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Astrid Winters

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â— name: astrid winters

â— player name: astrid.

â— gender: female

â— age: eighteen

â— sexual orientation: demisexual

â— romantic orientation: panromantic

â— relationship: n/a

â— hair: auburn/chest length

â— eyes: brown

â— height: 5'5"

â— weight: 108 lbs

â— build: petite/slender

â— scars: n/a

â— body mods: double ear piercings


â— guild: n/a thus far

â— weapon: one handed rapier rank 1

â— skills: n/a

â— inventory: 10 bread, 15 water, cloth clothing


â— â— â—


about :
â— astrid is an only child, living in a small family of three, being herself and her mother and father. she had a pretty normal childhood filled with playing in mud, running down hills, and playing pretend, until she started to lose her sight. it wasn't immediate, it slowly started from her left eye moving into her right, her sight going fuzzy until she could no longer see. it was a terrifying experience, especially for someone so young, but as she grew older she learned to accept that she would no longer see the colour of the sky or properly coordinate her clothing without the help of another.

â— as she grew older, she begame interested in gaming, especially dive gaming, which brought her to the nerve gear. the doctors at the hospital she frequented at recommended she try out these dive games; they had recommended them to some other patients and when in games such as this they were able to regain that which they had lost, either sight or hearing. she nearly jumped at the opportunity. upon entering the game she was able to see, even though it was just images being sent to her brain and not her actual sight, it was enough for her.


- : flaws
â— astrid is an incredibly impulsive person. this causes her to unintentionally get herself into situations where she in in danger of injuring herself or of complete humiliation.

â— she is also quite stubborn and possibly even loyal to a fault. being someone who has few friends, she latches on and trusts them quickly, because surely if someone is able to look past her disability, then they must be someone who is very important. so if a guild member is ever in trouble, she will do anything in her power to help them. to her, no one can ever be left behind or forgotten.

â— astrid also has very little self worth or self confidence, which makes her constantly get down on herself if she is unable to complete a task or makes a fool of herself.

+ : virtues
â— despite being someone who thinks negatively about themselves, astrid is actually a very positive person. whenever around friends a smile is always present on her lips. she believes that if she smiles, then the people around her will smile as well.

â— she is a very determined person, ready to improve herself in all ways. whenever given a task, come hell or high water she will accomplish it, even if people tell her that it's impossible.

â— astrid is also quite perceptive. due to her disability, her sense of touch, taste, smell, and especially hearing, are all heightened. she can tell if someone is lying due to the slightly higher octave of their voice or smell food from a large distance away. this comes in handy during battles, allowing her to assess her enemy and properly figure out the best range of attacks that would be most effective against them.

roleplays :

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