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[PP-F1] Windy Days (Xion)

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Today was particulary windy day. Many players have seeked shelter in the inns and other buildings. I stood out in the open. The wind didnt effect me. I was use to it. It was always in my life. As i walked along, many players were struggling againts the wind. Girls witb their hair down, players with loose shirts and players that got carried away with the wind. Suddenly a big gust of wind blew and i stumbled into another player, knocking him to the ground. 

I look down on him and offerd him a hand to help get up. "Are you ok?"

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"Bloody wind" Xion said as he walked through the town of beginnings, looking for something to do. The wind, which was particularly strong that day was blowing his hair into his face and his mouth, which to say the least was a rather annoying experience. But it was just a mere annoyance, nothing that would stop him from going hunting or anything, in fact he was thinking about what to hunt that day when he bumped into a girl and was knocked over, hitting the floor with a dull thud. 


"Yeah I'm fine, sorry" he said, getting up and dusting himself off, it was at this point that Xion looked at the girl. The was a slight red head, although her hair was more akin to a light brown. She had large amber eyes, and a look of general concern on her face. 'Cute...' Xion thought, he had only talked to a total of about 3 girls in SAO, but this one seemed a lot friendlier than the others. "My name's Xion..." he said, not sure what else to say. 

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I pullled up the player and he dusted stray pixels off his clothes. He spoke, with a deepish voice. His hair was light brown/blond colour and his eyes were blue like the sky. He introduced himself has xion. Seeing that he didnt know what to say, i continued the conversation. "Xion is one good name, definately cooler than Miriko" I giggled slightly. The wind ruffled the end of my ponytail, lifting stray bits of hair. 'What a pain' i thought, tighting the band of my ponytail.

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"Miriko sounds nice though...Just brings beautiful images to mind" Xion said, trying his best to sound friendly, before noticing the player become rather annoyed at some stray hair "Good to see that I'm not the only one with that problem" He said with a chuckle, as he looked at the girl with a smile. 'Good so far Xion' he thought

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Miriko giggled at Xion's problem about his hair also. "This wind is annoying. Should we head into an Inn?" Miriko pulled the collar of her shirt up and tucked her long ponytail into the back of her shirt to prevent future problems. After she and stopped fiddling, Miriko turned towards Xion and put a soft smile on her face. "So what is your decision?"

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Xion smiled "I wouldn't mind, it's better than being out win this win-" at that point some of Xion's hair blew into his mouth, stopping him mid sentence. He frowned and pulled the long strands out of his mouth "I think my point has been proven...bloody wind" he said with a chuckle. 

Xion was about to say follow me, but he didn't usually go to inns, now that he owns a shop of his own he usually sleeps there.

"Well I don't usually go to that many inns, so you lead the way Miriko" he said with a smile.  

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Miriko giggled at the sight of Xion spitting hair out of his mouth. He spoke a few words and Miriko shook her head in agreement. "Wind doesnt usually bother me but today is ridiculous." Xion suggested that Miriko lead they way to an Inn. Miriko nodded and led the way to one of her favorite inns. The Inn was small, located in a deep allyway. "Here it is" Miriko smiled after a while of battleing the wind. "This inn is the best one I have been to in ages." Miriko opened the door for Xion.

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Xion nodded in thanks as Miriko held the door open for him and he walked into the inn, it was a small, quaint place, with a homely atmosphere. "Good choice, nicer than any place that I've ever been to" he said, taking a seat and pulling one out for Miriko. "I wonder how much a night here is...I can just stay at my place but a night here would be worth the col" he said with a smile on his place, as he watched the flames of a small fireplace dance about in an almost hypnotic fashion. 

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Miriko sat down on the chair that Xion had pulled out for her, and nodded. "It is a quite bit of col but not too expensive, its worth it though, This place has a nice warm feeling. Like if you are sitting at home. I stay at this place the most when im on floor 1. The NPC is nice and not to many players come here because its location is unpopular." Miriko smiled. She also looked at the flames dancing around in the fire place, spitting and lashing out. "You were saying that you had your own place, do you own a shop or something?" Miriko questioned, flicking her amber eyes to Xion.

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Xion nodded "I own a blacksmiths shop, little place not far from here actually" he said, as he looked at her amber eyes "Though, this place is much better, you'll probably end up breathing in smoke at mine as it's a small place and, well the forge tends to make a lot of smoke" Xion smiled as he thought of the little shop that he called home in this world. "Actually I have one of the swords that I made with me, if you want to see?" he asked, eager to show off the Slicing Maelstrom. 

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"hmmmmm A blacksmith shop. How interesting." Miriko laughed. "Yeah there must be alot of smoke if its a small place." Xion talked about showing her his sword. "Sure, sounds cool. I was always interested in swords. I dont Have the patients to make one myself." Miriko cracked her knuckles. A bad habbit of hers. They were the only ones in the room.

Edited by Miriko
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Xion smiled as he drew the Slicing Maelstrom from the scabbard on his back and laid it on the table. It was a dark grew blade with a yellow core running down the middle, seemingly dotted with little marks of yellow that looked like lightening. It had a black leather handle, with a lightening bolt-like angular hand guard, and the pommel stone was a gem that glowed a brilliant yellow as every now and then electricity arced across the blade."It has a +2 damage enhancement and Paralyses on critical hits." Xion eyes lit up as he talked to Miriko about the sword, it was a passion of his, and seeing as the Slicing Maelstrom was a perfect weapon he found it hard not to brag slightly.  

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"wow Nice sword" Miriko was impressed. the sword was dark gray with yellow accents, it was fast and sharp. Miriko could see the gleam in xion eyes as he slightly bragged about his sword. "How long did it take to make?" Miriko was very interested with Xions sword and wanted to know more. Miriko fiddled with the end of her ponytail. Pulling at the strands and slightly plating it.

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Xion smiled as Miriko asked about the sword, glad that she was interested. "All swords take about the same time to make in SAO, as almost all professions are over-simplified, but gathering materials is always a pain, as hunting boars is rather monotonous and they don't always drop MATs, so you could hunt for hours and get nothing" He then remembered that he had maybe one MAT left...maybe none but if so he could always hunt for more. "I can make you a sword if you want, not for free of course but I take custom orders" 

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"Yeah hunting boars gets annoying after a while." Miriko agreed. Miriko put her hands on top of her head and leant back into her chair. Then Xion offered to make her a custom sword. She almost jumped. "No, No I dont have that much col. But thanks for offering." She waved her hands while she said this. "I actually dont even remember how much col I have but its not much." She opended her menu and looked at her col amount. It was very low. "I would love a new sword but I dont have enough col."

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Xion chuckled as Miriko waved her hands about "Don't worry. When you have enough col drop by my shop, I'll happily make a sword for you" he said, before putting the slicing maelstrom back in it's scabbard. "Well what should we do now? I honestly have no idea, we could go hunting I guess...but in this wind..." Xion mumbled to himself absent mindedly, before realising that he was staring at Miriko. 


He shook his head "Sorry, sorry...zoned out a little there"

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Xion smiled "Alright then, to the fields it is" he said, before getting up and walking out of the inn, holding the door open for Miriko. "So, how much hunting have you actually done?" he asked, working a little to keep both himself and his hair in line in the wind, which while it wasn't as bad as earlier, was still pretty strong. 


Eventually Xion led the girl to the fields outside the town, ones in which he had hunted many times. "Ah, they never stop being pretty, the rolling fields, filled with life" he said with a smile on his face as he breathed in the clear air of the plains. 

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Miriko walked along with Xion and answered his question. "Barely any, I want to get stronger though." She spoke. After a few minutes, they reached the rolling fields. Xion commented on how the fields stay being pretty. "I could look at it for hours. But hunting needs to be done." She stated whistling an old toon and walked on. She turned around to Xion "Lets get going"

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ID: 26776

MD: 9 (2 DMG) 


Xion nodded "I'll tank then, seeing as this isn't something that you do often" he said, before searching for a boar that they could kill, preferably a lone one. Xion searched for a good few minutes before, aha! He found one, with it's back to a rock, eating some grass. "Perfect, there's our target" he said before drawing his blade. 'Hmm, I'll need to make sure that the aggro stays on me' he thought, before turning to Miriko. "You may want to cover your ears" he said,  taking a deep breath in before letting out a deafening, bestial <<Howl>> that got the boar's attention. 


Xion grinned as the boar looked at him, it's nostrils flared before it charged at Xion, hitting him in the abdomen with surprising force for such a low level MOB. "Now Mirkio!" he said, as the boar backed off, readying another charge. 


Xion (36/38) [HATE: 3] 

Miriko (24/24) 

Boar (10/10) 

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