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[PP-F1] Preparing for the Next Great Date (Ssendom + Meokka)

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After having recently spent an amazing time with Meokka at her forge he knew she'd need some space for awhile to get some of her projects that were lying in wait done, he also knew that he would only distract her from getting work done. So he decided to head to the Town of Beginnings, a bustling network of shops and people and would be the perfect place to do some shopping for the person he cared so much for. Before he had left the forge he whispered into her ear to meet him in the main Plaza in a few hours so she could work in peace and solitude.


"Well then, since I have a few hours to myself I'll go ahead and obtain the ingredients to cook for her. And will need some things so I can cook out in the wilderness" He chuckled with a mischievous grin rubbing his hands together, "I have a surprise for her and she won't be expecting it." He opened his eyes and peered around above the shorter people, he continuously got rude comments for being a giant oaf that simply stood in the way, but he ignored these simpleton he was on a mission more important than any fight. He needed a Kimono made and he wanted the right shop to do it.


He started walking aimlessly through the town, "You know... looking for a Kimono right now would be incredibly pointless for me, I don't know her exact style she wants for a Kimono or anything." He sighed then continued walking for awhile unsure of what to do first, "I wish she was here, I'm rather indecisive when it's not about fighting. She'd help make up my mind." He said in a slightly sad tone realizing how much he needed her, so he shrugged and went to the plaza then sat on the fountain at the dead center and awaited a few hours if necessary for her arrival.

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Guest Meokka

She noticed a message chime in. A party request from Sen. She rubbed the back of her neck and gave a light stretch. She closed up shop and then quickly ran out towards the teleportation gate. Meokka walked in the town smiling a bit. She enjoyed the place very much. Though it seemed less crowded today. She partly wondered why. She happened upon Sen-kun and walked over. "Is something wrong Hon?" She asked him moving closer to him. She wasn't one hundred percent sure what this was about.

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Ssendom sat for a decent length of time before seeing the love of his life come into view, causing him to smile lightly. She seemed to come up to him with a worried face as if there were an issue,  "Is something wrong Hon?" Her calling him Hon made him grin like a hopeless idiot. He reached out and grabbed her hand then pulled her in slightly for a peck on her cheek. He was blushing a little bit but felt completely comfortable expressing his love towards her in the general public.


He opened his crimson eyes looking into her velvet purple eyes, "Nothing is the matter sweety, I was thinking we'd walk about town in our casual clothing and enjoy the day." He brought his mouth to her ear very lightly breathing upon it, "Plus I have a grandiose plan for us later, but we need to get you that kimono." He pulled his head away from whispering to her, "And I don't know what kinda color scheme or anything you wanted for it so I thought we'd have a luxurious day enjoying each other and shopping together. Trying something different for each date we do together, Whataya say?" He asks with the biggest doofiest grin he's ever given her... or anyone to date. He held her hands tightly yet at the same time gently with his fingers entwined with hers.

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Guest Meokka

Meokka just stared at his red eyes then nodded. She didn't know they'd go shopping so soon. Sen-kun must be doing very well.  She felt her cheeks heat up as he pulled her close and talked to her. She looked around wondering if people were watching. It was so difficult for her to keep her guard like presents and then this. "This way first then." She pulled him by the hand to an alley way. "Please stand here, I don't want anyone to see my outline. It's embarrassing." She changed out of her armor and into her regular starting cloths instead. She fastened her cameo brooch around her white blouse collar that was closed up all the way. She then straightened her gloves, and then looked at the pearl closures on her waistcoat. She then looked down at the long blue shirt that danced just above the earth with a white fringe lace. She just stared starred at it. She remembered picking this outfit because she'd wear something similar at the book store. Though her's wasn't quite as nice, nor as flattering. She also picked this at the start of the game allowing her hidden nature of liking cuter things come out, but once she found herself trapped she quickly put herself in whatever was ideal. She took a deep breath and moved under Sen's strong arm and quickly grabbed his hand.


"Don't make a big deal out of this."


She wasn't sure she wanted to be called cute. Though it was because she was back in the mindset of surviving. The line of enjoying herself and dealing with her situation at hand were very different from each other. More so in public it seemed. She slowed to a stop. Completely lost for a moment. She then remembered what Sen told her and looked up at him.


"S-Sorry....I'm still not use to.....This sort of thing."


She loved their dates. Yet when it came to buying things in front of the other person she wasn't aware of how to deal with it.


"I'll let you lead the way." She tried to relax a bit more.

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He stood guard making sure no one came up to the alley way, but due to his physique and intimidating presence many didn't even bother trying. After she came back out in quite honestly the most adorable thing he has ever seen her wear his blush became massive but she made it apparent to not make a big deal out of it... which he couldn't. He wanted to compliment her looks and how gorgeous she looked but he held his tongue, for now. It was quite obvious he was thinking highly of her at the moment.


They walked hand in hand and he could feel his heart fluttering though he tried not to show it. She started to mumble about not being used to it, he stopped moving and used his free hand to gently move her chin so they looked at each other, "You needn't worry your gorgeous mind or self, I am not used to this sort of thing either. But I want to be for the sake of us... I want to do everything with you." He was blushing as he confessed this to her, "And I mean it. Everything." He emphasized again. Upon her saying she would let him lead he nodded at her, "Would you like to do some shopping or go eat first my love?" He asked with a smile he couldn't get rid of.

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Guest Meokka

She stared up at him for a long while and moved forward to embrace him. He knew how to make her feel like she didn't have to constantly watch over her shoulder. She moved her hand back to his for a little while, but after several minutes she linked arms with him instead. As the walked a smile crept to her face.


"There was a part of me that was considering changing professions, but I think I'll stick to blacksmith. It'd be nice if we could learn more than one trade, but I guess that's because I really enjoy trying out new things."


She moved closer to him lightly brushing up against his side with her own. This felt so right and perfect now.


"Thanks for helping me unwind again Sen-kun." she looked to him giving him a smile. "Food or shopping. I wasn't all that hungry to be honest, if you are though I won't mind trying to eat a little bit though." she told him.

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He could see the change in body language alone in Meokka, she seemed to change from being embarrassed with some negativity to a joyous and loving feeling. She seemed to let the worry that clouded her head go away and just enjoy the moment that he was feeling. She locked hands but after a brief while of walking that didn't seem to be enough, she grabbed his arm causing him to smile like a happy dolt. "Yeah I know what you mean, I was considering doing blacksmithing, but after seeing all the forges around on the various floors it seemed to deter me. I am rather happy I decided on Cook, this way I get to make all the meals for me sweetheart." His smile got bigger and he started to form a small blush as he scratched the back of his head with it tilted towards her and his eyes closed for added effect.


He felt her get closer pushing her side upon his he then moved the arm she was holding and placed it around her holding her side with his arm pulling her in as if they were hugging each other side to side. This felt absolutely right to him. "No Meo-chan, thank you for being willing to come and unwind with me." He smiled back at her with the widest smile he could muster. "We'll shop for now till you start feeling a bit hungry. Where would you like to go first my sweet?" He asks her with some intrigue to figure out what to do next.

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Guest Meokka

The arm around her waist felt like strong steel. It reminded her of her forge so she enjoyed it. She moved an arm around him and listened to what he had to say. She was pleased he didn't tell her to change jobs so quickly. It might mean she is still useful to him as a blacksmith. She kept walking with him deep in thought. She had considered becoming a performer or an alchemist. Though right now she was content with her crafting. She nodded again understand his words, and took them to heart.


"If your kitchen needs anything, I'm sure I can now make it." She told him. "Also, before I forget to tell you, that sword you asked me to make is ready for pick up too." She smiled brightly at him.


Her Mary Jane like shoes resounded with each step on the stone pavement of the town sidewalks. Most of it was dirt roads, but the nicer areas seemed to have a nice pavement.


"Well, I'm sure you can make the tea. I suppose I could make you a kettle. Right now I'm out of materials. I have to go hunting for some." She made a mental note of it, and instantly started to think too hard. After she realized this she looked to Sen. "Sorry, I'm a bit stingy. Every time I see you buy something for me I lock up a bit. I can't complain much though, I'm not much better." She sighed giving in to that notion. "I heard a few rumors actually. After we get done shopping here on this floor, may we go to floor eleven and look at the houses please." she had a one track mind. "If they exist I mean." she added quickly, as to not get her hopes up.

"What else would we need. I suppose a tea table, pillows, the kimono, are you getting something like that too?" she asked.


She did her best to hide her excitement for the kimono. The thought of silk against her skin. She wondered what it was like. It sounded so regal and dream like. 

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He walked with her body to body as they drew the attention of players and NPC alike. The female players seemed to adore the sight regardless of if it were a player or an NPC aside from a few yandere type girls, as the some men seemed to be proud of the sight that love was found in this hell hole of a game where as others seemed to be annoyed by the Dreadnought being able to walk with such a beauty around his side. None of this seemed to matter to Ssendom though, he was in complete bliss as he walked along with her. She began to speak up about the forge, "You know, I could use custom tongs and what not. What came with the restaurant were some pretty flimsy ones which seemed to already drop one of my heavier steaks into the fire itself losing a perfect item." he sighed at the disappointment that was like he was about to cry or something, "So I will come to you to have it made, and thank you for making that Sword for me my sweet. I got a surprise for you in a little bit. In fact I got a few surprises in store for you in the near future." He gave a smile that could remind someone of a super happy kitty face to her as he was super excited that is was blatantly obvious.


She mentioned that she could make him a tea kettle and he waved his free hand as to say no worries, "Ieie you needn't do that. I can purchase one from a store, you're starting to get busy in your forge as well and for good reason too." he praised her with the end of his sentence. "And don't worry about being stingy, what's mine is yours. I would gladly spend every col on you because it's for us." He continued then stopped talking to listen to her. "Yeah there are some flies buzzing about possible homes. And yes lets get a quaint little home just the two of us. I couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather be at night that wasn't sleeping with you in my arms like last night." He says with a blush overcoming his face. "We'll get it all, but first an amazing bed to handle us two." He gives a wicked smirk to her as he hinted to something in particular." He faked not noticing her excitement over the Kimono and slowly walked her to a store he wanted to go to.

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Guest Meokka

She gave him a light squeeze. She wanted to do so much for him, but now that he had all his equipment she wasn't sure she'd be of much use to him anymore. Maybe on higher levels more things will unlock. She wasn't sure but she liked the idea of better crafting later in the game. It would make sense after all. She watched him for a bit. "Are you going to get one as well?" she asked him. Her heat suddenly raced thinking about it.  She could spend a whole day with Sen-Kun drinking tea and relaxing. She walked with him a bit more and came to a stop seeing the kimono shop. Everything looked so expensive. She'd never go into a store like this in real life. Yet here she was being ushered into the building. She looked at everything. Some were shorter than others, but she wanted a longer flowing one. It was cold on floor four after all. Some of the short ones were really cute though, but she wasn't sure they'd be long enough for her. Not that it mattered. She went to the longer ones and one caught her eyes. A black silk kimono with blue butterflies, purple bow. The fring was purple, and it had a purple ruffle at the bottom. She thought about it. Would they be going to hot springs. She was sure SAO had to have had a hot springs. If she wanted something for a hot springs she'd have to get a yukata. Maybe that was better, yet her eyes couldn't tare away from this black kimono. It was then she realized something about the butterflies. She moved her hand to the black silk fabric and almost melted, it felt so nice. That's when the butterflies moved off the kimono and flew around it. She just stared in aw. In the game you could set it so that the butterflies would move around you or to be stationary. Flower ones would leave a trail of flowers behind you that slowly vanished as you walked or ran by. She quickly turned to Sen.


"I'll let you pick. After all you'll be the one seeing me in it." She smiled at him. 


Letting Sen-kun shop might be a better idea. Then he could pick up things he finds visually appealing. This was a great idea in Meokka's mind.

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Ssendom smiled at how excited and happy she got staring at the custom style Kimono and kept that noted in his head. "Yeah, I'll be getting on too as well." He confirmed to her. He steps up from right behind her and wraps his arms around her front side under her bosom to not try and making any inappropriate advances. He wanted to make her feel comfortable with his head comfortably resting upon her shoulder at the same time, "Keep in mind anything you see. We're going to a friend of mine to craft our things in specially. And he specializes in something we're going to want for where we are going to go." He was doing a fine job of keeping their future date that he had planned a secret from her. He dropped his menu HUD in front of her to show he was being completely open with her and pulled up a PM with Lowenthal.


<<To: Lowenthal>>


Hey, me and my love will be stopping by your store for that favor you owe me. We'll be stopping by soon for some custom orders.

<<From: Ssendom>>


He sends off the message then kisses her lightly on the cheek, "He's owed my a favor for quite a while, so we'll get the best quality. Hell even better than that." He stated pointing at the unique kimono she had been looking at, "At a good price, and you can customize it as much as you wish." He kissed her cheek again then stepped back and held out his hand hoping she would accept his points about it.

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Guest Meokka

"Can he make it like this one, and have it able to become short for summer too so I don't have to get a second one?" So a Kimono that can turn into a yukata. She seemed to really like the black. She liked reds too but knew it would be very clashy with her hair and eyes. Which was a shame as she wanted something a bit provocative. Yet she didn't want it to be too obvious. She wondered if it would come with a cute fan or cute parasol. 


"Maybe I'll ask your friend for his input then or hers. Oh it's a he. What did you do for him if I may ask?" she felt a bit shy about someone getting her measurementsd, but wondered maybe that wasn't needed in the game. "How do you mean?" She asked about the quality of his work. Wondering if that meant if it would have stats or not.

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He grabbed her hand and pulled her along gently but assertively, "I helped him out with something that is rather secretive to him ((OOC: his signature)) and to respect his privacy I promised I wouldn't tell a soul since it wasn't my story to tell." He explained to her, then he looked forward as he pulled her a little stronger toward him so he could return to resting his arm around her back placed upon her hip with a sweet smile on his face. "And he has those magic fingers you know, I am sure he can set some parameters to it so it's a toggle from a Kimono to a Yukata." His smile got bigger as he mentioned that to her.


He turned his attention back to the street, "What kinda Kimono should I get? What color scheme... Hmmm, many choices. You'll help me choose my love right?" His smile never fading with her within his arms as he hummed a tune of many many years ago he had heard in the america's yet couldn't remember the name of the song nor the one who had sung it due to his focus on her and the game. After a few minutes of travel they reached the shop, "Albatross and Finch, greatest swim wear in Aincrad... Oh by the way, we're getting swim wear too." He chuckled having hid this very well from her, "I hope you don't mind." His smile mischievous yet adorable at the same time.


((OOC: Pulling Lowenthal to play as himself in the thread and he'll take our orders for our purchases. He'll come in after you and will exit the thread when we leave. I am granting him full access to SP and Col since we're having him join and leave for Roleplay reasons. Is that okay with you? And are you okay joining Lemon?))

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Guest Meokka

She leaned into his touch. His strong steel like arm around the small of her back instantly calmed her, but with goosebumps. She wondered what he did for the other person but figured it was best kept a secret. She liked that about Sen. Able to help people and keep their secrets. She hoped one day she could help people like that herself. She nodded understanding he wouldn't tell her what it was then listened as he semi praised his talents.


"I see." She was impressed hearing that he could probably make it so. This way they wouldn't have to spend as much. "Swim ware?" she repeated. Her eyes fluttered. "Well, as long as I find something that can cover my back that's all right." She said. She seemed to not want people to know about the tattoo on her back, but wasn't sure if the came in it's restricted settings would show it anyway.


"I don't mind....So we'll be swimming someplace? Well all right." she was a bit nervous to be that revealed to other people, but she figured she should give it a try.


(Go for it!)

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((I'd do it for free, but I won't deny payment.))



Lowenthal was cleaning his shop, for some odd reason, a lot of dirt had been tracked into his shop. Fortunately enough for him, it was all loose and able to be swept outside. After he was done, he stood behind his counter, and leaned against it. It had been a pretty bland day. Only a few customers, and they didn't buy anything. God that annoyed Lowenthal. He couldn't stand people coming in and not buying anything. He was running a shop, not a garage sale. He sighed, and was pleasantly surprised as his door chimed open. "Hello and welcome to Albatross&Finch. How you doing Ssendom? Who's this pretty lady you bring with you?" Lowenthal asked, surprised that Ssendom actually had a girl.

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Guest Meokka

She tilted her head wondering why he would say that instead of play up some sales. Maybe he was really close with Sen-kun, or was he? She couldn't tell by how he talked. She let go of Sen's hand and bowed. "Hello, I'm Meokka. It's nice to meet you." she stated. she moved her hand to Sen's again. She wasn't sure what she thought of the place. Then again Sen did bring her here, so it must be all right. She looked around the player shop. She was a little enthralled by the place. Though it was unlike her to visit shops. "Thanks for bringing me hon." she told him confirming they were a couple. She let go of Sen-kun's hand so he could chat with his friend, and went straight for the men's section. Weather or not this was on purpose was yet to be known.

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Ssendom nodded at Lowenthal but before he answered him he turned to Meokka, "Why do you not want your back to be revealed?" He ask with a curiously, he would then let her go and search the wares of the shop awaiting an answer from her. "Good to see you again Lowenthal-" He placed his fist up for a fist bump with someone whom he trusted in hunting then turned to her as she thanked him for bringing her here, "You're very much welcome dear." He smiled with a genuine smile. "-Ah yes, she's whom I spend my SAO life with." He kept his smile toward Lowenthal. "We came here for some specialty Kimono's and some bathing suites for our upcoming date. So I thought to come to you for top tier cloth work, think you can help a brother out?" He asked in a humorous fashion but a slightly serious one at the same time.

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Lowenthal did a polite bow. "And what a pleasure it is to meet you, Meokka." Lowenthal said, smiling. Lowenrhal chuckled as Meokka basically danced off He turned his attention back to Ssendom. "She seems like quite the catch." Lowenthal complimented. Lowenthal scratched his chin, thinking. "Kimono huh? Shouldn't be to difficult." Lowenthal said. A kimono was just a large piece of fabric with sleeves. Should be easy. "She have a favorite color, or pattern?" Lowenthal asked.

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Guest Meokka

She felt her face heat up. She was sure he saw why. She looked down embarrassed over it. "You saw why." She whispered to him, though it was likely Lowenthal heard her. She looked around. She really didn't want a lot of people knowing about it. Who would take her seriously if more people knew about it. It didn't seem like something a person upholding some sort of law would do. Would it? The more she watched the the more serious she realized he was. She blinked. Did the game not show it after all. "I......My lower back is very sensitive. That's all." her ears glowed red against her azure hair. That was also embarrassing to say. She looked to him and ran a hand behind her head. "Um.....I saw a black kimono with blue butterflies and a purple bow. The fringe was purple, and it had a purple ruffle at the bottom.." she tried to describe it to him. "But if I'm going to be swimming a yukata would be better because it's thinner. Right?"

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Ssendom turned to look at Meokka with a confused look, "I don't remember seeing anything on your lower back I was......... Distracted, so to say." He paused for a moment mid sentence and kinda coughed when mentioning the word distracted making the scenario that occurred very obvious. He stood up and walked over to her then whispered into her ear, "Do you mind if I look at your lower back for a moment?" wondering what she was going on about, then takes a step back and says allowed, "Get a Kimono, a Yukata, and a bathing suite. Whatever you want we'll get it right now." He said it loud and proud hoping to inspire to her to want to get more and also to inspire Lowenthal about the potential intake of coin he was about to make.

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