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Oda, Katsurou (complete)

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» Username:

kagirinai (Eternal)
» Real name:

Oda, Katsurou

» Age:

» Gender:


» Height:

5ft 10

» Weight:


»Skin Tone/Scars:

Katsurou is pale for your average japanese male, as he spends a large amount of his time indoors.

» Hair/Eye Colour:

Katsurou has dyed red hair, though normally black & dark drown eyes, with a hint of grey.

» Build:

Katsurou is toned due to his practice of multiple martial arts and other physical activities.He also has broad shoulders and holds himsef in good posture. Though has slight bags under his eyes giving him a slight weathered/tired appearance.

» Appearnace:



» About:

» History:

Katsurou was born twenty years ago into a well off family, being lower upperclass. His parents were far too busy with work and ensuring they were in the correct circles. Which meant they could not take a hands on approach to parenthud with the young Katsurou, so instead they hired a "Nanny" to do so in their stead. Before Katsurou could even walk, his parents aimed to assure Katsurou's greatnes. Hiring specialist to help teach him multiple languages and skills to make him stand out, even among the upper class elites children.

When Katsurou reached the age of four, they began using him as a way to increase their social status. They would take him to play dates with those that had a higher social standing than themselves. In the aims to get Katsurou friends with their children. Some he found relatable, as their parents were aimed to do the same, though some were awful to him and his parents forced him to be nice to them. To which caused him to value his actual friends much more.

Starting school at one of the elite primary schools in his local city, he felt out casted even on his first day. due to the social status the even more well off kids had, and his stricked orders to get top grades and be the head of as many social groups as possible. Nothing else was acceptable to his parents, though even if he did manage to be the best he could. It would never be more than satisfactory, so he took solitude at times in the dojo's learning karate, judo, kendo and tradional archery. As it was a place where he could find others like himself and not have to try so hard on exams or duties.

Creating a "tolerable" friendship group to his parents, he began to find joys in life. Mainly girls to flirt with and the fun he found in their reactions. For the first time in his life he started to feel human, and less like a work in progress. He would often sneak around with his friends to be a typical young boy trying to catch a glympse of the girls he liked in their sportswear, even if he didn't full understand why everyone was obessed over it so much.

During high school, some of his friends went to different schools and so he was band from seeing them. As they were no longer deemed suitable by his parents. Though they ones he was able to keep, carried on helping him build himself and come into his own. Now finding less delight in achieving high grades and trying to be good at everything, He wanted to simply be himself and enjoy life. He managed to make the head of his year, and the top of the kendo club by his second year at high school. Around this time, his parents finally decided he didn't need a carer anymore and dismissed the nanny's services, though still kept what felt like an army of personal tutors for well he was not at school or a club.

On his final year of high school he managed to finally meet up with all his old & current friends at once. Who all started talking about their favorite games, and manga characters. Introducing him to whole new worlds of fun, that his parents had kept him from. Going to a trip to the arcade and seeing so many games in one room. He tried to play on all of them that took his fancy, and borrowed some of his friends manage to read at home. Though he did not pay attention to the time and got home late, causing his parents to take the manga off him and ban him from seeing his friends.

Though he carried on seeing his friends in secret when he could outside of school and going to the arcades and manga stores on the other side of town to where he lived. He fell in love with games, letting him escape his reality. As they allowed him to simply be who he wanted to be, and relax. After still managing to keep up with his studies, he managed to convince his parents to let him buy a nerve gear. Of which he played games on every night when his parents thought he was in bed studying or sleeping. Which caused slowly caused his grades to drop slightly.

Unable to get into the University his parents wanted him to go to he was disowned for clearly not being as perfect as they attempted to craft him to be. Though he still managed to get into a college, they sent him out of their home and rented a small apartment for him in a complex near the cente of Tokyo with an allowance for well he studied a multiude of courses, to redeamed himself and gain social standing. Though well he was there he meet a few new people from his courses, though one cought his attention more than most. An english student by the name of Mike Stevenson, who seemed to have a similar interest in manga and hopefully a love of gaming too. Though Katsurou assumed a wider range of games,and maybe some every day skills he could pick up at the same time.

Katsurou informed Mike, that he could give him a tour of a few key spots in tokyo.Such as the arcades, karaoke bars & places to meet japans women. Well exchanging a few lessons now and again with each other. Such as helping Mike with his japanese when needed, or what manga they would try reading next. Around half way through the year, Mike introduced Katsurou to a man by the name of Zumi, a younger lad than themselves.Who moved to Tokyo not that long ago and was working at the coffee shop Mike was. Meeting up every so often, they started a mini club with each other. helping each other out when needed, and introducing each other to new things.

Finally getting round to completing the second year of University, Katsurou manage to scrape together a few decent marks in the topics his parents had picked out. Though he found it very hard work to muster together the will power to do any of the work in the first place. heading home for the day he came accross an advert for a new game coming soon. "Sword art online", having a quick read up about it, he instantly became excited. Running straight over to the coffee shop Mike & Zumi worked, informing them it was a must play game. Spending ages talking about it, and reading up on anything the beta testers posted or the news reports on it. He believed he'd finally found a game world where he could be himself, and not have to care about his parents.

Going to the shops with Mike, to buy some of the first copies of the game. he pre-ordered a few copies for them, as a mini birthday presant to Mike. To ensure he and Yumi got a copy too. Lending Yumi his spare nerve gear, they all agreed a meeting place from the Map of the starting city anda meeting time. They parted ways to go load up Sword Art Online

» personality:
Katsurou is generaly a calm person, who aims to be a good friend when ever possible. Generally someone who he'd want to meet too. He has learned to not let fear get the better of him, and always aim to do the things he enjoys. Though he is a little nervous around women, and doesn't know how to do much more than flirt when talking to someone he finds attractive. He genunally hates having to do anything that requires him to put effort into something he does not enjoy and will purposly avoid it.

» Virtues:


Katsurou never gives in, and when push comes to shove. He will give his all, no matter what he is facing. Be it an argument or dangerous foe. He is rare to let neaves get the better of him.

Katsurou is good at many things, and thus very divers. He is always able to make the best out of the situtation

Reliable Friend

Katsurou trys to be a good friend, and will sometimes even go out of his way to make sure he is a dependable person.

» Flaws:

After getting to involved in computer games, he lost track of himself and lost focus of his martial arts training and studies. Always seeking a way to put as little effort into something he dosnt enjoy.


Katsurou, loves women and is helpless at trying to act cool and interesting infront of women he finds attractive and will go out of his way to impress or flirt. Even if the situation may prove awkward or stupid to do so.


From a young age, Katsurou has struggled with his dyslexia. particularly in spelling, which caused him to have some consentration issues, throughout his studies. Much prefering a more hands on approach to things now than studying

» Profession:


» Skills


»Two (2)




Weapon skills:

» Inventory
Beginners Pack containing; 10 bread, 15 water, Scimitar, Cloth clothing (as seen in picture)

» Roleplays

» Relationships
»Friends With:

Kine Zumi/Vindori

»Friends With:

Mike Stevenson/Nelkeatye (Nel)


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You are very close to being Accepted, however a minor change needs to be made.

1. Flaws and Virtues need to be at the very least 2 lines minimum. Please edit and elaborate on yours.

2. Add a picture of your character into your post.

Once these are complete, or if you have any questions, PM ME and DO NOT REPLY to this thread!

Thank you for your cooperation!

-PST Oikawa

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