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[SP-F2] Breaking the Unbreakable

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ID 27076

BD 7+2=9 ~Hit~ Dmg 1

MD 4 ~Miss~

The stone monster went in for a kick again,but Vasth caught it and swing it in the ground.Vasth flipped back and moved away.Ready for it to strike again.Vasth liked this how he fought was no weapons.it was more fun to him.

Vasth 23/29

Golem 9/20 -1


ID 27078

BD 1 ~Miss~

MD 8 ~Hit~ Dmg 2-1=1

The Golem ran toward. Vasth swing his punch but it ducked and upper cut him in the chin and send Vasth flying in.Vasth landed on his feet. whipping the sweat for him forehead,Vasth laughed.

Vasth 22/29 -1

Golem 9/20 

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ID 27080

BD 3+2=5 ~Miss~

MD 1 ~Miss~

Vasth and the Golem ran at each other,Both blocked each other's attack and countered each other counters,the back away from each other.Wow it's hard fighting it. Vasth take a breather, sweat dropped from his face.

Vasth 22/29 

Golem 9/20 

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ID 27081 

BD 2 ~Miss~ 

MD 8 ~Hit~ Dmg 2-1 =1

The monster hit Vasth while Vasth was trying to catch his breath. It's hit him in the chest and Vasth lost his breath.Vasth fell to the ground,Gah,Vasth got up and ready his stance.

Vasth 21/29 

Golem 9/20

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ID 27086

BD 6+2=8 ~Hit~ Dmg 1

MD 5 ~Miss~

Vasth dodge the next hit,He ducked another strike,he kick the golem making fall,he grab it and flinged it to a tree,smash through the tree and break it. The tree top came crashing down.

Vasth 21/29 

Golem 8/20 -1

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ID 27179

BD 3+2=5 ~Miss~

MD 3 ~Miss~ 

The Golem threw a straight punch,Vasth duck he tried to up a upper cut but the stone golem dodge back moving his head back.It went for a kick but dodge it by leap in the air,He threw his punch straight down but the golem leap back.

Vasth 21/29 

Golem 8/20 

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ID 27182

BD 9+2 ~Crit Hit~ Dmg 1+1=2 

MD 8 ~Hit~ Dmg 2-1=1

Vasth launched forward,he went down and with all his might he upper cut the Golems chin.at the same time the golem had did a kick into Vasth rips breaking a rib,both of them were send flying in to different directions.The Golem hit the floor and Vasth hit a tree.Both of them got up slowly and into they fighting style.  

Vasth 20/29 -1

Golem 6/20 -2

ID 27183

BD 2+2=4 ~Miss~

MD 8 ~Hit~ Dmg 2-1=1

Vasth thought the golem was still recover but it was already recovered,it ran forwards,he it's fist connected it's target hitting Vasth square in the chest send in hi flying into the air once again.Vasth land on his back


Vasth 19/29 -1

Golem 6/20

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ID 27184

BD 9+2 ~Crit Hit~ Dmg 1+1 =2

MD 7 ~Hit~ Dmg 3-1+2

Vasth got up and ran forward,hitting him in the chest,Vasth ducked the golems attack,grabbed the golem leg and flings him in a tree.It' got up really quickly and punched Vasth in the stomach.

Vasth 17/29 -2

Golem 4/20 -2

ID 27185

BD 6+2=8 ~Hit~ Dmg 1

MD 3 ~Miss~

Vasth ducked a hit and ran back,he punched and it' dodge.They threw punchs but both counter everytime.Vasth was out of breath.He need to kill this now.

Vasth 17/29 

Golem 3/20 -1


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ID 27189 

BD 6+2=8 ~Hit~ Dmg 1

MD 4 ~Miss~

It was going to punch Vasth again.He kick the Golem off of him.He rolled away and got.He ran forward and right hooked the golem in the shoulder.He leap back,and got his stance ready to strike again.

Vasth 14/29 

Golem 1/20 -1

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ID 27190

BD 2+2=4 ~Miss~

MD 5 ~Miss~ 

Vasth,dodged the golem's strike,Vasth ducked and punched upwards but the golem dodge that attack.The golem kicked but Vasth dodge just in time,Vasth threw punches the golem blocked.The golem threw kicks Vasth dodge them.

Vasth 14/29 

Golem 1/20

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ID 27192

BD 6+2 ~Hit~ Dmg 1

LD 11 100 Col

Vasth dodged the golems last hit.He shouted

"IT ENDS HERE!!!" Vasth upper cutted with all his remaining strength,He hit the golem in the chin,it started to shattered as Vasth punch the golem into the air. Vasth fell to the ground,he laid there,huffing and buffing.He laughed,it was so good to feel how to fight again with fist,it had been 2 years since he stopped his marital arts,it felt good again to fight again.

Vasth 14/29 

Golem 0/20

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Vasth got up after sleeping there for 30 mins,Vasth got up and went into town.He walked around and into a bar,he ate some food and drank some drinks.He walked to where he find to NPC in the first place.It was standing there.

"Here," Vasth gave back the gloves.

"The path is cleared,thanks for the gloves." Vasth smiled

"No problems Mister,for clearing the path,you get a extra skill." Then a icon popped up

Will you learn:

Marital Arts

O:Yes X:No

Vasth smiles and hits the Yes button.

Vasth walks off,with the Village waving him goodbye.


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