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[SP - F1] Earning a Living - Quest - COMPLETE!

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ID: 26624
CD: 5

Mack grumbled a few insults under his breath, nothing loud enough for the blacksmith to hear and followed the hefty man into the back of his shop where the forge was located. Once they were in the back of the shop everything seemed pretty self explanatory for someone who was as familiar with fantasy-based RPG's as Mack was. There was a solid oaken work table, a glowing hot forge, and a solid iron anvil that had been so heavily used that it was black. Nearby were all of the necessary tools of the trade; tongs, hammers, heavy leather work gloves, and water for cooling the metal.

Producing all of the necessary items from his inventory, Mack spread them out on the long work table. When the smith pointed at the ore and then into the forge, the message was clear, and so Mack lobbed the ore in among the flames and coals of the forge while he prepared the piece of lumber and the leather. When the Smith gestured again to the forge Mack retrieved the ore from the flames using the tongs. Placing the glowing metal on the anvil, Mack took up the smith's hammer and thwacked both of the pieces of silver ore a couple of times. A soft glow surrounded the items and, in a few seconds, they resolved themselves into a new weapon.


Name: Ceremonial Bearded Axe
Profession: Blacksmith
Rank: 1
ID: See Above
Roll: 5
Quality: Bad
Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe
Enhancements: Damage: None
Description: A ceremonial weapon with a highly polished haft of mahogany wrapped in leather with an intricately carved silver head.

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Mack glared down at the weapon he had just forged, storm grey eyes narrowed. As nearly as he could tell, the weapon was no better than the axe he had received at the start of the game. The only differences were that this one looked a lot prettier than his initial axe looked and that it had only one blade on its axe head. At least the blade was bearded though, which meant that the weapon could be used as a sort of improvised version of brass knuckles, in a pinch. Unslinging his current weapon from his back Mack considered them side by side for a moment. He couldn't see any big differences, but since he'd made the Ceremonial Axe, and since it was more aesthetically pleasing, he decided he could keep it. Tapping the read feather on his battle axe, Mack removed it and then he tapped the ceremonial axe under the axe head and transferred the feather over to the new weapon.

That done, Mack tossed the now useless beginner axe to the shop keeper. "I'm selling you this, I've no need for it anymore," Mack said in a gruff tone. The blacksmith tossed him back a bag with some col in it. Mack opened the bag and fifty col was added to his supply. It wasn't much, but Mack hadn't exactly expected to sell the weapon and suddenly become a col millionaire either. He sheathed his new weapon at his back, nodded once to the smith, and departed from the shop.


2 SP (1 completed thread, 1 quest reward)
1 Ceremonial Bearded Axe (No special modifiers)
450 Col (50 weapon sale, 400 completed thread)
Profession: Blacksmith

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