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[PP-F1] Beginning of Everything.(Daeimos & Xion)

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The day was like any other, a azure blue sky filled with puffy white cotton balls swimming in the bright sea above the starter town, one that held many people all suffering the same problems as any other. Being trapped in the death game known as SAO, and the blasted floating castle called Aincrad, this was the hell many had to deal with. The dangers of each floor, the creatures, terrain, but most of all the players a level 5 wolf was a threat but a player of that same level was another story players were far worst if faced with one. Seeing how they were not programmed to follow a designed path, so people had that to deal with more than the Mob's but still they would need to be careful, as such players had to deal with daily activities and tasks such one player was dealing with his own ones. A dark haired one, dressed in rather ordinary attire, drab in any sense of esthetic other than for protection from the sun, wind, rain and other weather based situations and to keep the appeal of his appearance up as well, not wanting to have people find him strange for wandering the town in nothing. So of course he would wear his usual red and blue turban located on the cranium, the usual mask being pulled up over his nose, accompanied by a sleeveless brown leather vest, with tan coloured decor, dark sand brown trousers. Leather knee guards with various straps and a pair of leather sandals, this was his normal attire he would wear in all his combat situations for the remainder of his time on the first floor as he would need to acquire new gear and clothing when a chance arose. 

The muffled sounds of players through the oaken window shutters that were set closed in the small room that he resided in the night, as the thought of death didn't deter him away from his goal of getting stronger, a usual smile upon his face as he looked at himself in the small mirror on the night stand next to his rather drabby resting cot. The smell of musk and usefulness was stained in the wooden walls that was his room, dimmed of any light as such was not needed to move about it, the two identical chairs that set close to a rather large for it's size round table. This table holding  empty fruit bowl, which would have been filled if he had anymore col left as this room was rather on the light side of his budget, but with that behind him he gave a slight chuckle as he adjusted the turban on his head. And after finally setting it nice and stable he made sure to equip his Arabic Scimitar to his waist as he was going to make sure he would get a few kills from the lower level creatures. With his attire now set, and the sword he acquired from the gift box at the beginning of the game he finally took a step towards the door. The sound of his leather sandals making a clopping rhythm with each time they struck the wooden floor, the creek of the old rusty iron hinges as the door swung open filled the hallway and the sudden closing emitted a rather unwanted slam. The green eyed lad sighed his mind not even swayed as the look at the door made him think, *
Perhaps they need to fix the doors on these frames, can't be too hard seeing how it all derives on coding.*

With the thoughts now swirling around his head, he continued to ponder in silence to himself, the slivers of his brown hair slipping though the fabric that was the red and blue turban upon his head and the similar coloured mask pulled over his nose, from the piece around his neck. He trekked down the hallway and into the main sitting region of the Inn he was residing in, and seeing the Clerk on the other side of the desk ask for the key, he gladly handed it back to the gentlemen, a smile upon his face. Just like the one upon the lads own face, the elderly man in his mid forties bowing before the oddly dressed fellow and he himself bowing back in respect. With the sound of the door now opening to the main plaza of the Town of Beginnings water fountain not too far from his location. Just a few yards from the place where it all began, and the horror of this places true meaning, a death game a new form of living for all unfortunate enough to be trapped in here but all that was ancient history and needed to be left as that, a distant memory. The sight of the bright yellow sun above him, sending warm rays down from the ocean of blue above him, and the clouds rolling over making the sun disappear before coming back into view, the young man, one with Olive tan coloured skin beginning to trek his way towards the fountain, as he knew he would need to come up with a game plan. Running in blindly to the battle was not his style, he needed information and the main plaza was always if not littered with players who could give him the information he desired,

So with his new goal set the young man began his way to the plaza, hoping someone there would aid him in his journey in becoming stronger so he could get out of this place of misery and despair, though it was easy to avoid this negative emotion. It was not as easy to avoid players who held this emotion more than others, and trying to not interact with people was a challenge in a half shell in a rite, as it was kind of his thing to gather information from players and people as well as NPC's, and avoiding that was nearly impossible. So with now after some time, the young man found the fountain and took a seat upon the edge of the cobblestone textured water sculpture, the sound of crystal clear water rushing behind him making the place seem more peaceful. It was a nice touch to the fact that this place held much negative memories, and being here was rather anguish in its own right, so his green eyes now looking at the grown, and his hands resting on his knee's the brown linen trousers he wore was rather peasant like and was not fancy in any form. The only two things that stood out where his turban and scimitar, as many players or sait NPC's were looking at him, and talking much about him, not too much for minor folk to pick up unless they were listening enough. So now, he sat there, pondering on his next course of action, not sure who to go to first, as he didn't know anyone yet in this horrid place called a home, a place he was trapped until it was bloody beaten who knew when that would be done.

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Xion sighed as he sat behind the counter of his shop on floor one. It was a small smithy on the outskirts of the town of beginnings, which drew very little attention on a good day. Nobody had come through the door for over a day, and the long haired blonde had nothing to do. After a while of doing nothing, he decided that maybe visiting his favourite fountain would help to pass the time. He went about locking up his shop, and equipped his black trench coat, that he usually wore while smithing, as it had an enhancement that increased the amount of EXP gained from each craft. 


He then walked out of his shop, making sure to lock the door before he left a 'Closed' sign hanging on it. As he walked he took some time to admire the true beauty of SAO, one that many could not see as they were obsessed with clearing the game, not that it wasn't important, but what was the point of fighting to survive if you cannot enjoy what you fight for? He loved the constant clear skies and puffy clouds of floor one, a rare sight where he lived in the real world. He loved how the temperature was seemingly always just right for almost all players, how there was never a day when Aincrad seemed dull and lifeless. He smiled as he thought about these things, while he was trapped here, he couldn't help but love the world that he now called home. 


Eventually he reached the central plaza of the town of beginnings, it was a large, round area, with a teleport gate in the middle, another notable trait of the plaza was a large fountain, which was always filled with crystal clear water. The player smiled as he went and sat down on one of the benches surrounding the fountain, letting out a relaxed sigh before he noticed something: another player. He was an odd looking gentleman, with a blue and red turban atop his head, and he was wearing sandals. Xion had to hold back laughter as he looked upon the boy. 'He looks like he was ripped straight from a disney movie' he thought as he calmed down. Nevertheless, he was another player, and a low levelled one by the looks of it, maybe he was lost? With a smile the blonde stood up and walked over to the boy. "Hey, my name's Xion. You seem a little lost, are you ok?" he asked, trying his best to sound friendly. 

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The sounds of players cascaded his ears, there voices all danced in his mind listening to the conversations that he could hear from his point the young man who had his eyes closed now carefully picked up the tone, pitches and basses of each voice he heard. The wind brushing over his face, making the fabric of his turban flutter and snap at the endings of the pieces that laid upon the center of his back tracing his spine, but as another conversation was about to begin the sound of a male like voice boomed in his head. With his eyes now ripping open he looked upon a gentlemen before him, seeing the blonde colour caught his eyes first and then the man voice was what rang in his ears next.  "Hey, my name's Xion. You seem a little lost, are you ok?" Those where the words he heard, and let his ear be graced with a elegant tone with a smile now peeling over his lips under his mask like slab of fabric from his turban the young man stood up and bowed to the blonde haired fellow before him. "But of course I am, for I am just pondering over a plane for me to get stronger." "No need to fret over the fact that I may look like I am "lost", tis nothing to worry about." After that his smile stayed and his eyes of emerald flustered with much colour almost glowing with such hope that this person would assist him in his journey, and if not a good chat wouldn't harm anything. Before he could continue his mind caught him, "Oh my, where are my manners, the names Daeimos pleasure to meet your acquaintance Xion." 

And with his hand flying forward he gave the fellow a warm American handshake gesture, hoping the player before him would take on his way of greeting, if not twas all good, with his eyes blinking a few times before he spoke, Daeimos eyes locked onto Xion's eyes. 
"So tell me Xion, what brings you here to the main plaza?" "You look as though you could be in better places than this old memory of a nightmare." Daeimos said, as his own voice rang through the air once more, a light and well developed young adult male voice not too deep or too light. The voice of a male in his early twenties or so, but still having a slight accent of Arabic roll of the tongue clashing with a accompanied Northern American accent of Washington or close to it. As his own dark skin now revealed to the light of day as the sun rolled out of the clouds, making his Olive brown skin light up more, his one hand still waiting to be met with Xion's own hand, while the other moved to the HUD and unequipped the turban revealing short messy like dark brown hair. Daeimos just gave a slight chuckle as he now was letting his whole face be revealed to the world around him, for he cared not what others thought of his appearance. All he cared was being himself to the person before him if he tried to hide himself now then what good would that serve him in the future if he ever met Xion again, he would just look like a fool.

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Xion chuckled as he heard the other player speak "If you fear a nightmare, then it becomes stronger, but if you where to laugh at it, you would become stronger" he said as he sat down next to the player, looking upon his now exposed face. "I have nothing to do, my shop is empty and I have no quests that need doing right now, so I decided that maybe relaxing by this fountain would help to pass the time" he said as he placed his hands beneath his head and looked up into the sky, sighing a sigh of relaxation as he watched the white cotton bud clouds roll over the blue sky. "You know, the best way to get stronger is to start farming MOBs and completing quests, the more you farm the faster you level and the stronger you become. We could go and do some farming right now if you want" he said with a smile. 

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Daeimos listened to the player as he witnessed him take a seat as such so did he, bending down and setting his rump upon the hard cobblestone fountain. LIstening to the sound of the water of the fountain as well as Xion's word hearing him tell him about farming MoB's and completing quests. "Haha, of course I know this, but the thing is I am rather on the short side of fighting." "I would like to not die from a boar or wolf, seeing how your offering to tell me this perhaps you could help me kill a few?" Who knows I might just surprise you, that is if I knew anything about fighting I never even held a blade til today." "So I hope you can excuse me if I tumble over my incompetence to be situated to combat." With now his words slipping out of his lips, he looked down at his weapon and drew it, hearing the ringing of the weapon as it came from the leather and wooden sheathe he placed it on his lap. "This is my weapon, she's just like me, we both hail from the place of origin." He said as he was referring to his weapon being a Arabian Scimitar, letting Xion know just a tad bit of his place of birth, as well as to show him the weapon style he was going with in this place of death and despair, while getting prepared for his beginning to a battle in the near future. As he sighed he placed one hand on the handle, and the other over the flat face of the weapon edge and began to mumble to himself which sounded to be in Arabic or Persian, either was it was too subtle for the auto translator to pick up and do it's job.

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Xion smiled as the player talked, and then showed Xion his weapon. "Worry not. for I shall not let any harm come to you. I'm a tank build you see, so I can easy draw the attention of any enemies" he said with a chuckle, before going into his menu and selecting the Slicing Maelstrom, and showing it to the player. It was a long, one handed straight sword with a dark grey blade, which had a core of yellow metal. The blade had small, yellow lightning bolt-like markings along it. The handle was wrapped in a dark leather grip, and the hand guard was of an angular lightning-bolt like design. Occasionally electricity would arc along the blade. "And this is my weapon, the Slicing Maelstrom, it is a perfect weapon with a +2 damage enhancement and paralyses on critical strikes, which means that while I am a tank, I can deal large amounts of damage if I land a crit" 

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Daeimos eyes lite up when he saw the weapon, the elegance and shear beauty of the weapon was a magnificent one and seeing how the weapon was not of his caliber to wield made him jealous. But enough of hos gawking he shook his head and the once brightly lite eyes focused on Xion, "Aye, I can see that now from your words I have to understand your power, I would tend to think my fighting would be rather deceiving, kehehe." "I tend to be somewhat of a sly man and trick people in a slight playful manner." With his words now filling the air around him, Daeimos took a step forward after leaning forward and standing up twisting his body he pivoted on his right heel and facing Xion. "So shall we shove off then?" "And trek to the field so we can take on some beasts?" He asked as his green eyes focused on Xion's own eyes, making sure there was a understanding of respect between them both, Daeimos was about respect and looking at someone in the eyes when speaking was one such event. His left hand upon the pummel of his sword while the wind blew gently over him and the town making his hair flutter gently while he still held a smile upon his face. Pearl white teeth flashing as the sun beckoned and reached out to the making the area feel the warmth it was producing and make everything seem welcoming and calm like. This was something that Daeimos liked about the days on floor one, they were calming and welcoming much like the smile upon his face and calm cool headedness as well as his positive happy go lucky mood.

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Xion nodded "We shall, a few boars should be good starting enemies for you, that and they deal very little damage so I can take them easily" he said with a smile as he started to walk towards the gates of the town of beginnings, the black trench coat that he was wearing picking up some wind as he did. "So..." he said after a few minutes of walking. "What sort of build are you going for, if any? I own a blacksmith shop so I can help you achieve your goals...for a price of course, but I can supply you with armour, weapons and shields if need be" he said with a smile, as they finally reached the outskirts of the town of beginnings and stepped out into the rolling plains of floor one. 


Xion smiled as he took in the fresh air of the floor that he called home. "This place never ceases to amaze me with how...just perfect it is" he said. 

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With the goal now set in his mind, and a few enemies that Xion named off for them to slay Daeimos nodded and stood up as Xion did and followed behind him with grace and speed, as he listened to Xion speak again. He heard a question leave his lips, "So... what sort of build are you going for, if any?" And then after that he told him he owned a blacksmithing shop near him, for a price he could give him the necessary gear he would be using in the future, Daeimos frowned as he looked at Xion. "Well the only thing I would need from your shop would be a Sword, as I didn't take on the heavy armor skill." "And a shield would just get in the way, as I want to be a fast DPS build." "I want to try and join the front lines so I can escape this hellish place, trying to go for a higher level of one handed curved sword skill." And with that he told Xion all he needed to know about his future build and what he was going to go for in the combat style for his stay in Aincrad, "But I am sure I can get many weapons made from you, and a price isn't my concern here, I will make sure I earn enough to pay you handsomely." He said to his new comrade, and before he knew it he nearly forgot to add Xion to his contacts as well as form a party, as he swiped his hand down several times, not use to the hand gesture to activate his HUD, he found the social icon. Swiping a few more times, til he found the friends request icon as well as the party former, and with his finger clicking on it and finding Xion's name in the local player finder, he sent him two requests, one to be his friend and the other to form a part with him.

<Player <<Daeimos>> wishes to befriend player <<Xion>>, do you accept?>

<Player << Daeimos>> wishes to form a party with player <<Xion>>, do you accept?>

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Xion accepted both of the requests, seeing a tiny health bar appear below his on his HUD. "Wow you're new, no offence but to me your health bar is tiny" he said with a  slight chuckle as they finally reached the rolling fields and plains surrounding the town of beginnings. The player smiled as he looked upon the beautiful world of SAO "And to think, all that Kayaba did with such a world was make a death game out of it...such a shame" he said, as he looked at Daeimos. "So, are you ready to fight some boars?" he asked with a smile, patting the player on the back lightly. 


(BTW I made some armour and a shield since starting, mind if I use them?) 

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Daeimos chuckled as Xion clicked yes on both the notifications he sent him, seeing the party tab appear in the top left corner of his HUD, seeing the difference in the HP gauge was a sure apparence of Xion's skill. Daeimos sighed as he spoke then when Xion mentioned him being new, "Not really new, just been lazy, I tend to loose track of time easily, and not only that sleeping is a hobby of mine." "So I have been just sleeping most of the time while everyone was busting their butts leveling up, I saw no need to rush, but I really got curious about the frontlines." He said to Xion and smiled to him as then Xion asked about something that Daeimos believe Xion should have figured that out, "So, are you ready to fight some boars?" Daeimos just gave Xion a smirk and a little witty remark, 

"Hmm... fight boars, and get stronger... or stay here and have a pleasant conversation with a lovely gentlemen like yourself... soo hard to choose." He crossed his arms and then did a stroll back and forth as he acted like he was thinking and then turned to Xion and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "I think I'll do both, lets go kill some piggies and talk along the way." When he let his arm go, he walked by XIon and headed towards the gate even more, as he looked over his shoulder to his newly met friend and future comrade, "Ya comin?" "Allah smiles on those who make the path for themselves, so lets not dawdle here." He said to his friend as he gave a chuckle and a grin like his usual expression that never seemed to fade from his face, even when he was being abit of a fool. 

(OCC: Thats fine by me mate.)

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Xion smiled "I don't believe in any God, but I do believe in battle being the bast way to bond with someone, so with that in mind let's get you some loot!" he said cheerily as he lead the young boy out into the plains of floor one, where the weather was always nice, and the enemies where weak, perfect for someone like Daeimos. "So, I'll tank and take all of the damage, while you attack it" he said, as he spotted a group of boars ahead of them. "There's our target, you ready?" 

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