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[PP-F9] << Feeding The Enemy>> (Shirosu)

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Vasth was in the Volcanic range he looked around the place was hot but Vasth was used to it because he comes here often to mine mats, Vasth was here today to find his familiar that he wanted A crystal dragon . He message Shirosu, She said that his will come and help him, So Vasth wrote 

Message To Shirosu

Hey Shirosu, Today Is the day, Meet me on Floor 9, it's hot and dangerous so you might want to be ready and make sure Gin's white fur is protect because it's going to be dirty . I will be standing in the middle of the town, See you then.

From Vasth

Vasth hit send, Vasth looked around the metal city as he waited for Shirosu. 

Edited by Vasth
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When Shirosu got Vasth's message she smiled, he had been looking forward to helping him out. packing up her shop and gathering Gin who had been resting on his bed in the corner she placed him on her shoulder and left her shop, remembering to lock up before pulling out an adorable little sweater she'd crafted the fox to keep him from burning bad in the hot sun. She herself made sure to pack a ton of water before they headed for the desert. Finally ready she entered the teleporter and entered the blistering hot floor, she had never been here before so this was all new to her. Looking around she spotted the long hair of Vasth a little ways a way and walked up to him with a big smile and asked, "So! who's ready to hunt down some little dragons?"

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(Umm it a Volcanic Range not a desert but I wouldn't worry about it)

Vasth smiled as he saw Shirosu and Gin, As Shirosu asked "So! who's ready to hunt down some little dragons?" Vasth said, "Yes we are," Vasth crouched down and said to Gin. "Did you miss me?" Vasth as rubbed Gin's head. Vasth got up and started to walk to to Volcanos, they walk to a place with cave's everywhere, "This is a place where you can mine minerals and ores, I came here often to do that." Vasth looked up a small cliff and and said "We are going to climb up, if you are up for it and Do you want me to hold Gin for you?" 

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"Nah, we'll be fine" she said scooping the kit up and placing him on her shoulders where he curled around her neck like a scarf,"He's good at holding on himself, this is actually one of his favorite perches" She stared up at the volcanic range she quickly glanced around for any neat things to craft with but not seeing anything she shouldered the kit and with a grin at Vasth said,"Well. what are waiting for, lets go get you dragon" 

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Vasth climbed up the cliff real fast like a monkey, Vasth was used to it, when he got up he looked around to see if it was clear, Vasth look over his shoulder, Saw that Shirosu wasn't up yet, Vasth panicked and ran over to see that Shirosu was still there, Vasth relaxed a bit after that. " Shirosu are you ok, Do you need help?" Vasth called out to Shirosu, it was hard to begin with so Vasth should have waited for her first. 

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Shirosu kept up pretty well as they ascended the cliff face, though Vasth was still much faster. she wasn't really fearful and just kept reminding herself, hand over hand, foot over foot and you'll be fine, and she was. She watched as Vasth was was somewhat above her looked down and she guessed he didn't notice where she was. "I'm fine" she laughed when her scurried down asking if she needed help,"I'm just a little slower then you, ill be ok, trust me, i'm no wimp and a little extreme rock climbing never scared me now go along, keep climbing" she shooed him up almost i a way a mother would a child, and she really was fie, no panic, she was actually enjoying climbing. 

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Vasth nodded "Ok, i will be waiting inside,I will be scouting inside." Vasth got up and slowly made his inside, Vasth looked inside, Vasth saw a golem inside, Vasth laid on the wall and peel inside. "Hmm I need to make a smart move with Shirosu," Vasth looked outside and saw Shirosu finally getting up, Vasth waved this with a finger on his mouth meaning to come quietly. 

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Shirosu raised her eye brows when Vasth motioned for her to be quiet but shrugged and pulled herself over the ledge to see what he was looking at,"oh" she said quietly, taking in the golem that was blocking the cave "it's health on this level would probably be around i'd say 36 hp, and it would do a hefty amount of damage at 27 DMG, which is pretty much enough to kill me if it hits twice, but, other the other hand, I alone could get a two hit KO, and that's not including your damage"

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"Don't worry about it I will tank i have 24 Damage Mig so i won't take much damage ,So let me hit it first so it's aggro to me," Vasth ran forward he just was going to do a basically attack, well he was about to attack, Vasth saw 2 smaller golems they were a lot more weaker then the bigger one they had 20 health and 10 damage, Vasth quick change in a sword art "Sonic Charge!" Vasth thrusted forword with a exploding inpace hitting all of the golems at once. The bigger golem tired to attack but Vasth ducked and the two smaller tired to attack but Vasth dodged. "OK Shirosu go, I will take care of the smaller ones" 

ID  32991

BD 6+2=8 ~Hit~ Sword Art: Sonic Charge 



MD 5 ~Miss~

Vasth 40/40 : 3 Hate

Shirosu 57/ 57

Big Golem 32/36

Small Golem (1) 16/20

Small Golem (2) 16/20

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  • ID:33002
  • BD: 6 (3+3) (Hit)
  • Shirosu: 57/57 [Eng: 9/13][Hate:1]
  • Vasth: 40/40[Eng:?][Hate:3]
  • Sword Art: Fad Edge (4x1x5=20 DMG)
  • Big golem: 12/36
  • Little golem 1: 16/20
  • Little golem 2: 16/20

"Got it" she called, watching as he used a sword art to gain all three rocky beasts attention. Shirosu grinned, Vasth was a neat mix of tank and attack. sprinting forward past the two little golems Shirosu whooped and lept up the rocky body of the monster and activated one of her new sword arts. With a flick of her wrist she spun the blade and almost faster than the eye could see, she slashed four times on the rocky beasts back, her sword didn't do to much in imagery to its rubbly behind, but she did care, she still dealed decent damage. 


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Vasth jumped over Shirosu,landing in front of the Golems, The smaller ones aim for his stomach but with fancy footwork Vasth dodge them, the Big golem went in for a punch but Vasth sides steps, reading it's move easily, Vasth grinned he has felt like this, Vasth dashes forwards and says "Twin Thrust" Vasth like to do it manually, it felt more nature but you need to prefect the move to do it,which was the hard part. Vasth hits the monster neck and knee,stunning it.

ID 33260 

BD 9 ~Crit Hit~ Twin Thrust
MD 2
Sword Art= 2x1x4=8 

Vasth 40/40 Hate 4

Eng 3/10

 Shirosu 57/57 Hate 1

Eng 9/13

Big Golem 4/36 Stunned -8

Small Golem (1) 16/20

Small Golem (2) 16/20

Edited by Vasth
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  • ID:33737
  • BD: 8 (5+3)
  • Shirosu: 57/57 [Eng: 5/13][Hate:0]
  • Vasth: 40/40[Eng:?][Hate:3]
  • Sword Art: Fad Edge (4x1x5=20 DMG)
  • Big golem: -8/36
  • Little golem 1: 16/20
  • Little golem 2: 16/20

"Whoop!" Shirosu flew upwards and onto the the beast like a wild creature, her knife spinning in a beautiful ark followed by her wrist beating on the monster in one foul swoop, her knife flashing four times and leaving a cloud of pixels in its wake as the remains of the beast flew away,"Hows it going!" she yelled at Vasth who was dealing with the smaller to monsters.

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Vasth watched as Shirosu killed the Bigger Golem,Vasth shrugged "Pretty good I am not attacking cause i am low on energy." Vasth said as he used no effort to dodge the monster attacks, the small one launched forward, Vasth sided stepped it, the another one jump up and fell towards Vasth, Vasth rolled out of the way, Vasth smiled. "You should be kill them."

MD 1 ~Miss~

(Sorry I forgot to addd your damage, so before it was on 4 health,)

Vasth 40/40 Hate 4

Eng 4/10 +1

 Shirosu 57/57 Hate 1

Eng 5/13

Big Golem 0/36  (Dead)

Small Golem (1) 16/20

Small Golem (2) 16/20

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  • ID:34069
  • BD: 6
  • Shirosu: 57/57 [Eng: 1/13][Hate:3]
  • Vasth: 40/40[Eng:4/10][Hate:4]
  • Sword Art: Round accel (2x1x5=10 DMG each)
  • Big golem: -8/36
  • Little golem 1: 6/20
  • Little golem 2: 6/20

"No promises" she said rushing the little golems at a hard to follow speed. She figured she wouldn't do enough damage to off them, but more than enough to lower their HP to a reasonable level. She went arial and activated her sword art. in her had the blade glowed gold and with a shout she twirled the blade in a circular motion, creating a vortex of air that hit both of the living stone beings with enough force to force them to step back a few feet,"You finish them!" she called

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Vasth leaped forward but his attack was slightly delay which let the monster leap out of the way, Vasth quickly turned, just in time to dodge the other golems attack, He jump back away, "Tsk, Shirosu, I missed , you're up!" Vasth stand as he got into a defensive stance.

ID 34634

BD 3+2=5 ~Miss~

MD 4 ~Miss~

Vasth 40/40 Hate 4

Eng 2/10

 Shirosu 57/57 Hate 3

Eng 4/13

Big Golem 0/36  (Dead)

Small Golem (1) 6/20

Small Golem (2) 6/20

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