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[PP-F4] Silent Night (Thorrissia)

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A young boy looked up to stars with most strangest yearning to become one of them with the idea of being at peace for once in his weary life. All throughout his life, this boy was ignored, forgotten and ostracized. He just wanted friends but the only thing he got for all his suffering and sadness was... loneliness. The most depressing, grim and ugly feeling that could be bestowed upon a person. Pain and tragedy at losing loved one was one thing, but to be utterly alone with only a person's mind to keep them company was just unbearable. Yet that was the one thing the boy did. He carried all the grief and solemness on his back and he did it without ever faltering. He did so while carrying anger at not being to properly talk to others or start conversations. He was able to do so only a little, but there was no way to keep that skill throughout weeks and weeks without proper human contact. The snowy ground cushioned him, it acted almost like an insulator as he lay against the solid pine tree that he lay against. The stars were beautiful, it didn't matter if it was virtual. He would have his moment to himself. Unfortunately.

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The bitter cold of the winds on floor four was unbearable. Thorrissia had been under the false impression that this floor would carry the same bone chill that the peaks of the floor two mountains did, but she couldn't be more wrong. The place was completely frozen and she didn't have the proper attire to stay warm up here. The brunette wondered aimlessly through the snow stained streets of Snowfrost Town, her teeth chattering painfully as she attempted to rub the cold out of her muscles. Little wet flakes of white clung onto her already damp hair, giving off the impression of a chilly snowman walking through the empty winter streets. 


Seeing as there was clearly nothing for her in the city, the bedraggled looking girl wondered aimlessly out of the icy iron gates of Snowfrost Town in search of something to do. Maybe battle a few monsters would help her warm up a little. But not a few steps had the frozen young warrior trudged through the snow before a rather odd sight met her stormy pale green eyes. Underneath a large pine tree sat a boy, perhaps eighteen or nineteen. His dark eyes were fixed longingly into the sky as if there was nowhere else that he'd rather be than among them. Thorrissia stood there for a silent moment, observing him. He was going to freeze to death hanging around out here. Either that or get eaten by monsters. "Y'know, you can stare at them all night and they're not going to get any closer." The girl's voice interrupted his solitary silence. Normally she wouldn't jump in when people were clearly experiencing some sort of deep thought, but it looked like this fellow might do himself a harm if he didn't stop stargazing. 

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