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<<Breaking The Unbreakable>> [SP-F2] The Dapper Art of Fisticuffs (Complete!)

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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31272
  • BD: 6 (Success) -1 EP

Emerath sat down for quite a while, considering all that had happened in the short time he had been facing this rock. He had already accepted the fact that he could be here for quite a long time, trying to beat up this rock. But that time could take considerably longer if he drew it out with his own fear of failure. He needed to kick that fear in the butt and get going. He needed to end this rock! He had considered for a moment thinking that he should rock this rock, but this was no game! The time for laughter and jokes had passed. Emerath stood in front of the rock and sent his fist flying into the rock once again. The satisfactory rock shards and dent was there, noting his success.


  • Rock: 37/50 -> 36/50
  • Emerath: Finally making progress again.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 1/4 -> 2/4 -> 1/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31273
  • BD: 1 (Critical Failure) -2 EP

Emerath made a dent, and then he didn't. He was beginning to think that perhaps the inner parts of the rock that he was fighting were made of sterner stuff than he believed. Either that or he was still just not doing this right. He wasn't entirely sure either way. He punched and punched, but he couldn't get the same results as he was before. He had made so much progress, so quickly at the start, and now it was hardly anything. He punched, and punched some more, his swings getting more wild in frustration and rage when they didn't do enough. He gave a cry of anger and then flung his whole body forward at the rock, to no avail. He was breathing heavily as he leaned against the rock, his entire body shuddering in frustration.


  • Rock: 36/50
  • Emerath: Considering using his head instead of his fists to see if that gives better results.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 1/4 -> 2/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31274
  • BD: 8 (Success) -1 EP

Once Emerath had spent some time rage hugging the rock, he felt a bit better having gotten it out of his system. He took a step back, and considered different angles to approach this. Ones that didn't make him want to get angry. And that's when he thought about the fact that martial arts isn't just fists. As much as he enjoyed the fine art of boxing and fisticuffs, there was more to it. Emerath considered the fact that his legs could probably do damage. Potentially more damage than his fists. Emerath took a side stance in front of the rock, and readied his leg for a strike. He gave a solid side kick into the rock, and sure enough, he managed to make shards fly.


  • Rock: 36/50 -> 35/50
  • Emerath: Realizing that martial arts is more than just fists.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31277
  • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG -1 EP

Emerath was starting to like the idea of kicks, and his success seemed to be paying dividends again as he started to realize that he could use the various limbs of his body to produce results. He threw a kick into the rock. And then another He was leaving dents all over the place now, making the rock look even more pockmarked than it had previously.

Emerath took a step back and admired his work so far. The dents were in various locations, and it's not like he had seriously taken any chunks out of the rock thus far, but it was enough to know that he was learning, and making progress. Emerath took a deep breath, the frustration fading from him as he took solace in the success of the moment.


  • Rock: 35/50 -> 32/50
  • Emerath: Might be onto something.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31280
  • BD: 8 (Success) -1 EP

After success, his legs were beginning to feel a bit tired. He sat down for a moment and rubbed them as he considered going back to fists for a moment. He wasn't sure though, seeing as he was having such problems before. But he had been having success initially, so he could do it. He was regaining faith in himself and his capabilities. After rubbing the soreness from his legs, he stood back up again and readied a combat stance. He sent a fist into the rock, and while not as successful as the kicks had been, he saw progress in his fist strikes again. Progress was good, and Emerath was satisfied.


  • Rock: 32/50 -> 31/50
  • Emerath: Change is good.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31287
  • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG -1 EP

Emerath was beginning to psyche himself up a bit, but he tried not to get too excited. He knew that excitement had ruined things last time, and that is not what he wanted this time. Emerath was getting the hang of the combat of martial arts. He changed up his punches and kicks and kept at the rock, and was finding that the change-up lead to less soreness and stronger attacks. Emerath took a step back. He had managed to keep his energy up while training, and he was less worried about the issues of hurting himself while fighting the rock. All in all, Emerath was feeling pretty damn good right now.


  • Rock: 31/50 -> 28/50
  • Emerath: Success feels good.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31295
  • BD: 1 (Critical Failure) -2 EP

Emerath had been doing well, so it was only a matter of time that one stray kick or punch would end up causing him severe agony again. In this case, it was a matter of Emerath trying something new and different and paying for it. Emerath tried to do some fancy spin kick and as he turned he ended up missing the rock entirely. The momentum sent Emerath flying past the rock and down to the ground. He was a bit twisted up on the ground, but he wasn't in any pain or didn't cause any serious damage, so that was a plus. He rolled over on the ground and found the way back to his feet to try again.


  • Rock: 28/50
  • Emerath: C-c-c-combo breaker!
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31296
  • BD: 5 (Failure) -2 EP

Emerath's kicks and punches were starting to come slower and with less power behind them as he started to tire out from the exertion of extended combat. He had considered the idea of a nap again, but he really didn't want to take any chances here out in the wilderness. It was really only a matter of time before another adventurer came to do this quest, and while waiting their turn (or showing off and getting it done in one fell swoop), he didn't want to take the risk of them killing Emerath when he was off guard. At least if he died he wanted to die with his fists at the ready and the rock seeing everything. In any case, Emerath wasn't making progress anymore, which was causing to have these frustrated thoughts.


  • Rock: 28/50
  • Emerath: Wearing out.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31298
  • BD: 9 (Critical Success) +1 DMG -1 EP

Emerath was sore in ways that he didn't even know he could be sore. He was huffing and puffing and he kept telling himself that he needed to keep going. He needed to keep training and beat this rock.

Emerath looked up. It was well past night out, and he could see the moon shining in the distance alongside a plethora of stars. If he was lucky, he could finish this quest before morning. He figured that was the best case, considering he didn't want to risk sleep. He shook his head, and did a few more stretches, ready to put out another few strikes on the rock. They hit home, and Emerath was pleased with the resumed progress.


  • Rock: 28/50 -> 26/50
  • Emerath: Sore in all the right ways.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31299
  • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG -1 EP

Emerath ignored the tiredness, he ignore the soreness. He just kept pushing himself to succeed. He was long past the point of thinking he was going to fail. That mental anguish had passed. Now he just had to get in there and do it. No matter how long it took, no matter how far he had to push himself, this would be done. Emerath had driven himself hard, and his work was starting to pay off.

Emerath stood in front of the rock. He was breathing heavily. He had been working hard, and he was ready to show it. This would be the hit that finished it. Emerath focused himself and gave a cry as he threw his fist into the rock. There was a loud crash as his fist connected and dust swirled around him and the rock, making it difficult to see for a moment.

When the dust settled, Emerath looked to see that there was a thin crack running through the rock, but it had not split. Emerath let out a tired sigh as he took a step back and surveyed the damage. He was getting close. But he still apparently had more to learn about this martial arts thing before he was ready. Emerath took off his jacket and straightened his tie. He threw the jacket on the rock he took as a chair from time to time, and then unbuttoned and rolled up his dress sleeves. It was time to finish this.


  • Rock: 26/50 -> 23/50
  • Emerath: Time to get serious.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31301
  • BD: 3 (Failure) -2 EP

Emerath just wasn't feeling it after that last hit. That last one took a lot out of him. And while it partially got Emerath the desired effect, it hadn't finished the fight. Emerath threw a few punches, but even with the thin crack running through the rock, he couldn't quite cause it to split, nor was he actually able to cause it to even widen. He couldn't even get any dents in the rock, which he was pretty much using as a point system at this point. All Emerath seemed to know is that he was incredibly tired. But he could not quit, not when he was so close.


  • Rock: 23/50
  • Emerath: Pressing on, despite the odds.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31302
  • BD: 8 (Success) -1 EP

Emerath needed to rest, but a fear deep down inside him was driving him forward. A part of him wanted to ask the NPC if he would let him get some sleep, but he thought that might be a bad idea. Emerath stood staring at the rock and he had considered practicing his kicks some more, but a part of him felt like if he did that he'd just fall over. So he threw a punch, and it made another dent. Another point for the tired Emerath. He sighed and decided what to do next. He wasn't sure how much longer his body could take this.


  • Rock: 23/50 -> 22/50
  • Emerath: Ready to fall over.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

Before Emerath knew it, he was completely out of stamina. He had been punching, kicking and doing everything he could to get this rock split for the better part of the night, and he was pretty much done. He had to risk it, for the sake of being able to finish this. Emerath grabbed his jacket and turned it into a makeshift pillow as he laid against the rock he used as a chair occasionally. He laid back and while the ground was uncomfortable, it was long past it actually mattering. He looked over at the rock, and he was satisfied so far with the progress he was making, but finishing it would have to wait until tomorrow.


  • Rock: Standing vigil over Emerath until he awakes.
    • 22/50
  • Emerath: Getting some much needed sleep.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31303
  • BD: 6 (Success) -1 EP

Dawn came quickly enough for the resting martial artist in training, and before he knew it his eyes were slowly fluttering open and he was giving a long yawn and stretch. His body ached all over, but the good news he was alive and he was ready to finish this rock off and move on with his life. Emerath stood up, and brushed off his jacket and himself. He did a few basic stretches before deciding to try a few warm-up punches on the rock. He felt energized from the sleep, and though he was a bit sad he wasn't able to finish it all in one go before the night was over, he was still happy that he was able to make the progress that he did. Emerath took a combat stance and made a few starter dents in the rock to start his morning off right.


  • Rock: 22/50 -> 21/50
  • Emerath: Saying good morning to the rock.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 1/4 -> 2/4 -> 1/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31308
  • BD: 3 (Failure) -2 EP

Emerath was feeling good in the morning light of the sun. He was sore, certainly. But honestly the soreness just made him realize that he had made progress. He decided to try some new things with his training. He tried some fancy punches, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Trying to do anything but a straight punch on the rock wasn't going to do much. It's not like it was trying to attack him or do anything fancy like that. Then he tried a few kicks. These also proved to be rather fruitless, as he either ended up hurting his toes or flying off in weird directions. Emerath decided that he should probably just stick with the basics. At least for the sake of the rock.


  • Rock: 21/50
  • Emerath: Trying crazy things is bad.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 1/4 -> 2/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31310
  • BD: 10 (Critical Success) +2 DMG -1 EP

Emerath needed some progress. Some good, solid progress. He decided to try more of the calm mind and still body stuff that had worked so well for him before, now that he was a bit more fresh, mentally and physically. He took deep breaths, and made strikes on the rock that had more of a point and were more lasting than what he had just tried goofing off. A kick here, a punch there, and the rock had some more good dents in it. The rock was starting to look like it resembled the moon with all the random strikes he had put in it. Emerath wondered if he could make it look like it even had the "Man on the Moon" face before he finished it off.


  • Rock: 21/50 -> 18/50
  • Emerath: Looking for the man on the moon.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31314
  • BD: 4 (Failure) -2 EP

Fighting this rock was starting to feel like one step forward, two steps back. But Emerath couldn't honestly feel that way, because there were no steps back. The damage to the rock is done, if it's done. But when it isn't done, it isn't. Emerath had no idea where this thought process was going, but it certainly wasn't going in the direction of actually breaking the rock in two. Emerath tried a few punches, and a few kicks, but honestly he ended up being too distracted by whatever analogy he was trying to go for to actually do some damage to the rock. Worst part of that was, he wasn't even tired anymore. He was just lost in his own thought processes.


  • Rock: 18/50
  • Emerath: Lost in thought.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31315
  • BD: 7 (Success) -1 EP

Emerath centered himself and cleared his mind of distractions. He supposed that was the problem with doing something for such an extended period of time. It was difficult to not let the mind wander all over the place. And whatever analogy Emerath was going for he had managed to entirely forget it and refocus himself on the task at hand. For a moment he tried to forget what an analogy was, but that was something that had to do more with common knowledge and less with something he was just trying to think of at the time. Emerath sighed, as his mind began to wander again and he focused himself on the rock. He threw a few punches, made a dent, and moved on.


  • Rock: 18/50 -> 17/50
  • Emerath: Trying not to be lost in thought.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31319
  • BD: 9 (Critical Success) +1 DMG -1 EP

Emerath was slowly making progress. It was a steady thing. He would throw some punches, and then take a rest. Then he would throw a kick here or there, mix in a combo, and then take a rest. It was working well, and he was starting to fully grasp the basics of martial arts in general. Granted, he still wasn't entirely sure this would all work on a real opponent, but the good thing was that he was training his body how to handle the attacks. Mostly the fallout caused by making them and hitting a solid object with something that was normally soft and squishy like his fist.


  • Rock: 17/50 -> 15/50
  • Emerath: Slow and steady wins the race.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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Emerath vs. Massive Rock

  • ID: 31320
  • BD: 3 (Failure) -2 EP

As soon as Emerath began to believe that he truly understood martial arts, it would come around and suddenly make him realize that he didn't quite fully grasp all of it. This time it came in the form of a near sprain as he went to do a spinning kick on the rock and found his standing foot not moving properly with the rest of his body. This twisted his ankle in an awkward direction and for a moment he was afraid that he had caused himself some pretty serious injury. But, his HP bar didn't move, so that was a good sign. Instead he had just caused a light throbbing and some soreness. He rubbed the ankle and got back up for another attempt.


  • Rock: 15/50
  • Emerath: Trying not to scare himself with serious injuries.
    • +1 EP Regen
    • EP: 0/4 -> 1/4 -> 0/4
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