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[PP-F9] Burn Baby, Burn! (Beatbox)

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The air of floor 9, is quite stiff. It is hot and irritable, however none of this bothered Youno. She was going to meet with Beatbox, one of her guild members soon. They were going to try and get some levels in. Youno gave a stiff smile, as she sat next to the teleporter. She knew he would show up soon, she just had to wait and see when. While she waited her eyes scanned the area around her, as she looked from NPC to NPC, from building to building.

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"Oh geez... floor 9... I have never been this high of a floor yet... how can Hasai be so confident in this..." he thought to himself nervously as he walked to the teleporter, "Well... Hasai would kill me if I don't go so..." he thought to himself as he yelled out "Teleport! Floor 9!" and was teleported to floor 9, and as he stepped out he noticed that the air here was HOT, Audio didn't like this weather but dealt with it... James looked around and tried to find his guild leader and found her after a second and walked to her with a smile and Audio jumped off James' head onto Hasai's lap and snuggled her a bit. "Floor 9 huh, don't you think it might be... dangerous?" he said nervously.

Edited by Beatbox
Typo's everywhere.
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After Beatbox showed up, Youno gave a slight smile, Hello Beatbox! She let out a little wave, and she also saw he had brought along Audio, his familiar. Hello Audio! Her gaze wandered about the village. Of course I feel comfortable here! I am a bit powerful. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen. Do you want to fight monsters or socialize in the city? her gaze drifted around the city, as she waited for Beatbox to reply to her question.

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James noticed Hasai give a "slight" smile as he arrived "Is there something wrong...? Did Eliza say something...?" he said with a giggle. And gave her a bright smile and said "Well... we can if you want... I don't mind. It's just I have never been here before is all... well... I haven't seen 5, 6, 7, or 8 yet..." he said with another giggle. He called out for Audio and Audio shot his head at James with a smile and jumped back on James' head and fell back asleep. He gave a gesture saying "Lead the Way" and waited for her to walk to the monsters.

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As He told her to lead the way, she stood up, and nodded her head. Keeping her mouth silent, she started to lead the way out of the vilalge, and into the wilderness. Her rapier lay at her side, it wasn't the best, but she still had quite good stats. She planned on fixing all of them later. Her gaze swept across the area, as she saw a firey colored wolf in the distance, You want to attack first? Or should I? Her gaze trailed back to the wolf, and stayed where she was, awating Beatbox to choose what he would do.

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James kept smiling and giggling on random thoughts, he was truly in a very good mood nowadays... "you're awfully quite Hasai... has something happened to you? Normally you are energetic or thinking about something... but today you are silent..." he thought to himself without changing his emotion. He saw that the monster she lead her to was a wolf... sure it was different... but he let out a sigh... "...man...another? Well... you have been here before me... so why don't you strike first?" he said with a smile to a serious face as he pulled out his sword.

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Hasai just shrugged, truth be told. She had tons on her mind at the moment. Her gaze looked upon the wolf, thinking how the wolf would help her be happy again. She drew her rapier out of its silver sheath, and she crouched in an attacking position, her gaze hardened slightly, as she lunged forward. With her thoughts and something on her mind, she cimpletely missed, and watched as the wolf leaped at her, it missed her by an inch, as she dodged. She nodded at Beatbox.



ID: 26123

BD: 3

MD: 3



Hasai 38/38 [H:0]

Beatbox 52/52 [H:0]

Wolf 30/30 (Base damage: 4)

Edited by Hasai
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ID: 26124

BD: 6 (5+1)


Beatbox: 52/52 [H:1]

Hasai: 38/38 [H:0]

Wolf: 25/30 -5 DMG

James noticed as she nodded at him and ran at the wold and swung his sword at the beast, landing a decent hit on the creature. Not his best, but it was still a hit to him. He looked back at Hasai with a observant look thinking to himself "Is there THAT much on your mind? or is it bugging you THAT much?" he thought before taking a leap away from the wolf ready to evade its next attack "Switch Hasai!" he yelled out landing a few feet away from the wolf and readied his sword for his next attempt to attack against the wolf.

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This time Youno was more focused upon the wolf, as she readied herself. As Beatbox spoke the words, she ran forward, eager to plunge her rapier into the wolf's skin. As she activated her sword skill, Pounding Heart, she ran at the wolf, and stabbed a heart shaped emblem in the chest of the wolf. Then she leaped backwards, her damage was great, as she had invested most of everything on her damage. She shook off her thoughts, before she nodded at Beatbox, symboling him to go.


ID: 26168
BD: 7
MD: 3



Hasai 38/38

Beatbox 52/52

Wolf 16/30 (Base Damage: 4)

Edited by Hasai
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ID: 26357

BD: 6 (5+1)

Beatbox: 52/52 (Hasai Please get it right xD)

Hasai: 38/38

Wolf: 11/30 -5 DMG


He nodded back as it was his time to strike back, and forgot that Audio was still on his head and yelled out "AUDIO! SAFETY NOW!" and Audio hurried to a nearby tree to head to safety. And James ran at the wolf swinging at its head landing a good hit on the creature once more. He took a leap back and looked at Hasai and nodded to her "Switch now Hasai." and prepare his sword if the wolf was to attack James in the next attack. "God I hope I didn't hurt Audio in any way... Hasai... whats wrong with you today...?" he thought to himself

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ID: 26854

BD: 1

MD: 4

Her gaze unfocused once again, as she attempted to lunge forward. She missed by a long shot, and pulled back, Sorry... She mumbled under her breath, directing it to Beatbox. She checked to make sure that Audio was safe in the tree, to make sure Beatbox didn't hurt him, before turning back, watching Beatbox's every move, willing him to make a hit, while she couldn't. The wolf, that they had been attacking lunged for Beatbox, yet it missed as well.

Beatbox: 52/52 [Hate: 2]

Hasai: 38/38 [Hate: 1]

Wolf: 11/30

Edited by Hasai
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