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Vindori's Journal

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Personal information

» Username: Vindori

» Real name: Kine Zumi

» Age: 19

» Gender: Male

» Height: 5'10"


About: History/personality

This tale begins far out from any city, town or even village, settled in a cottage built on a plateau half way up a mountain. An average family, though technologically impaired, live their lives free and easy, a husband, a wife, two daughters and last but not least the son, Zumi.

Zumi, since being a child, has helped his parents with many of the daily tasks required to survive so far away from civilisation, such as logging, fishing and hunting. But the life he was leading he felt was not for him. At the age of fifteen Zumi travelled to the city of Tokyo, taking with him the money his parents had saved before they moved to the mountains, got himself a part time job in a restaurant, a box room in a small complex owned by an aging woman, and slowly began to save to take himself to school.

So far nothing of interest had happened in Zumi's life, no even so much as an accident chopping wood or an animal attack, so far he'd been fortunate. One day progressed as common as the last, he finished work, grabbed a quick cup of coffee before he left and then ventured home. Now here's the twist in his story;

Zumi arrived home to find his landlord stood outside her apartment moaning about her deliveries and that she'd accidentally ordered something she didn't want. Something called a nerve gear. She offered the package to Zumi, at a small rate added to his rent each month... He took the offer, asked a fellow neighbour to help him set up the strange contraption and from there on out he found himself in the world of swords art online.


Adventurer: Zumi has the traits and characteristics of an adventurer. Always wanting to try new things and visit new places. Its this spirit he holds that keeps him moving forward in almost everything that he does.

The optimist: Optimism runs in Zumi's blood, his parents moved to the mountains with just the worlds "It'll be fine" and it was. Zumi holds his head high and stays positive in the vast majority of situations.

Patience: After years of hunting, Zumi has developed the ability to be patient when required, a skill that so many he has met seem not to possess.

» Flaws:

Naive: Having lived with only his family then a brief time living alone in a city, Zumi is rather naive. Anything his parents told him he would believe, why would they lie? Unfortunately he still holds a lot of that trait, making him quite gullible.

Tempted: Despite his patience when waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, Zumi also has another side of himself that may see a chest and throw his plan out the window to just run for it. He can be easily tempted by a shiny object or prospect of finding something new.

Overambitious: Zumi is fed up of his old life and has dreams of his own he wishes to live up to. His belief that he will achieve them all comes from his optimism. But a lot of it is over ambition.









Weapon skills:




Two Handed Battle Axe

Cloth clothing

15 Water

10 Bread

Relationships (optional)


Story Thus Far (optional)


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