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[PP-F2] Trying to find Sense

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Lowenthal listened to Ahti. When she said that she had a boyfriend. Then Ahti mentioned the boss door. "Aw, sweet!" He exclaimed, also marking his map. He sighed, then she said that she had a girlfriend. Great, now if they did go steady he had to keep an eye out for both genders trying to steal her away. Lowenthal shook his head, thinking as if they were already a couple. Stupid, stupid thoughts. "That's a shame, you ever find out if she was an agent?" He asked, trying to keep an eye out for mobs. But the cave was dark, at best he could around 10 feet in front of him.

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"No, was one of my on going investigations before I got side tracked and sucked into this world by dark energies. One day when I shatter this world I'll get to back to it though!" She said, before coming up to a dead end once more. "Weird, guess this is just short dungeon? Should we smash the boss together or do it another time now that we have a map here?" she asked him, finding it odd no monsters had spawned this far, but it meant they could focus on a boss if they wanted to, and smash it into little tiny bits; maybe even get unique loot if they where lucky!

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Lowenthal put his hand on his chin and thought. "Well, if we left now, that'd be that. And that would be boring." He answered. "I think we can take the boss, that would be fun." he said, smiling at her. Lowenthal was enjoying his time with Ahti, it was a welcome change from the usual all male crowed he mostly hung out with. He smiled at her again. "But, we can do whatever you want to do. You want to come back later, I'm down with that."

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"Hmm, well having more skills and even better gear couldn't hurt. Perhaps with another friend?" She said, not flaking but rather stating obvious facts as she saw them. Who knows what was behind this door, and while it would be barrels of fun to fight, what if Lowenthal died because they didn't have enough backup? "I am unstoppable ether way, but I do have a guy in mind as a person to call in for back up if we do come back and fight this. What do you think?"

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Lowenthal thought about it. It took almost a solid minute for him to reach a conclusion, which seemed an eternity in the dark confines of the cave. He spoke, softly at first. "Yeah. It would be more safe, if we had another." Lowenthal said, agreeing with Ahti. "Who's this 'guy' you had in mind?" Lowenthal said, slightly irate that Ahti would call this a 'date' and then invite another guy. Sheesh, women would always confuse him. Whoever it was, they had to be pretty cool to get along with Ahti's quirks and sudden randomness.

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"Well, don't be mad but this other guy; is my boyfriend~" She said with a smile, starring at him with a happy face for a few minutes, before bursting out laughing, "Just Kidding~" Taunting him and letting out a giggle at his expense. She could tell ti was a sore spot for him already, he was much too easily frazzled by her words, almost as if he was hanging on every single one. Turning around, and heaving Galaxy Slicer on her shoulder she aimed at the entrance. "We'll come back at a different time, let's head back, I'll let you decide what to do next~" she said with a chipper tune.

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Lowenthal remaind still, his mind almost creating an audible shattering noise. He stood there motionless, his jaw dropping. Even after Ahti laughed and joked about it. Lowenthal couldn't help but feel like he had just avoided a heart attack. Lowenthal shook his head, and regained his sense. He put his kunai back in it's pouch, and followed Ahti. Something was up, he could smell it in the air. As he walked behind Ahti he relised that she had completely dodged his question. She's good. He thought, putting his hands into his pockets

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Ahti hummed the entire way back, the tune being oddly unique and out of tune in multiple places. She turned around and smiled when they walked out the front entrance to the dungeon, once again with zero issues. She sniffed the air and asked, "So what would you like to do, we had a nice lunch and went for a pleasant and drama filled walk. What's next?"

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"Hmmm, your nice, and shy, and cute; you do do this little thing where you try really hard to get me to like you that just shorts some circuits." She said, listing off on a long list from her mind while looking forwards, walking back towards the town. "But the problem is that, I think maybe you are trying to hard to be different, and you come across as kinda fake." Turning and putting it bluntly to him, before interjecting, "Not that I have much room to stand on, calling other people fake~" She let out a forced laugh unlike her normal over the top routine. "And your not the only one that has shown interest in me; but the main issue is- I see love differently than most people, and I have problems tieing myself down, as it means accepting harsh reality itself. Combined with that fact that your competing with another person, I don't think it's fair to choose one of the other at this point- so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get you out of your shell for the time being, get you acting a little more natural~"

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Lowenthal looked at Ahti, his cheeks rose colored with blush. Lowenthal sighed. "So, I short circuit you, I'm in a shell, and there's another guy?" Lowenthal said, making a mental list. He sighed, slightly depressed. "I think I can try that. Coming out of my 'shell' a bit." he said, looking down at the ground. Truth was, he didn't really like himself. In the real world he was Dillion, son of a store manager. Here he was Lowenthal, Master of Shadows. Was he so different from Ahti?He rubbed his eyes. "I don't know what I want to be." He said, quietly to himself. He rubbed the back of his neck.


"I'm Dillion." He said, giving his real name. He didn't know why he did it, but he felt like he should. "And, I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight. Not as Lowenthal, but as Dillion." He asked. "If you don't already have plans." He said, poking fun at her a bit.

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"Hmm, a good start, But I think you can do better!" She chuckled and placed her blade on her shoulder, holding out her hand, "We're Ahti- er.... I'm...." Quickly looking away she bit on her lip, then turned back into a smile. "I'm Ahti," She pointed at her head, then pointing at her body, "And she is Shiroko. It's sorta a long story, and it's confusing, but let's just say it was the worst mistake of my life~" Apologizing to him, she bowed her head and dashed off, "If you want dinner I'll make it myself one day, allows for the mood to be set properly."

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Lowenthal looked at Ahti, "I'd like that." He said, smiling at her. "I can hardly wait." He took her hand and shook it. "A pleasure to meet you two." He said. Before he could say anymore, Ahti had already apologized and ran off. After she was out of eye sight he let out a loud sigh and crashed down onto a bench, Could you have been a bigger idiot! He shouted in his mind, and burying his face into his hands. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, and ran his hand through his hair. 

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