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[PP-F1: Carambit] Forging a Bond

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It was the start of another day and Lindow was eager to meet it head on. From his bed he stretched and yawned as he gathered himself. He scratched his scruffy beard out of habit and was up by dawn, the first light just passing over the horizon giving off that eerie orange glow. After a few pushups, as he normally has done from day to day, he went from the inn door to the outside. He stretched his muscles, although it probably was not necessary for that and ate a bit of his bread from his inventory and drank a few gulps of water.

Outside he soaked up the golden rays that were coming up over the massive Starting City. He made his home at an Inn close towards the inner city. Now he just needed something to do. There were many things to do in Aincrad; hunting for materials seemed like an idea…if it wasn’t so dangerous. He wanted to take a closer look at those swords he saw the other day, he was coming into some Col now and he would like to get his hands on some armor or perhaps a trinket, potions would work wonderfully as well. The options were vast, perhaps he would just let fate steer him in the right direction.

He set out in motion walking the streets. Lindow was a tall player, reaching an extravagant height of six and half feet tall, most of the players here were teenagers and young adults and they only came up to his torso, but there was the occasional player that was able to meet him inch by inch, though he did not have a massive frame like some of the body builders he saw. None the less, his height was a nice advantage; he was able to see most things clearly doubled with his excellent vision. With his mighty two handed blade in tow sheathed behind his back, Lindow went out into the world and come whatever may.

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Carambit was surprised that he was able to spy someone about his height. Most of the other players around him were kids and teenagers, all around 5 and a half feet tall, so seeing somebody older and taller than him was quite refreshing. The man he saw had grey hair and a full beard. He strolled around confidently, like someone who had years of experience with life and was comfortable in his own skin, which, let's be honest, most of the teenagers Carambit saw around... Weren't...

He decided to take the initiative and approach the man. Carambit wasn't always the type of person to open up a dialogue, he usually waited for others to start things up, but he decided to take the initiative and shake things up a bit. When he got close enough to the man, he introduced himself. "Hey," he said "My name's Carambit. Nice to meet you. Was looking for someone to help show me where I can find a good weapon store... And how to navigate said store. If you're not too busy, would you mind helping me out?"

He wasn't certain exactly how the man would react, but he seemed nice enough. Hopefully by making a few friends around here he would have someone who could help him progress and grow stronger. It would always come in handy having people he could fall back on and rely on. If it came down to it, and his friends needed it, he wouldn't hesitate to do the same for them. He extended a hand for a handshake before he got too carried away with himself, and showed the man one of his signature warm, welcoming smiles.

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A friendly face approached him, tall much like himself, perhaps shorter by true comparison but not by much. The player introduced himself as Carambit, that was an interesting name and he seemed to be looking for a weapon shop and needed some help. Lindow was not at all busy with anything at the moment, and a player needing help...Well, that was something he couldn't pass up. The more players that were able to get their feet on the ground in this game, the better the survival rate and getting out of this Hell. Carambit extended his hand as Lindow reached for it, his calloused hand seized his with a hearty shake, "Lindow," he replied shortly to the player.

"Looking for a weapon shop, eh? I know my way around this city now thanks to the many available fetch quests it offers. You'll know the ins and outs of Starting City in no time. In the mean time, let's head to the shop district on this floor where the many available crafters are located." Lindow have a short smile, deciding his usually stoic expression might seem a bit too intense for those seeking help. They walked through the Starting City and Lindow was explaining how it was broken into parts for easily navigating to the right district.  

"If you take a look at your map in the menu, you'll be able to see sections of the city. Often times they are broken up into small segments such as the one we are traveling to; the Shop District. That is where many of the crafting shops are located where people sell their wares. Normally they can be sold for Col or by hunting for materials to use as payment. This district also has many cafes available of all varieties. Do not think food is underrated here, especially if your thinking its like a normal game. The feeling of being full and without food will both have an effect on your mind, so its always good idea to eat something and keep your mind fresh at all times. When I arrived I knew the basics of surviving, food and water are essential. You should have received a few for free when you first noticed the items in your inventory.  If you are looking for something with more taste though, the cafes are a good choice."

Lindow explained, normally he would have to stop for other players to catch up to his long strides, but Carambit seemed to be with him foot for foot as they walked towards the Shopping District. The sign that they were close was the big black billowing clouds from the smithing shops and the smell of fresh food in the air. Although the mixture could be an experience, "We are pretty close now," he said pointing to the giant looming black smithing clouds in the sky. 

"Was there something in particular you were looking for?"

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