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Kiseki's Journal

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Username: Kiseki
Real name: Koga Manabu
Age: 22 (Start)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1 | 185.42 cm

About: History/personality

Koga Manabu who is currently known as Kiseki lived with a single mother in a not so great neighborhood. Kiseki started being very social at the start of elementary school. He wasn't afraid to approach and speak to anyone and would always get along with others. However, he always had trouble completing work at school. Sometimes he forgets, sometimes he doesn't want to. His mother was too busy working or sleeping to notice his inability to complete some of his work.

Middle school came along and caused Kiseki to lose a bunch of friends. Kids from other elementary schools would try to pick on Kiseki. The people who he called friends in elementary school would never come to Kiseki's aid. Frustrated, he took matters to his own hand. If nobody was going to help him, then he might as well do it alone. The so called bullies weren't able to beat Kiseki's quick thinking and quick movements. The rest of middle school Kiseki didn't socialize as much as he did in elementary.

When high school came along, Kiseki went back to socializing a lot. He wasn't involved in after school activities. Instead he hung out with people who he really considered friends. He was still lazy, but not as much. The fights he normally would have died down as well. He was probably one of the more popular kids during his high school time. After graduating, Kiseki's mother died in an accident. He couldn't afford to go to college just yet so he moved into a small house with a couple friends. Years passed and all Kiseki ever did was work. His friends wanted to be nice and get him the new upcoming MMO game Sword Art Online. Once given, his friends convinced him to put on the helmet. That decision was one most would regret.


Cooperative: Even though a group is something Kiseki would not prefer, he won't argue against it if he knows he needs it. Kiseki knows he has limits just like everybody else. He's more comfortable with people that are also cooperative, but will work with it if they're average. People who aren't so great with working together will only annoy Kiseki. He will eventually start an argument, but will most likely wait to see if somebody else would do it for him. If all else fails, he'll give up and look for a more cooperative group if that was a possibility.

Agility: For somebody over six foot, he's really quick. His speed is much better than his strength which is average for someone his height. Being fast can help with many things whether it's attacking, defending, sneaking, reacting, etc. In the real world people sometimes call Kiseki's speed his main and most dangerous weapon. He's hoping he could put that use in the virtual world as well. Even if somebody were to move and strike faster than him, his reaction skill will allow him to think of something else quickly.

Social: Kiseki's ways of entering conversations can sometimes be unusual. He can barge into one when he hears something that sounds interesting. If it's not barging in then he'll eavesdrop then holler. Either way he only does it because he likes talking with others. He'll give chances to be approachable, but sometimes will just act on his own and approach whoever interests him. He doesn't care who the person is or what they've done. As long as he doesn't hate the person, there's a chance he'll start a conversation.

Lone Wolf Mentality: Kiseki has a loner mentality that keeps him from wanting to do things without others. If he believes there is something he could do on his own, then he won't even want the help even if required. Unless it's that big of a threat, Kiseki is taking actions by himself. He won't force people to stop following him unless it's something personal. But it doesn't mean that he'll actually try to help people who do follow. Sure he has a heart, but he can't do everything he doesn't want to.

Act On Free-Will: Orders isn't usually something Kiseki "likes." Though he is cooperative, it's to a certain degree. If he doesn't like a plan, he'll act on his own. If he becomes impatient, he'll act on his own. If he has a grudge, he'll act on his own. His decisions will depend on both his mood and the current situation. Something to note is that being liked or disliked by Kiseki won't matter because to him it's all the same. If you don't impress his opinion, don't expect him to listen.

Laziness: This doesn't tend to happen a lot, but when it starts it's not easy to stop. Kiseki will get stressed out and will go lie down somewhere that comforts him. He'll take a nap, daydream, something that will get his mind off of the fact that he's trapped in a video game. He could spend time training or help complete the game, but he'll use an excuse to get out of it. Some people could try to make him get up but he'll still do what he wants, and that would be to waste time at this case.


Available Skill Points: 4
Total: 9



Weapon skills:
» One Handed Curved Sword: Novice


Col: 1300
Materials: 4
» Leopard's Fang (+1 Bleed) 

A falcata with a fine steel blade and a pommel made of carved gold and ivory. The end of the pommel is the head of a leopard, worked in silver, from which the blade receives its name.

» Sleeveless Leather Armor (+1 Evasion)
Misc. Items:
» 10 Bread
» 15 Water

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Kiseki
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