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SAO is supposed to have a dozen or so status effects (according to Progressive). I've been thinking, why do we tie status effects to weapons instead of having them as skills? Maybe wrapped up in a skill called 'Status Attack' or similar, so that way if a player uses Poison, they have to wait for Status Attack to cooldown before attacking with Paralysis. Then we could set its success to some sort of combination of the BD and the CD.


They should also be really advanced combat skills, not easily attainable and all would need to be attained separately. We could add some restrictions to certain statuses like 'must be a PK'er to initially learn'. Some such as poison, could have skill ranks increasing damage / longevity.



I went through a big list and picked out some that might be more useful to have.


Poison (Continuous damage, lasts beyond combat, must be treated with 'antidote') 

Bleed (Continuous damage, lasts beyond combat, must be treated with 'pressure dressing')

Paralysis (immobilization)

Burn (Continuous Burn damage, lasts beyond combat, must be treated with 'ointment')

Blind (BD Penalty)

Amnesia (Monster-Specific, Can not use sword skills)

Confuse (attack based on Loot Die results, similar to Yamata No Orochi's attack pattern)

Charm (Monster-Specific, always attacks other players using loot die result to determine target)

Slow (Monster-specific 1 Attack per 2 rounds of combat) / Haste (Monster-Specific, Monster gains additional attack per round)

Fear (Monster-specific boss-specific(?), a player leaves the battle entirely)

Healing Block (Monster-specific, blocks healing from all sources)

Bomb (Boss-specific, player is turned into a living bomb, if they die while afflicted, they detonate and injure all other players)

Fatigue (Monster-specific, Reduces total HP by percentage OR effects other stats such as a damage penalty)

Allergic (Monster-specific, Cancels & prevents ALL status effects, both buffs and debuffs; nastier versions only prevent buffs)

Ugly (Monster-specific, Everyone hates you when you're ugly, significantly increases HATE on that player)


We could also add in some fun monster-specific ones like Disease, where a random player is infected in an OP thread but it won't show signs until later in that RP thread, though that takes more coordination between monster and infected player.


This of course also allows appropriate status-remedy items too, increasing the need for 'healer classes' in parties.

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I myself like the fact that the one things last beyond combat but I also think they should all be healed by and antidote. Also, it would bbc.co increase the needs for players to be . More prepared before they go into a battle. Also increases the business of Alchemists. I also like the idea of infection. Perhaps it could be a thing in five or ten post, depending on how strong the infection is, it causes a rebuff and you lose one health point per post from it.

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A lot of this would not correctly translate well into the current system.
We also want to keep the system as simplistic as possible for new users.


Sadly, whilst it does seem like a good idea, with so many it would be harder to moderate; and to keep tabs on.
With SO MANY people lately trying to cheat the system (It does ruin it for others, in other words don't be a d**K and cheat) staff are hesitant to add more elements to it too.



Some of them are good ideas though :D


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It is actually really well thought out! I wish we could do something like that. I would even give some more business to the Performers of this game. While I think it would have people a bit loss to begin with. The people here are smart enough to catch on, especially if they take the game seriously.


@ Mari, I have no clue about the cheating thing. I don't see a point to it in this game.

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