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Character Level: 1


User Name: Preus

Real Name: Kaito Kurosawa

Age: 25

Gender: Questionable

Height: 5 Feet, 8 Inches

About: Kaito is a mixed bag of tricks. He can sometimes be difficult to read due to his bi polar disorder causing him to throw his emotions to the extreme anger to sad and happy. He grew up not knowing exactly what he was, born different than most other kids his age and was labeled something of s freak. Despite a mild love from his family, he has never known true affection from anyone and finds himself to be alone more than anything else. He can be cold and spiteful to people and when someone acts out on him, whether it is a beating or verbal assaults he tends to behave in the same manner.


Religious Devout: His relationship is a little complex, he believes in nothing but God, at the same time he views God in a different view than others. There is anger and strife, God calls for both the black and white, a mix of savagery and peace. This is best played out by him making friends with like minded individuals whom he believes know the true purpose of their creation.

Christian Nihilist : Christian Nihilism dictates that our culture be raped, beaten, stigmatized, intimidated, robbed, terrorized, marginalized, and silenced so that something better can be created. This belief helps both Kaito and Preus in his online persona to ease the pain of the world he lives in. This is a game after all...and sometimes the best medicine is to destroy everything.

Open Minded Never quick to judge, but always analyzes. While Preus keeps his mind open to other people's feelings and their situations, he tries and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Can be too Overzealous/ Preachy: May end up talking about his religion and pushing the idea on to other people in a less than friendly situation. He will push it because he knows its the right way to be, the only way to be, and the True way to be.

Audacious due to his Religious BG : He believes he can do anything because he has the power of his God on his side. He'll take extra measures to make sure everything is planned out accordingly and will risk it all once the plan is set in motion. This could be hazardous because he doesnt always think outside the box, and he may end up over analyzing a situation which will cause paranoia.

Hypocritical: He is very hypocritical, he'll sometimes say one thing and do another or vice versa. He can sometimes spin himself to death in a web of lies and deceit and not find a way out of it. He typically stays alone because he has a problem doing something he shouldnt do and does it anyway and then scorns those of the things he has done for whatever reason.

Bi Polar: Due to his mental illness, if you wish to call it that, he shows extreme emotional fits time from time ranging from bleak to depressing to super charged excitement. Or from very angry to very sad depending on the situation. This downfall leads to his own mental state and while he takes medication for it, it doesnt always work and sometimes he is just in a haze.

Special Skills




Weapon skills :


  • [*:o50nw1pd]Head:
    [*:o50nw1pd]Torso #2:
    [*:o50nw1pd]Accessory #1:
    [*:o50nw1pd]Accessory #2:
    [*:o50nw1pd]Inventory: [0/10]



    • [*:o50nw1pd]
    [*:o50nw1pd]Magical Power:

    Role Plays:

    + [solo/private/open] Linked Title


    + Fixed Virtues/Flaws

    + UPdated Char Image, Changed Height [Preus]

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