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[OP-F2] When We Untie Look To The Skies

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Vasth was walking about the town,while he was in tow. He looked at shops and what they have .After eating lunch he decided to burn off some steam.

First he walk to his usually spot in the park and laid down of a bit.After about 30 mins he got up.

So after he got up he decided to practice his pole arms skills that he had mastered in the real world. He walk to a park and brings out his spear,The Dragon's Fang. He starts to do tricks and strikes.

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Xion had been walking through the same time bored out of his mind, he literally had nothing to do. The boars in the fields has become far too weak for him to get a  thrill out of fighting them, and nobody ever visited his shop so he decided that maybe a walk would help his boredom, and he was right. 


He stumbled upon another player, a boy with long hair holding a spear and practising with it. Xion chuckled as he walked up to the man. "Bravo, Bravo. You're looking to practise I'm assuming? My name's Xion, and yours is?" The British clear in his voice. 

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Golden's had quite a harsh day, not able to complete any material gathering and having been quite sick with fever since the morning. He decided that he would step out of his bed, walk out of his shop and go for a walk. He hoped that the cold breeze which could be easily felt in the park would help him recover for his sickness. He sighed as he walked out of his shop and approached the park. He hadn't been hoping to socialize with the people inside the park but he might have to since he found two of his friends chilling it out in the middle of the park. Argh... How annoying to be sick like this. Golden thought as he hid behind a chair, not wanting the two lower leveled players to see his condition.

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"Yeah I am,you want to spar with me?" He said he meet the young man with long hair like his,Vasth held out his hand for a shake. Vasth thought for a sec,he looks really young is he younger then me?Also he was around his level so he would make a good sparring partners. 

"The name is Vasth." Vasth grinned

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Xion shook Vasth's hand. "Nice to meet you vasth, and sure let's duel" he said before walking several paces away from the player and sending him a duel request.


Xion looked at the player's equipment "His spear looks like a perfect, well I guess I have my work cut out for me in the weapons department" Xion said as he drew the Slicing Maelstrom, electricity arcing from the dark grey blade. He held the weapon diagonally in a defensive stance as he waited for the other player to accept. Xion decided he would allow the other player the first hit to make it fair, seeing as Xion had more health. 

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Golden watched as he tried to resist a sneeze and seeing that the two made no effort to catch his existence before looking as if they were going to start a fight. Eh... they're both quite low leveled. Golden thought. This might be interesting. Golden felt his sneeze go away before sitting up on the bench he was hiding behind. I might as well have some fun watching this and relax myself. Golden thought, still hiding to ensure that he doesn't distract anyone during the fight. 

[During the battle, skip me, I'll join in after the battle ends.]

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Vasth accepted the duel.

ID 26491

CD 10+2=10 Dmg 2+2 (4) (what does Par do again?)

Vasth charged forward,he used his footing to do a trick,he twisted as he swing his spear towards Xion he put up his blade to stop it but Vasth dropped down he leg and his spear drop the level where it would have hit him and Vasth spear's pole smashed into his legs and made him fall face first into the ground.


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ID: 26495

BD: 8 (4 DMG) (5-1) 


Xion hit the floor with a dull thud as Vasth's pole swept his legs from under him. "Not bad..." he grunted before leaping up and charging towards vasth, thrusting his blade into the player's abdomen "But don't get cocky" Xion said, his face right next to Vasth's, before leaping back and holding his Blade diagonally. 'This is going to be fun, he's fast and agile, but one crit and the duel is won' Xion thought, as he awaited his opponent's next move. 


Xion (30/34) 

Vasth (19/23) 


(Par activates on a crit, basically it means that you can't do anything next turn, unless you use the <<meditate>> skill which you don't have) 

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ID 26503

BD 8+2 =10 ~Hit~  Dmg= 2 (Doesn't Count as a Crit right? I forgot XD)

Vasth smiled "Nice Counter." Vasth ran passed Xion to a tree behind him and jump off the tree and using his spear diagonally,make it smash into Xions chin and landing on top of him and quickly jumping off. (You going to win more matter what cause you go more everything.)


Xion (28/34) 

Vasth (19/23) 

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BD: 10 (6 DMG) (7-1) (PAR activated) 


Xion grunted as he was forced to the ground once more. "Your moves are flashy" he said as he got up, dusting himself off.  "But they have no strength!" he yelled before charging towards Vasth, thrusting his blade into the player's chest, electricity arcing from the blade to Vasth as Paralysis took effect, before Xion ripped the blade out of Vasth through his shoulder, leaving a rather large wound in the man's chest.  "I'm sorry about this" Xion said, as he looked at the now limp and helpless player. 


Xion (28/34)

Vasth (13/23) [Paralysed for one turn] 

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Xion nodded, sheathing his sword. "I'm sorry about the paralysis, that was probably a bit unfair. But nevertheless you fight well, you're strong for a lower levelled player I'll give you that" he said with a smile, waiting until the paralysis wore off so that Vasth could concede the duel. "You know that's the first time that I've used the Slicing Maelstrom against another player, it's stronger than I expected" Xion said, rather proud of his creation. 

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Golden couldn't hold it anymore. He was going to sneeze whether he liked it or not. It was ironic and comical watching the two players fight in the middle of the park. Golden smirked before sneezing. Uh... This cold's gonna kill me. He decided as he stood up from his hiding place. "So... uh-h... uh." Golden started before letting another sneeze out. He probably looked like a mess since he barely got any sleep last night. "Wassup guys... Nice fighting you got here." Golden said, not minding his cold and stood there. Surely it wouldn't affect them since this is a virtual world right? Golden asked himself.

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Xion turned to see Golden walking towards them "Golden! Long time no see buddy" he said with a smile "So what do you think? Much better than when I dueled you" he said before grabbing Vasth's arm and helping him up onto a bench. "The paralysis should wear off soon" he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah sorry" 

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"Not bad Xion." Golden said, attempting not to sneeze again. "You've improved. Maybe we could have another duel later but not now with my condition." Golden finally let out a sneeze before starting to say something again. "You know what, we could make a great party. Why don't we try it out?" Golden asked before sending the 2 party invites. I'm a tank with quite some damage mitigation. Xion can damage and paralyze their opponents. Vasth is a spear user with good abilities for a beginner. Golden thought. I could get used to fighting with such a balanced team.

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Vasth could now move his arms,so he accepted Golden party request.

Vasth sighed "Man I will be the only one with no good damage and defence but I can hit most of my hits since I have +2 Acc" Vasth now got up and check his body,if there is still paralysis. 

"But this can help me." Vasth grinned

"Where we off to Our Golden Leader," Vasth winked "Pun Intend."


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"You sure you're ok Golden? How the hell do you even get a cold in SAO?" he asked, as he heard the player's sneezes and voice. He shook his head, before checking his stats "I wouldn't mind hunting, need the MATs anyway, that and we're a good team just based on equipment" he said with a smile, before turning to Vasth. "Again sorry, the paralysis activates automatically on crits so I can't really help it" he said with a smile "To be honest it's one of the worst status afflictions in the game in my opinion". 

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"Aw sweet then." Golden said as Xion and Vasth both agreed to the mob hunting party. He smiled, he knew a great place where a cyclopes lay on floor 2. It was a cave, and he's explored it before. Golden led the two other players outside of the safe zone so that they could find the mob he was looking for. Golden looked around, hoping to catch glimpse of this so-called cave that he's been to before when he saw it hidden in the bushes. Golden smiled and pointed there. "That's where we're heading." Golden said before leading the other two players there.

Inside he found the cyclopes. It's attack damage was little but it did have quite good of health... a whooping fifty health that might take quite some time to kill... but Golden was quite confident he can protect the other two players... and he would do so first with a gigantic howl.

ID: 26849
BD: 2 (0 DMG + Howl)
MD: 9 (3-2=1 DMG)

Golden's howl was extremely loud, waking the cyclopes from its slumber and it reacted with a quick attack with its club that it had nearby. Golden was taken surprised and even though his armor absorbed most of the damage, he was still knocked back from the attack. Eh. At least it will only focus on me while the other two attacks. Golden thought as he stood up from the ground.

Golden (56/57) -1 [H: 4]
Vasth (?/?) [H: 0]
Xion (?/?) [H: 0]
Cyclopes (50/50)

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ID 26925

BD 1+2.....(I hate you dice roller)

Vasth ran forwards,the Cyclops strike down forward.Vasth ran up the club ready to hit he cyclops until it flinged Vasth away and he flew into a wall.he landed on the ground on his feet.

"Gah." Vasth bone cracked his shoulder to ready up for his next attack.

Golden (56/57) -1 [H: 4]
Vasth (27/27) [H: 0]
Xion (36/36) [H: 0]
Cyclopes (50/50)

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