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Leaving Crafts Unfinished

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Some people use item templates; have crafts with nothing in them as reserved- IE I made a perfect weapon but nobody has ordered one yet, so I leave everything blank till one is ordered then I go back and fill in the details on the earlier craft.

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Some people use item templates; have crafts with nothing in them as reserved- IE I made a perfect weapon but nobody has ordered one yet, so I leave everything blank till one is ordered then I go back and fill in the details on the earlier craft.



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Guest Meokka

What about custom description. Example I made a sword in my shop to have etched on it the name of an event or person. I do NOT do this with stats or anything. I figure all of that out right away. IF it even gets added stuffs. 

But yeah my Ceremonial Sword I have for sale had ____________ in the description to add a person's name. It's sort of like a trophy sword. You COULD use it in combat but it'd only deal base damage of 1. So. I dunno I'm curious where this topic goes. I agree with Reusririasuir though. 

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I would think that's okay, Meokka. But the 'holding' of successful crafts until someone wants one is a bit cheaty in my opinion. Which is why in my shop, if you want a special item it costs more cause that item takes away me, the artists, creative freedom in making my items. I want to make my items mine. Not What people want. (Which is a horrible idea for a shop owner, but hey)

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That's what you're supposed to do. Is you get the order first, then craft later. Instead people are crafting first, and saving them for orders.Which leads to very many 'Wow, that quick' replies in the shops. Imagine that in real life. You put in an order for a custom Xbox One, and in five minutes you get a ring saying that it's done.

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