moved from his knee, reaching out to her. He could taste sweetness as a soft sigh escaped her red lips, her air moving into his lungs, beating the fire within him. Though his face remained in a state of pleasant surprise, eyes wide, mouth open softly, deep inside he fought a battle of will, for the path this woman could lead him down may not be the one which helped him accomplish his goal. His ideal.

Before he had a chance to make any real decision, his hand still clutching at air, she suddenly says no, tearing him from his stunned state. No, what? Shard's eyes narrow in realization as he remembers his offer about the room. Wordlessly, he watches as she pulls away, stepping back onto the reality of the wooden floor. Truthfully, Shard was dumbstruck. He could only continue to stare with narrowed eyes and gaping mouth as she fixed her cloak, smirking all the while. What just happened? Wait, what?

His dark eyes continued to watch as she activated her menu, leaning back into the counter once more, crossing his thick, banded arms. As a trade for 3,000 Col popped up before him, his mouth slowly moves back into a line, looking over the pop-up to the woman standing behind. For a moment, his eyes are dusky in annoyance. Honestly, he just didn't like the idea of owing this woman even more. Especially if she was going to refuse his offer.

However, as his eyes met her own, he felt disarmed, the darkness of his eyes vanishing into warmth and amusement. Was she trying to scare him? He didn't know if he was scared or not, but as she spoke, voice so transparently showing her worry and fear...

Looking down at the ground, Shard scratches the back of his messy black hair, before looking back up. Gently sliding off his stool, he stands before Freya- this amazingly generous woman who not only paid for his meal, but now offered such a sum to a person she had only just met. She was beautiful like a goddess. And now all he had was words.

"Once I accept this, I'll owe you. Do not think I wont pay it back." Shard's eyes are warning, as he closes some distance with Freya, standing only a short distance from her now. There is no threat there, as his massive frame towers over her, if only a silent promise. Honestly, Shard had no idea if he would ever meet her again, but as he reached out and silently accepted the Col, something inside him hoped they would.

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  • 3 months later...

"Nonsense! You will not owe me anything back. Consider this a friendly token... Shard." She replied, her cheeks coloring with the faint traces of a blush. Her eyes turned a darker purple at the thought of being owed anything. Freya was just happy to have made a friend, but most of all- to have helped someone like him. Someone who reminded her of her lost brother.

Bowing once in respect, she turned her back and began to move through the crowded dining room and towards the entrance. Stopping in front of the door and keeping out of the way of coming players, Freya flashed him one last friendly smile before exiting the building.

Somehow as she continued her path... Her own heart ache at leaving the poor boy alone.

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Shard's hand slowly finds it's way up, as if reaching out to Freya as she turned to flash him another of her radiant smiles. His face betrays him as his lips, once pressed into a small smile, open slightly to call out. Watching her silver hair shimmer and vanish out the door, any words the contemplative man may have had vanished with her. His vision of the entrance, rich wooden doors coloured a deep orange hue by torchlight, slightly ajar where Freya made her exit, seemed to blur. Blinking rapidly, Shard refocus his darked eyes on his hand, still outreached.

Slowly balling his hand into a fist, his arm drops back to his side. Shaking his head, another small grin flashes across his face- but only for a moment. A small series of coughs bubble up from inside him, as he slowly turns back to the bar, noticing a few players eyeing him, then quickly looking away. Shard snorts, opening his menu to see his bank now once more filled with COL. Looking at the number with an appraising face, the man shrugs, looking to his side where the NPC barkeeper continued to serve drinks and food.

"Another Ale." Shard calls out, his low voice catching the NPC's attention. With a wide smile, the NPC quickly sped off to acquire his drink, leaving Shard to contemplate his upcoming journey the second floor and a certain young woman with simmering silver hair...

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