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[F1]<<Earning A Living Quest>> A trail filled of fabric [SP]

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Rose sighed as she walked though the town of beginnings. Brushing through the crowds of people, she thought hard on how she was going to be able to support herself here. She couldn't rely on her parents anymore and she didn't want to resort to begging other players for Col. Along with that, she was still very new to this game and she didn't think it would be wise to try and fight at the front lines at this stage. So what am I going to do? I need Col. 

Suddenly she was shoved to the right and crashed into a stall with a painful grunt. Rubbing her side she shouted "Hey! Look where your going, Im walking here!" A cough sounded behind her which made her turn around. Standing behind the stall she had crashed into was a kind looking woman. She looked to be in her mid 30's with curly brown hair and pretty green eyes. "May I help you Miss?" She asked with a soft voice. Jemma looked above the woman and didn't see a player sign, the woman was a NPC. Rose was just about to excuse herself, saying that she didn't need anything when suddenly she caught sight of the sign next to the woman's stall. 

Help wanted: Tailor Apprentice

Rose smiled and looked up at the woman with a smile. "I would like to apply for the job please." The woman's face broke into a bright smile and she stepped out from behind her Stall. "Wonderful! All I need you to do is get me three things. Some cotton from the field, Some wool from sheep to create thread and flowers and plants to create dye. When you have gathered all of theses items please come to Sasah's clothing for further instructions." 

Rose nodded "Will do!" She took the paper from Sasah that held the item list before heading out to collect the items. This is perfect! When I was in real life, I loved making clothes and toys. I just hope that I can put my knowledge to good use here. With that thought, Rose headed to collect cotton first.

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Rose made her way to the cotton field first. She didn't know a lot about picking the plant, but she hoped that it will be something that she will be able to do. Upon reaching the field, she noticed a NPC picking. It was a boy around her age with red hair and tan skin. Quickly she made her way over to him and tapped his shoulder. 

He looked up and Rose noticed that his eyes where a bright blue. "Hi there! Do you need anything?" He gave her a smile while standing up straighter. Rose smiled and nodded "Yes, I was wondering if you could teach me how to pick cotton? I'm training to become a Tailor and I need to pick some for my training." The boy nodded "Sure! You've come to the right place." With that, he showed her over to a patch of cotton before showing her how to pick it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rose grinned as she picked the cotton, It was perfect! Thanking the boy for his help, she made her way off to find a sheep farm. Hopefully it would go as well as picking the cotton had. She walked along the path, until she found a small sheep farm. The sheep where large and fluffy woth plenty of wool to make a good type of item. She saw a women attending the sheep, she was very old and kind looking with graying hair up in neat bun. 

Rose walked over and greeted the woman. "Hello! My name is Rose and I'm trying to become a tailor. I know this may seem a bit forceful of me, but may I please have some Wool from one of your sheep? I need it for my training."

The woman looked up and gave her a tiny smile. "Of course, I don't mind at all." She waved her hand at the sheep and Rose gave her another grateful smile. "Thank you so much, I p the when I get some Col, I'll pay you back." 


Loot: 17

earned: 1+ cotton

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Rose finshed taking the wool off of one of the sheep. Looking at it, it wasn't as perfect as the cotton but it would do. Thanking the old woman yet again, she made her way to pick flowers. She was thinking of making a red type of clothing, so her main goal was to pick red flowers. Finding a large field, she started searching for the flowers she needed. Wanting to make a darker red color, she decided to pick a black type of flower or plant to make the flower darker.


loot: 11

earned: 1+ wool

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  • 9 months later...

 Jemma shuffled through the flowers, praying that she wouldn't run into a mob. Seeing a batch of red flowers, which were the exact shade she needed, Jemma smiled and started to pick them.  She picked a few, and looked them over. They seemed in good condition. much to her happiness. 

Loot:: 12

Earned: Dark Red Flowers

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Pocketing her needed supplies, she headed back to town. A tailor. I hope mom will be proud of me. She thought. She did want to get a job when she turned 14, so at least that was a good side. Yeah, at least I'll be able to feed myself now without asking others for food. 

 Looking around the bustling first city, Jemma glanced around for the shop.   Sasah's Clothing? Rose thought, remembering the name with some difficulty. She glanced around again before seeing a sign with said name printed above it. Quickly heading over, she avoided various people until she made it to the shop. Grabbing the door handle, she yanked the wooden door open before heading inside. 

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"Welcome to Sasah's Clothing...Ah! Miss Rose, glad that you could make it. I trust that you have brought the things that I need?"

Rose smiled, nodding as she neared the NPC woman. "I do, thank you so much for agreeing to help me with becoming a Tailor."  She knew that this wasn't an actual person, but it might be best to be polite. Quickly grabbing out each item, she placed them on the counter before the woman. The NPC quickly examined each one and noded a pleased look gracing her beautiful features. 

" You are very lucky Rose. Getting good items like these and so fast, is very impressive indeed."

 Putting the items down, she gestured for Rose to come over with one of her slender fingers. Once the blonde had come near her, the NPC gestured to the items. 

"Make me a item of clothing. It can be anything, the only requirement is that it must be clothes of some kind." 

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 Rose nodded, moving to sit down at the counter. A needle was placed in her hand by the NPC. Glancing up at the black haired female, she looked back down at her work. She wasn't sure how to do this, since there wasn't any fabric to work with. Deciding to just go along with it, Rose gathered the items together before waving the needle above the items. 

Instead of a piece of clothing, the items dissolved into nothing. Rose sat there in shock for a few moments. A sympathetic hand rested on her shoulder before the soft voice of the NPC woman floated to her ears.

"There is always next time. It was your first try, you'll get it next time. Here, I'll give you a tour of the shop for a little while before we try again."

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