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Complete <<Earning a Living>> PP-F1 Sew were the days

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I snuck into the shadows of an alley way as Abalasster engaged in a conversation with the shop owner. I lay in wait as he was able to draw her out of her shop. The two began to leave. As soon as they were out of sight, I made my way into the shop. It was very similar in relation to Eugene's. I looked around and began to think where I would hid a fabric that was beating out Eugene. I looked everywhere, Cabinets, shelves, and all that sort of stuff. I was having no luck. I picked up one of the pieces of clothing and felt it. It was so very soft. I now knew why Eugene was losing business to this shop. I continued to look, until I found a misplaced floor tile...

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I lead the shop owner back to my shop. But, once i entered, i then realized "How am i going to make her believe that she can improve her clothing"? I then looked to what i had in stock. "Ok Ma'am. You see these vouchers here. Now, some think that they are only used for enchantment purposes. Now, those people are wrong. They can also be used to increase clothes rarity. I know what you are thinking, "This guy is insane". But, it is true." After i said this, she replied with. "I would like to see proof". "Well ma'am" i began again. "I need a tailor to mix the clothing items with the voucher. I have already contacted Eugene and he believes that this will work, and is coming in the morning. You wouldn't want Eugene to ruin you, now would you"? She just smiled and said that she will take her chances. I knew that i was losing, so before she could exit, i grabbed her arm, and spun her towards me. I looked into her eyes and said "Has anyone ever told you how amazingly beautiful your eyes are?" That comment awarded me a slap in the face. I had stalled her all i could. I messaged Annicade that i had done all i could and that she was on her way back...  

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I lifted pushed the panel in. It took some strength but I was able to do it. It produced a stair case that lead down to a basement sort of...

It was lit by not much more than a few torches. I looked around to see things that most of the shop-owners customers would never see. I looked at all the things that she had been keeping down here. There were sets of armor, plushies and all sorts of clothing. That was when I found it. It was the fabric. It must have been because it was protected from the eyes of onlookers I put as much as I could into my inventory. That was when I got a message from Abalasster , saying that she was on her way back. I quickly made my way out of the shop. I left the stairs up but I knew that I wouldn't chance it to fix what I had done. I messaged Abalasster to meet me at the cave where we would be getting the pigment at. I began to make my way there.

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I sat in my shop, still rubbing my face where the NPC had slapped me. I then got a message from Annicade, telling me that she had made it out and that we were off to the caves to get some kind of color pigment. I rushed out the door and to the coordinates that Annicade had supplied me with...

I met her at the cave. She beat me to it. I offered to go in first and so i did. We walked in. Then, a swarm of bats emerged from somewhere in the cave, I put my hands in front of my face. I wasn't going to let a few pesky bats stop me from reaching the color pigment... 

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I saw Abalasster approach in the distance. He had a hand print across. I smiled. I assumed that he had tried some other types of "negation" with the NPC. He offered to lead us into the cave and so I followed. We made it a ways into the cave when a flock of bats came at us. I was taken aback by this. I drew my war hammer. But, I lost my footing and fell backwards. I knocked over one of the stalagmites. I looked at it to see that it was radiating a color I had never seen before. I looked at the description of the item and sure enough, it was what I needed. I put it in my inventory and called to Abalasster. "Lets turn back, I got what I needed". I picked myself up and began walking out of the cave. I was almost a tailor. 

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I turn to see Annicade on the floor with her war hammer in hand. I continue to stare forward. That was until Annicade called from behind. She said that she had been able to obtain what she needed. I was a bit curious so i bent down near the stalagmite that she knocked over and sure enough, her clumsiness got her what she needed. I walked out of the cave and followed her back to Eugene's. This had been one odd journey. I thought back to when I was a merchant in training. Weasel taught me everything i knew. How to beg, steal, borrow and barter. We made it back to Eugene's and i looked to Annicade. "Do you need me to walk in there with you" i said with a smile...   

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We made it back to Eugene's all in one piece. I had all the materials ready to give to him. Abalasster mentioned if he needed to come into the shop with me. I told him that he was. We went in and Eugene came running at us. "Darling, your back. And I see that you have all my materials. Now, you are ready. Here are some of my books on how to be a good tailor". Eugene then turned his attention to Abalasster. "Was this the person that helped you darling" he said. I said yes and Eugene just smiled and nodded. "Well my Darling, I won't keep you any longer. Go out and become a great tailor". I got up and left the shop. I approached Abalasster when we exited the shop. I sent him a friend request. "I was thinking that we could be friends. You helped me out a lot so this is the least I could do."

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We walked into the shop. I had no clue what the mystical tailor would look like but i had a few ideas. But, when we entered and he came running, my ideas were instantly broken. He had lime green hair and multiple piercings. Annicade gave him the supplies and we were done. We walked out of the shop. I opened up  my menu to see if there was any notifications from the guild. That was when Annicade began speaking. She made the offer that we should be friends and sent me a friend request. I smiled and accepted it. The more people you were friends with in this world, the safer you were. I accepted it and told her that i was back off to my shop, and that she should stop by. I was then on my way...  

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