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I think nobody is going to complain about it being a broken system or anything, but as of right now all weapons are just differently skinned pieces of metal. There is no real difference between the weapon types at the moment, but there should be. So I have a few proposed idea's, non of which I have the power to make happen, that I can offer to the gms to use if they wish.


1: Separation of One handed and Two handed. One might say the classification of the amount  of hands is enough separation, but look closely at other games. What's the big difference between the weapons of varying hand numbers in every other game? Damage vs Utility. A one handed weapon is versatile, as it could be used by itself, or even more powerfully, with a shield. When using a 1 handed weapon you can pick up a shield and use it to help take less damage. You can't use a shield while also using both hands to hold your weapons. To offset this downside normal games have Two-handed weapons do more damage, or have unique effects to make up for this fact. Our game does not; there is no statistical difference between a 2h Katana, or it's 1h Curved sword counterpart. Other than style there is no reason to actually spend the extra points on Katana skill, other than style choice.


Possible fixes- Bonus damage. A hot patch fix would be as  simple as making two handed weapons base deal 2 damage instead of the one handed weapons one. And while double the damage seems like a major difference at first, when you get A perfect weapon of both types with +3 damage, and 5 ranks in your weapon skill, the damage numbers are actually 9 vs 10 in terms of damage and the damage increase is actually severely minor as you go up in levels; meaning while two handed weapons do more upfront they gradually get closer to their one handed counter parts.


Another fix would be similar to the separation of Light and Heavy armor, Unique enhancements for both. This would take a good deal more writing sure but in the end would probably give players more options to put on their weapons besides the norm of +3 Damage or +2 damage and +1 bleed that I tend to see everywhere. These could be enhancements to better fit the weapon styles themselves, such as rapiers gaining a bonus to hit, up to the enhancement spent on it, each successive hit, or a Katana ignoring Enhancement bonus Damage mitigation on a crit, or a dagger having a altered bleed style poison. Fun things to make each weapon choice unique and intensive.

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Ah yes, there should be more Unarmed skill enhancements as well other than the standard + Unarmed damage. Though Unarmed has the neat fact that it doesn't use a weapon slot- still would be nice if gauntlets and handwraps could use normal weapon enhancements- so you could have a stunning fist , or do more damage by clawing out a vulnerable spot and making a target bleed. Also could be nice to give unarmed players some sort of reason to have a back up weapon or some sort- but still they are kinda rare.

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That would be an interesting concept to see happen. But I think the overhaul needed to be done for the system and the GM's needed to make sure more things are fair and in place. Could be kind of hard for everyone. I think the system is kept like this to make it easier for new players.


I think the best way to do what you suggest without an overhaul would be to think of a bonus skill. Just for reaching the grand master rank in the way you do combat. 

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Light and Heavy armour already have a few unique enhancements.


GMs are already discussing things with one handed vs two handed to make it fair for all players.

We keep the system as simplistic as possible for users. Even with what we have now, we have a good 70-80% of people mentioning they would like an easier system.

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