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[PP-F1] Light (Jevi)

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The light of the virtual sun was dazzling on the first floor of Aincrad, a living "fauna" out of the Starting City- the latter one surrounded by Grasslands. A humanoid figure walking exactly around there, thin and tall enough, his hair was pretty unusual. The figure shook his head lightly, the hair shaking violently. The figure revealed itself to be a boy, suddenly he took a seat on the ground before letting out an exhale.
"Why am I still on this floor?" he told himself with a low tone of voice. Suppose the boy was bored, after all he had quite a level and probably just could go grinding on other floors. The boy was no one but a guy named Yami, his level wasn't that high but not even that low.
He just kept glancing around while sitting on the ground.

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Patrolling around the outer gates of The Starter City was a taller, dark skinned girl. She circled the city slowly, just inside of the safe zone so she would not initiate any combat with the boars in the surrounding fields. Jevi was still low level.. Very low level. This was her first time even coming out this far, but she did not want to let anyone know that. She glanced out at the rolling grasslands from time to time, wondering if she would be able to take on any of those mobs herself. Whenever a player walked by, she would switch her curious gaze to that of a confident glare, as if to not let on that she was fresh to this game. 


She must have circled the entire city already, for there were some faces she was beginning to see more than once. She eventually gave up her stride and leaned against one of the towering walls of The Starter City. She let out a light sigh and looked at the ground, her purple locks shifting to the front of her face.~"I really need to stop being so worried about trying my hand at fighting..." She spoke softly to herself, hoping that no other players around her would be able to hear her true thoughts.

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Yami didn't take note of his surroundings, he was trying to entertain himself somehow. Mostly thinking about stuff and things, but there wasn't really anything interesting to think about. Except about memories, like his first fight out there! But turned out to be boring as well. He shook his head quickly as he realized that staying there would have been his boredom. Maybe he could go look for some monster or anything to fight with, whatever it would have been. So, he stood up and stretched his arms briefly as he let out a soft grunt. Then, he took grasp of his sword's hilt which was holstered and extracted it. Wielding it with his right hand, walking around as he tried to find something to do.
Then, as he reached the walls he noticed a woman leaned against the wall. He didn't really remember anything about her, suppose they never met around before. Yami decided to approach her, while raising his left hand and offering a smile. "Hello there."

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Jevi's eyes shifted upward to look at the figure who had approached her. She did not need to lift her head up the rest of the way much, for the boy was shorter than her. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him, ~"..Hello. Can I help you..?" she spoke to the boy softly with not much happiness behind it. It was then she noticed the boy's outstretched hand, so he must have been introducing himself. He must be wanting to meet a new friend.. but why her? She was not someone who made friends very easily. She stood there for a moment before slowly raising her own hand to the boy's, something she did not do very often, and shook it. 

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Yami's gaze was matching the girl's, he glanced at her carefully and he was definitely sure that he never met her before! He thought she had quite a long hair, though that was the last thing to think about since his hair wasn't any better. Yami thought he could have interrupted the girl since she didn't seem that happy, but whatever. Not really like he looked happy in his first days there after all. Then, he noticed that the girl suddenly raised her hand and shook his own. A warm smile formed on Yami's face, closing his eyes briefly before saying: "I am Yami, I hope I didn't interrupt you." letting go of the hand shortly after.

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The girl raised an eyebrow as Yami grinned at her, ~".. Im Jevi."  He then went on to apologize for interrupting her. Did I look like I was doing anything, kid? she thought to herself. ~"No, I was not doing anything." After Yami let go of her hand, she brought it up to her head, pushing her dark purple bangs out of her face revealing yellow eyes. She looked the young player up and down, wondering what his story was or why he approached her. No matter, he was already standing in front of her.. might as well go along with it for now.

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The boy watched her as she revealed her yellow eyes, Yami was somewhat surprised but not that much. Just it was a new feature to him and he doesn't recall it was possible to customize yourself that much on SAO. Probably people might think his hair is just sort of a helmet, but it is as natural as himself. Then, he offered a nod before looking at her carefully once again. Tilting his head to the sides briefly, before a crack can be heard. "Good! You know, usually when I am in that position is because I reflect. A human thing we can say." he said, before glancing around. "So, what are you doing around here?"

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Think of something..  ~"Well I was just.. looking for some boars to hunt.. and taking a little break to think about things." You just said you DIDNT want to fight anything... the hell are you doing Alex?!  Jevi was not very accustomed to the combat system here in SAO yet. Well, in any game that is.. this was the first time she had ever played a video game of sorts. Luckily it was using her actual body more than holding a controller. However, she barely knew how to fight even in the real world. She just did not want to die here. But she figured she had to get her feet wet some time. She shook off the idea and decided to see what would happen. ~"Well what about you? What're you doing out here?"

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Yami offered a soft nod, definitely in agreement as it was pretty much his reason for being out there. It was pretty much what he spent most of time with, except walking around and eating. Meeting other players was always a pleasure and fun for him, better than being alone into a game at least. He didn't really like being into a guild and stuff, though nobody would die by trying to socialize.  Then he placed a hand over his neck, stroking it lightly. "Well, it's quite the same reason. Just not looking for boars, they are too easy."

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Jevi cocked her head curioisly, ~"Too easy? Then what exactly were you looking for?" She knew she should not have asked .. or she would be dragged into something. Then again, this guy seemed to know what he might be doing.. so she would probably be fine if anything. She crossed her arms.. she was beginning to get a little interested. Maybe even in fighting some mobs. She brushed her hair out of her face again and smirked. 

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Yami raised a soft brow before glancing upwards and placing a hand on his chin. What could have been his target? He didn't really think about that actually! He just kept wandering around with the hope to find something. Not an easy monster, that was obvious but he didn't really know which one could have been harder. "Well.. actually- I don't really know." he said before moving a hand over his hair.

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After Yami admitted he really didn't know what he was after, there was a moment of silence. Jevi then placed her hand on her forehead and sighed, with a slight chuckle. She then brought her arms back down and crossed them, looking at Yami. ~"Alright then.." she felt as thought she was going to regret her next words, but she figured she had to get to it some time, ~"Why don't we go find something to fight then." she gave the boy a smirk. ~"I'lll.. admit." she glanced both ways before speaking again in a slight whisper., ~"I'm.. kind of new to this whole fighting thing.. so if we can find something fairly simple, I'd appreciate it" she ended with a wink and another smirk.

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Yami kept his gaze at the girl, as he felt somewhat silly for his answer. Though, as she let out a chuckle, Yami was definitely reassured- a bit at least. He realized that probably she thought he was a weirdo, not like it would have been the first time- even in battles! Yami usually played along that fact, but whatever.. he met worse people. He tilted his head briefly as the girl glanced both ways, before raising a light brow as he listened to her. Suppose she didn't want anyone to hear that, but Yami definitely expected something worse. After a few moments, he offered a warm smile and a nod. "If you'd like, I can definitely help you about that." he said, before shifting his gaze at the grasslands.

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She let out a light sigh, ~"Thanks, kid. I don't like letting on that I'm not as strong as I try to make it seem.. I have some pride to protect." she still spoke in a whisper, and ended with a slight chuckle and wink. She stood up straight and stretched her back, the placing her hands on her hips. ~"So what would you suggest fighting? I hear theres boars in the area. Anything else we should look for? I don't mind as long as it won't be the definite death of me.." she crossed her arms and looked out onto the rolling hills of the first floor. She was starting to get excited about fighting some monsters and getting stronger.

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Yami narrowed his eyes lightly, forcing a weak smile as she called him kid. Being called like that wasn't quite a pleasure, but whatever. After all he wasn't as tall as Jevi, probably she was older than him. Then, he offered a warm smile. "I see, alright then!" he said before thinking over Jevi's question. Well, there are boars, plants.. and other creatures. Probably they could find something similar to boars somewhere. "Definite death? Hah, don't worry. I am here if anything happens, and my stats are definitely higher than any monster on this floor.. then I am sure you can handle lots of them without problems if you try!" he said in a reassuring tone, before glancing around. "I'd suggest looking either for boars or wolves. Your choice."

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She placed her hands on her hips and straightened up, looking down at the boy. ~"Oh is that so? Alright then, guess you'll prove it to me out in the fields then." she smirked, his confidence was gaining respect from Jevi. She placed a hand on her chin, ~"Boars get kind of boring after awhile... I think wolves sounds a bit more fun to me, don't you think." She reached behind her back, grabbing at the handle to her scimitar. Pulling it from her waistband, she held it at her side, ~"Lead the way, Yami." 

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Yami looked up at Jevi briefly, returning the smirk. Suppose Jevi is right, there is only one way to prove it. He glanced around once again before offering a nod to the girl. "Indeed.. probably wolves are our best choice." he said before tilting his head to the sides briefly. Now, where would wolves be? He fought them recently, can't really decide a specific direction obviously.. -At last, he thought they could just be around as much as boars so the only thing they could do was searching around. Wolves didn't certainly grow on trees, but they weren't rare monsters neither. "Well, let's go a bit farther from here and then we can just look and try to find for a few." he said, pointing at his left before walking towards the direction he pointed out at previously.

Edited by Yami
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As Yami picked a direction to walk in, Jevi slipped her thumbs into her waistband before following after him. She looked around at the rolling hills of the first floor, at the boars and players. It really was quite a sight. Jevi figured she should help out in their search for a hunting spot. She placed her hand above her eyes to block out the sun, making it easier for her to look off into the distance. She scanned the area, slowly turning her head left and right, yet she could not see anything. 

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Yami kept glancing around, hopefully able to find their target. Wolves were as common as boars, though both mobs weren't usually close to each other. Probably to the other side of a camp, someone might as well be able to find a wolf or two! Either way, he placed a hand on his chin while stroking it lightly. "Now, now.. where are these wolves.." he muttered while looking around. Then, he shifted his gaze towards Jevi before asking: "Anything yet?"

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Jevi really was not sure where to look for wolves, being she had never fought one yet in this game. She really had not fought much of anything to be honest.. maybe a boar or two, which she ended up running away from. She let out a light sigh as her gaze failed to find any of the beasts, ~"No. I don't see anything." Her eyes moved to the forested areas off in the distance, ~"Maybe they are out in the forest? I don't think I have seen many out in the open before." 

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