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[PP-F2] Winds of Plague (complete)

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Nikki smiled back at his words. They were almost like praise to her ears. Before she could respond however Nine had taken off into the grasses and instinctually she took off after him. As she tried to follow a pair of wasps rose from the grasses. The first, and closest was met immediately with an instant kill attack, that left nothing but a shower of pixels. She had been impressed before with his combative skill, but watching how quickly he adapted and attacked left no words to describe how perfect the attack had been.

She was not one to be outdone however and as she prepared to ambush the second wasp. It had charged Nine in its own hated agro, and this is where she stepped in. As before Nikki stood in its path and as it drew near she raised her shield allowing it to slam into her. This time rather than deflect it off, the giant bug managed to force her backwards with its own momentum. Her feet slid on the loose earth but she maintained her balance, and as the pair slid to a stop Nikki slipped off to the side leaving the enemy at a stand still and exposed. "Switch" She called out again as she prepared to block another attack in case nine missed his shot.

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9Lives Turned on the ball of his foot to see Nikki run towards the next Wasp with zeal. The creature was no match for her defences however. 9Lives pulled his sword back behind him charging for <>. In a flash he launched forward at the <> slashing down but as the Wasp was redirected by Nikki's defense it had moved just outside of the range of his attack and the blade came up empty. Quick on his feet, 9Lives flipped back then side stepped behind Nikki who had the obvious advantage in defense in comparison to his own.

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Nines attack had missed, if by anything it had been a fraction of an inch. That was no matter though as the pair were still in great shape. Clearly the low level creature was no match for either of them, but given its high speed it could prove to be an annoying target to strike. Then again that's why this would prove to be great practice, and help them prepare for larger more dangerous foes.

The wasp recovered swiftly and did a few quick circle to build its speed and momentum back up again. In the process of doing so two more wasps were stirred up from some nearby brush. They had not had a chance to build up the agro that the first had so they simply hovered for a few moments looking more confused than anything. The first continued to circle until it launched another attack.

The first wasp attacking triggered the swarm mechanic in the other two wasps and they immediately followed suit, diving in. Nikki would not be able to deflect all of the attackers they would need to rely on other tactics if they wanted to avoid damage. Nikki cast a glance over her shoulder to Nine. "Lets see how fast you really are" She said as she moved to intercept the first wasp.

Nikki held her shield out in front of her and swung her spear as if it were a hammer attempting to parry first the wasps attack.

Dice Roll -Parry-

1-5 Parry Fails, Wasp lands hit, 2 Damage before damage Mitigation.

6-9 Parry succeeds, Attack is diverted, Wasp Takes 1 Damage.

10 Critical Parry, Attack is diverted, Wasp Takes 2 Damage.


Nikki had swung too soon, not only missing the wasp, but lowering her shield enough for the insect to catch her in the chest. It hit her with a surprising amount of force and managed to knock her down. Nikki did a quick scramble to get back on her feet and noticed the stinger shape dent in her breastplate. She had been lucky this time, If not for her armor she could have been hurt there. "Don't worry, I'm Ok." She called out to Nine as she prepared for another defense.

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9Lives didn't miss a step despite his last attack coming up short. The Wasps were agile making them hard to hit. this was why he chose them to train. he wanted a challenge that would match his speed. while he couldn't claim they were his equal, they were definitely more difficult than any other creature he had yet faced. he set his sword on his shoulder to charge then side stepped just as the wasp hit Nikki, knocking her back. At this range he couldn't miss as he activated <>

Battle die: 7

Base: 1

Weapon skill: 3

4 Damage!

In a flash the golden aura of his blade thrust threw the <> cascading it into oblivion. "I don't worrie." he said bluntly with a cold tone but his face was clearly displaying the exhilaration of battle. As the second Wasp began getting into range for an attack, 9Lives flipped backward over Nikki and landed behind her. "Switch." he said calmly. This one looked a little bigger than the previous monsters. no doubt the disturbance they were causing would bring bigger and bigger challenges this day.


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At the call of switch Nikki raised her shield preparing for the attack. Nine had come in behind her allowing narrowing the insects line of attack, now it had to go through her, and she was ready to accept its challenge. This one however was bigger, she could tell by just the sound it made as its wings beat the air. Size however was irrelevant, it would break against her like its comrades before, and then Nine would surely end the beast. The second remaining one had begun a wide circle, no doubt looking to stir up more reinforcements to assist it.

The first wasp broke into its attack. It flew at the pair like a shot from a gun holding nothing back. Nikki had been hoping it would though, she loved when they did. It was not so much the attack however as it was the initial impact with her shield that she truly loved, in her mind nothing was more satisfying than smashing it against an attacking creature, and feeling the collision like a train wreck. She wouldn't have to wait long though now as a moment later the larger wasp smashed into the metal disk as it predecessors had moments before. This time Nikki threw her weight back into the impact. This maneuver had done no additional damage, but it had knocked the Insect out of the sky temporarily. "Switch" She called out as she began to track the other flying wasp waiting for it to either stir up a mess, or attack.

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The droning hum of the larger wasp was nearly defining. This was almost a completely different creature in its speed and agility. 9lives slipped to the side of Nikki. He threw his sword on his shoulder to charge the attack. In a flash he darted out to thrust his blade into the <> as it fell back form the impact with Nikki's shield. he had a clean shot at the target as he launched forward.

Battle Roll : 2

his motion flew forward at the <> but the more advanced AI of the creature responded far faster than any he had previously seen. its evasion was almost impressive as it used its wings to propel itself out of range. He knew this battle was going to be exhilarating. He somersaulted backwards to take defensive position where he could prepare his next attack.

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It was the level of evasion that wasps possessed that really made them dangerous. Its why one wasp could still beat skilled players, even high damage players could lose easily if they couldn't land a hit. It didn't just make them dangerous, it made them frustrating as well. This one was living up to its reputation as it had now avoided 2 attacks. The second wasp had also now lost interest in whatever it had been doing previously and now hovered close to the first one, preparing to attack. Lucky for Nikki, Nine was close by, so she had a chance to get in the way of both when they attacked.

The wasps were circling each other like the rotating barrels of a machine gun, one over and under. Nikki continued to watch them closely hold her spear tight so that she could try to retaliate when they attacked. "Steady..." She growled under her breath as she prepared for them. Like a rocket they both exploded foreword, stingers drawn, murder in their compound eyes. Nikki smiled as she backed up a few steps closer to Nine, and dug her rear foot into the dirt to keep from sliding.

Both Insects collided with Nikki's shield nearly winding her. They had hit in rapid succession like 2 slugs from a shot gun. Both creatures deflected upwards over her and Nine, this was the perfect opportunity to strike, and she would not waste it. Immediately following the second impact she turned on her heels and thrust her spear upwards at the second wasp.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Failed Attack, Wasp escapes unharmed

6-9 Attack Successful, Wasp takes 2 damage

10 Critical success, Wasp takes 4 Damage.


Nikki's spear connected to its target, Catching the second wasp right under its right wing. The impact of her attack sent it spinning off course and causing it to crash land on the ground nearby. It fluttered its wings furiously and tried to get airborne again to no avail. It was effectively grounded until further notice. Nikki let out a cheer as she attempted to relocate the other flying attacker.

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(you do 3 damage. 1 base damage +2 weapon skill)

with the first wasp grounded, the second Wasp recoiled from its momentum being hurled overhead by Nikki's shield. it quickly got it bearing as it was now nearly in the face of 9Lives. Quickly it lashed out with <> and 9Lives spun back on the heal of his left foot to Evade.

Crafting die 12

Evasion successful!

as he spun 9 Lives pulled his blade up resting it on his shoulder to charge his next attack. coming to a stop, he planted his feet then activated <>. he knew the <> was do disoriented to dodge him form the quick succession of its own missed attacks. They were quick and quite agile but so was 9lives.

Battle die 7

Base attack: 1

Weapon skill: 3

4 Damage!

he dashed forward piercing the the Wasp clean through appearing in a golden flash behind the Wasp. to his surprise the wasp did not die. he wasn't upset though, it was a chance to really test his skill and that couldn't be done if every enemy was killed in the first hit. he spring boarded back to Nikki. "Good strike" he said pleased that she was attacking enemies now that he couldn't easily kill one in a single hit.

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((OOC: Whoops.. Thanks for catchin that miscalculation for me))

Nikki smiled to Nine's praise. "You as well hun" She said back in regards to his own successful attack. The wasps were starting to fall into line. One was grounded and the other severely wounded. Nikki was going to finish the grounded wasp when she noticed that it had disappeared. A nearby rustling in the grass suggested that it had attempted to flee. Nikki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for causing the wasp to flee. She approached the grass now ready to drive a spear into the insects heart and finish it. Before she could get close enough however another Wasp shot out of it nearly crashing into her as it passed by. She had been lucky enough to simply be not where it was flying and avoided any impact, It would circle around though that she knew.

As she tracked the new flying target, the grounded wasp crawled out of the grass, and buzzed angrily as it made an attempt at her feet. Nikki took a few steps back to stay out of its reach before attacking it again with another thrust.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Failed Attack, Wasp escapes unharmed

6-9 Attack Successful, Wasp takes 3 damage

10 Critical success, Wasp takes 6 Damage.


The wasp had no where to go, and no means to defend itself. It was a sitting duck as Nikki plunged her spear sharply into the creatures neck. It gave another angry Buzz before bursting into a spray of blue and green Pixels. Nikki raised her spear triumphantly, and gave a short cheer, before returning her gaze to the new flying threat. "Two left..." She called out to Nine as she began to edge closer to him.

A dull Hum could be heard nearby, or Maybe it was a loud Hum far away. Nikki couldn't tell. It was probably just another wasp she thought as she raised her shield again preparing for another attack. The Hum began to grow louder and deeper. It wasn't like the drone of any wasp she had heard before, or even a swarm of wasps for that matter. This was something else, something new. She looked at Nine cautiously as if seeking some sort of reassurance.

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His eyes lighted up as he received the notification of his rank up. he assigned his points furthering his damage output. There were two left and yet he heard the drone of one much larger. No doubt the area boss was near and getting agitated by their presence. He count worry about that right now. these <> were to quick to be ignored. with his target grounded. 9Lives moved in for the kill. The Wasp was in shambles with its mandibles destroyed and its legs paralyzed. It was less impressive as he thought it would be. The fact that it didn't die in a single hit was initially alluring but this was no challenge. he placed his blade on his shoulder to change then activated <>

battle die: 2


The creature was far from dead though and as his blade began to glow and his attack launched off, the wounded wasp rolled into the brush and his attack came up empty. 9lives began to laugh as the resilient creatures not content to lay down and die. This was going to be fun after all.


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Nikki Snapped her gaze back to the last flying wasp. It had circled around a couple of times and raised itself out of striking distance. A smile crossed her lips now as she remembered her wasp hunt with Daeron, these things liked to get above you, and now she was better prepared for it. The insect continued to circle around Buzzing angrily, until it let loose with all the fury it could muster. Its attention had focused on Nikki now, as she had scored the most recent kill. She took a few steps away, wanting to make sure she had plenty of room to strike back, and not accidentally hit Nine. She raised her shield now, like an umbrella to protect her from the attack.

Another loud clang echoed out as the wasp struck the shield sharply. The impact had been so severe that Nikki had been forced from a standing position, down onto her knees. This was ok though, the wasp had failed to hurt her, and she was in a prime position to spring into action. In a flash she pulled the shield aside, revealing the wasp only a few feet above her head, and activated her <> ability to strike the insect from directly below it.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Failed Attack, Wasp escapes unharmed

6-9 Attack Successful, Wasp takes 3 damage

10 Critical success, Wasp takes 6 Damage.


Nikki put every last ounce of strength into her thrust, she had even used the crouching position, as a means to gain extra momentum, as she extended her legs into the attack. Everything had been flawless, as her spear found its mark. The tip pierced easily through the wasps exoskeleton and drove entirely through it, effectively skewering it. Immediately it fell limp sliding down the shaft of the spear, giving a few twitches, and then shattering into pixels. Nikki was now left in a rather triumphant pose as she held her spear pointing straight up in victory. All that was left was the one, If they could get it then they could take a break.

The deep buzzing had grown louder now, and had even begun to sound more agitated if such a thing was possible. she brought down her weapon now and turned to see Nine still had his prey cornered. That meant he was still ok, and that perhaps whatever was making the noise was just passing them by.

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9lives would not be outwitted by a struggling wasp. he wasn't going to waste his time trying to swing at a running monster who had already proved his ability to evade. Instead he left himself open as he followed. the Wasp took the bait moving around to his side. the wounded <> lept forward swinging to thrust its stinger at 9lives. he turned sharply lashing out with <>

Battle Die: 9

Redirected: 2

Weapon skill +4

Critical! x2

12 Damage!

in a flash he swung eradicating the wasp flawlessly win a single motion. he spun the the blade in his hand for a second looking around for any other enemies but his partner had taken out the last wasp. he gripped his blade and turned to face Nikki. The droning sound he had noticed previously remained. 9Lives made his way back to Nikki. as he reached her the sound got louder. The largest wasp yet flew down from the sky. "Queen." he said to Nikki. "Switch."


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Nikki had only just heard Nine yell out Queen, and call for a switch, before a massive shadow blocked out the light around them. She looked up to see a massive wasp hovering overhead, sounding like a fighter jet. She backed up slowly, not in fear but in preparation, she knew Nine had scored the last kill, this "queen" would be focused on him for the moment, and she would protect him as best as she could now. "Just like before, no differences" She said out loud, not so much for his benefit, but to remind herself that this was not as big a deal as it would appear.

Nikki held her composure and lifted the shield aiming its broad side at the giant insect. Where ever it went she would keep that shield facing it. The wasp did a slow circle, gradually getting faster as it built up speed and momentum. For now it was too high to strike, even with the reach of her spear, but she knew that soon it would come down to their level. It made another circle, and then another, picking up more speed as it did. Nikki could feel slight breeze forming, and could see the dust around her feet swirling gently. No wonder they called them wind wasps. She could only imagine what a swarm of these could do if a player was ambushed.

Another few moments passed as the wasp sped up in its circles, and then without warning it attacked. The buzzing grew to a near deafening level as it dove in stinger presented with murder in its eyes. Nikki knew she couldn't hesitate with this, that if she lost her resolve Nine could be hurt. She couldn't live with failing someone like that. She held her ground until the last second, keeping close to her comrade, and then when the wasp was practically onto[p of her she sprung foreword slamming its underside with her shield. The impact was noticed immediately as she was easily pushed back by the size and strength of the creature, But its attack had been stopped. As she slid a dirt was kicked up all around her feet, and carried further by the wings of the wasp.

Finally she stopped sliding and she felt the weight of the queen raise off of her shield. Now was her chance to fight. She activated a thrust from under the wasp.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Failed Attack, Queen Wasp escapes unharmed

6-9 Attack Successful, Queen Wasp takes 3 damage

10 Critical success, Queen Wasp takes 6 Damage.


Her spear connected with the queens underside doing minimal damage. As Nikki pulled back a small string of bug juice dripped from the open wound, turning into pixels before it hit the ground. "SWITCH" Nikki called out as she backed up giving Nine as much room as she could. She knew if he was lucky this fight could be over in one strike.

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For the first time, 9lives was actually impressed by Nikki. blocking the attack of a boss was no easy feet. in fact he had only witnessed such an act by himself and Saix. Nikki had truly proven herself to be worthy of the guild. not only had she successfully blocked the attack but she struck out at the monster. 9Lives was not star struck however and quickly moved into position. He pulled his blade back charging for his attack and when Nikki called for <> and stepped to the side, he Activated <>.

Battle Die: 7

Base damage: 1

Weapon skill: 4

5 Damage!

In a blur, he flew forward slashing downward tearing through the abdomen on the wasp and cleaving through its stinger. With its most effective weapon destroyed it could only use <> making it a far easier target to finish. it would only take one more good hit to bring this monster down.


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Nikki saw her opportunity to strike now. The queen was near death, and it was time to finish her off. She took a quick moment to regain her footing, as she switched from a defensive posture to an attack posture. She didn't wait for Nine to clear back all the way, at this point it was better to move faster and gain the advantage as a pose to waiting to play it safe, and given that her attack would put her close to the wasp, and close to him, she would still be able to defend if she missed. The queen had turned and was starting to gain elevation again, Nikki wasted no time and sprung foreword with her Thrust attack.

Dice Roll -Thrust-

1-5 Failed Attack, Wasp escapes unharmed

6-9 Attack Successful, Wasp takes 2 damage

10 Critical success, Wasp takes 4 Damage.


The Queen had already gotten to high, and Nikki's attack lacked the reach to catch her. Immediately she raised her shield and fell in close to Nine. The goal now was to defend, bring it low and let Nine finish it off. The queen began again circling around and around, picking up more speed, and as before when it had reached a certain point it attacked without warning. Again the bulk of the insect came slamming down behind a stinger, and again Nikki put herself in its way to halt the attack. Several chunks of dirt from around her were kicked up with a combination of the force of the impact and the gale like winds coming from the wasps wings.

Nikki was lucky again, and the impact was stopped, though it was still uncomfortable to have so much weight crashing down on her like that. "Finish her off Nine." She called out as she felt the queens weight lifting off again.

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The queen made one last desperate lunge at Nikki but once again was stopped by her defenses. 9Lives was fueled and exhilarated as the monster continued to survive despite the enormous onslaught it had taken thus far. he had not fought a creature that took so much damage and refused to tide. he wished this battle would go one longer but this was going t obe the end. As the Wasp Queen Rose up form Nikki trying to retake to the Air 9Lives pulled back to charge his attack. once he was sure the attack would clear Nikki he activated <>

Battle Die: 8

Base damage: 1

Weapon Skill: 4

5 Damage!

He leapt into the air charging at the Wasp Queen as his skill activated. in one clean slash he tore through the large wasp landing behind it. The mob boss erupted into polygons scattering to the ground. 9Lives thought he was be upset that the battle had ended but he was far to thrilled with the battle to suffer any ill effects. His mind was clear and focused. He turned and genuinely smiled at Nikki. this had been a good day. "it will be a while before they respawn, we should head back to town."

Loot die

Wasp1: 12 - Wind Wasp Needle

Wasp2: 10 - No loot

Wasp3: 16 - Wind Wasp Needle

Wasp4: 5 - No Loot

Wasp5: 18- Wind Wasp Needle x2

Wasp6: 17 - Wind Wasp Needle

Wasp7: 9 - No Loot

Queen: 12 - Wind Wasp Needle x2 , Wasp Venom

Nikki - 2 Wind Wasp Needle

9lives - 5 Wind Wasp Needle, Wasp Venom

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It had been fast, but Nikki had managed to look up in time to see Nine deliver the final blow to the queen. Moments later it was nothing more than pixels and polygons and then nothing. During the course of the fight they had even both managed to level up. She would also make a note to use this particular battle strategy with the rest of the guild. It had proven to be a very effective way to minimize risk to party members, while ensuring maximum damage as often as possible.

Nikki could see what appeared to be a smile on Nines face, not like a tolerated smile, but instead a real, genuine smile. He was one of those people who thrived in battle. Was this all he really needed? If that was the case she would gladly party with him anytime as he was a great fighter, and gamer. it was at that thought that she remembered, she knew him, or rather had played with him before. The battle had driven the thought from her mind, but now it was there again, and the results of the actual fight only proved it in her mind. She was going to say something, but instead decided to save that for another day."Its been a great day... Here I'm not gonna need these anytime soon." As she spoke she pulled up her inventory trade window and added her recent loot items to it before sending them to Nine. Im sure you can make something good with these."

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9lives accepted the trade. 'Arigato, Boku wa kore o... he stopped and sighed. I will see that these are put to good use for the guild." he said nodding his head. 9lives turned and began heading back into town without another word. as they approached the walls he stopped before the got in earshot of the town. "it is not uncommon that you would know my name if you are a gamer as well. more so if you are a professional. however these distinctions cause hazards in this world. if people know your career is to master and defeat others in video games they will try to exploit you for their needs. worse others will see you as a threat to their existence and will seek to end yours. This is why people like us must not let the others know who we are and what we do." He paused to make sure it all sunk in before moving forward.

He opened his inventory and selected the triad window. 9Lives had created an amazing set of heavy armor for Nikki assuming that should she prove worthy, would be able to maximize its use. he sent the offer over to her without provocation. once she could view the armor he said "its not a shield but i think this will aid you to a greater extent."

The armor was Victorian styled plate with segmenting plates to maximize defense while not compromising motion. The metal was a brilliant royal blue with gold trim. its elaborate inlay of gold through the plates looked stunning. +11 Durability

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Nikki nodded in agreement to Nine's statement. It was true other players were a threat to professional gamers, more so than the MoBs or even bosses. This was the price they would pay for being better, to be feared and heated, hunted and exploited. Those who excelled and things like this were not welcome in games, it was Ironic really. "I wont tell others... Its just good to know I'm not entirely alone here." For Nikki there was comfort in the familiarity of someone who she knew before. It would make things easier knowing she actually knew someone here.

She had been smiling at him, but the moment the trade window opened and she saw the Item appear in it her smile changed to a look of aw. He had been giving her an armor, and it was... Perfect. It was hard to believe that such a thing existed, let alone was now going to exist in her possession. She quickly accepted the Item and pulled up her inventory to examine it further.

Breast Plate of the Unbreakable

This armor is both beautiful and practical. To the wearer it is Light and durable, and to the opposition it is as daunting as any boss. The armor itself is designed with both black and gold inlays, that show the attention to detail that only a master smith could provide.

+11 Durability

Nikki immediately equipped the piece and watched as it flashed in over her blue dress. It felt... Amazing. She felt like she was wearing nothing at all, yet the feeling of protection and comfort remained. It was almost as though suddenly the world itself could not touch her. The grin on her face now was comparable to nothing else as she spun around trying to see how it looked on her from all angles. It was gorgeous, and far more than what she had expected. Suddenly she realized that she hadn't thanked Nine and she turned running up to him to give him a hug. "Thank you so much... I don't know what to say."

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the pleased expression on his face form a good battle and the look on Nikkis face as she saw what she had earned along with his respect quickly changed as she embraced him. immediately his eyes widened with shock. he didn't hug her back paralyzed by the actions of the girl. when she released he took a step back with his expression unchanging. he didn't like to have his personal space invaded and really didn't like being touched. He remained quiet trying not to say anything that would make the situation worse.

His eyes shifted down for a moment as he tried to regain his composure. "we venture forth to battle again soon." he said calmly before leaping backward with is right arm up to catch the roof ledge. in a fluid movement he swung back form the momentum of his jump then swung forward flipping up to the roof top then took off towards the center to town.

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