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[PP-F1} <<Earning A Living Quest>> The ways of a cook (Vasth)

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Miriko decided that today was the day! Today was the day that she would become a cook. Well at least try to. Miriko had been walking around floor 1, slightly bored when the thought hit her. She also remembered that her boyfriend, Vasth, had promised to help her complete the quest. Miriko quickly found a nearby park and sat down on one of the multiple wooden benches spread out around the green park. It was a nice warm day, the sun was shining and a few clouds dotted the bright blue sky. Miriko opened her menu and sent Vasth a message.

Hey Vasth, Are you free today? I want to finally complete the earning a living quest. Meet me on floor 1 in the park on the north side. :)

Miriko clicked the send button awaited Vasth's arrival. She quickly ran her fingers through her long brunette hair, relising she hadn't fixed it up this morning.


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Vasth was at his shop playing with the cats the came with his shop.Vasth was about the go to take a nap because he had nothing else to do until Miriko's message came up.Vasth was delighted.He quickly got ready,patted the cats and closed the shop

Whenh he got to the first floor,he walked north to the park.He had his Dragon headed spear ready and then saw Miriko so he waved at her.

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Miriko spotted Vasth quickly, He stood out of the crowd, tall, blond hair tied up, emerald eyes. He waved at her, with his usual smile. Miriko waved back and started to walk towards Vasth. When she finally made it to him, she wrapped him in a hug.

"I missed you Vasth." She spoke softly. Miriko let go and smiled, a broad grin on her face "Today, I decided to try and finally become a cook." She was unusually hyper today and could barely hold her excitement in.

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Miriko frowned and grumbled. "I was waiting for the right day. And today is the right day." She pulled Vasths hand in the direction of where you had to go to become a cook. "I cant wait." Her amber eyes glinted like a child on christmas day, waiting to open presents. Miriko slowed down her pace, so that she was aligned with Vasth. She looked around the city, it was alive today with busy players and even NPC's. "Today is busy." Miriko slightly laughed. They walked a while until they reached their destination.

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Vasth laughed as he had tensed Miriko,She drag him with her,as she said "Today is busy." "It sure is Miriko." She was like a little girl running about in a doll shop. Vasth looked around,he could smell good food...made him hungry.

"Once You become a cook,I will eat all you food you cook." He kissed her,smiled as he pushed away and kept walking.

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Miriko giggled as Vasth stopped to kiss her. "Once You become a cook,I will eat all you food you cook." 

"Even if its horrible?" Miriko laughed. "I was a pretty good cook in the real world but who knows what i will be like here." She looked around and her eyes landed on the building they were looking for. "Thats the place." Miriko almost squealed in excitement, pointing at a brick building with a huge sign reading: The ways of a cook. Miriko walked towards the door, put her hand on the doorknob and opened the dooor

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Vasth smiled "Even if it's bad and horrible," Vasth frowned "Most likely you just need to practice a lot so you skills become better." Vasth said, Miriko had spotted her target and quickly walked there,while dragging Vasth.Vasth quickly jogged up to walked next to her. When Miriko open the door and walked in Vasth followed. 

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Miriko opened the wooden door to a big kitchen. "Wow this is magnificent." Miriko's eyes sparkled. There was a desk to the side where a NPC stood with an exclamation mark on its head. '"How can I help you?" The NPC Spoke. Miriko bounced over to the desk. "Well, I want to become a cook and i heard that this was the right place to go." Miriko spoke seriously, containing her excitement. I cant wait.

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Vasth looked around there were picture of food everywhere, "Wow they all look really good...." he walked up with Miriko .He looked at Miriko as she talked to the NPC. Miriko looked serious,she really wanted this job.

"What does she need to do to become a Cook." Vasth asked to NPC, Vasth was getting really hungry...even though he ate like 40 mins ago.

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The NPC looked at Vasth and replied "Well all she has to do is kill 2 boars and harvest a plant of any sort." The NPC clapped its hands as if in delight. Miriko nodded her head in agreement. "I will like to take on this quest" Miriko spoke. The NPC again clapped its hands and Miriko opened her menu to find a quest confirmation. She pressed yes and the NPC automatically chirped. "Hope you have fun on your quest"

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Vasth smiled as he grabbed Miriko's hand. "Let's go, Miriko." Vasth smiled as Miriko leaded the way, Vasth smiled, He really loved her, So much. Vasth and Miriko found their location for their quest, Vasth looked around for boars and Miriko went to find the plant. Vasth frowned should the boar be around here somewhere. 

(Miriko,let's wait a bit because we fight cause I am still understand the new system.)

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Miriko walked around in the tall grass, looking for any type of harvestable plant. After a few minutes of looking for a plant, Miriko decided to look somewhere else. She walked up to Vasth and stopped, gazing out where Vasth was looking. "Have you found any boars yet?" Miriko asked and planted on hand on her hip. It was a nice and sunny day on floor 1, With an exeption of a cloud or two. She looked up at the sky, feeling the sun warming her skin.

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Vasth called back "No not yet," Vasth moved  around the tall grass, Vasth look at the grass, it seemed pretty deep and the grass went over his head. Vasth said to Miriko "Wait here for a bit, Miriko." Vasth looked around the grass, as he looked around, his found a plant which look at it, "Miriko, I think I found a plant here!" Vasth shouted out. 

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As Miriko waited for Vasth, She spotted a brown bunny coming towards her from the grass. "Well hello there bunny." The small creature jumped in fright from Miriko's voice and started to bounce away. "Wait, Dont be scared. Im actually a nice person, I wont hurt you." She softened her voice and bent down, reaching her hand out.The bunny cautiously came towards the girl. It nuzzled Miriko's hand, well that was until Vasth's voice called out. The bunny quickly bounced away. Miriko got up off the ground and made her way towards Vasth's voice. "Where is the plant?"

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LD: 9 

"Wow what a beautiful flower." Miriko bent down and put her hand around the plant and tugged at it. To her dismay, the pretty flower burst into pixels. "Oh well. We will have to try again on something different." She sighed. Vasth's voice quietly spoke. She turned around and sure enough there was a boar standing there, looking pretty angry. "That boar doesnt look too happy." Miriko pulled out her sword and looked at Vasth to see if he was ready. 

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"Okay, lets do this" Miriko nodded and quickly moved forward. She struck that boar with her sword, slicing its side. The boar cried out and got angry, throwing hits head around in fustration. She backed away quickly, not wanting the boar to strike her. "It's your turn Vasth." Miriko grinned. This is fun. The short girl was energetic, ready for anything. "Be careful" She called out again to Vasth. Miriko kept her amber eyes on the boar as Vasth attacked. I haven't fought anything in a while. The girl gripped her sword. The feeling is kind of refreshing I guess.

ID 32906

BD 8 Hit

3/4 Boar -1

40/40 Vasth 

18/18 Miriko Hate: 1

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(Pssst Miriko you're suppose to get hit my the boar!...but one if you have Dmg Mit on you skill you take none but you still need to add that you got hit)

Vasth steps back ready for a finishing move, Vasth nods as he hear the words of Miriko, "I am going to finish this," Vasth leaps forward shouts out "Twin Thrust!" Vasth did his moves manually since he liked it like that. The boar was aggro to Miriko so Vasth was able to do it easily without trouble, Vasth thrust the boar knee making it fall down and then it's neck killing it as it bursted int pixels "Let's found one more, Miriko!" Vasth say as he places his spear on his back again.

ID 33259

BD 10 ~Crit Hit~ Twin Thrust
Sword Art = 2x1x5= 10 (Bit of a overkill...poor boar)

-7/4 Boar -10 (Dead)

40/40 Vasth 

Energy 6/10 

18/18 Miriko

Energy ?/?

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