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Username: Meta
Real name: Andrew Shield
Age: 17 (January 19th)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0

About: History/personality

Andrew was born the oldest in his family, his younger sister was born exactly 2 years after him, to the day. Their birthdays were always celebrated the same day, Andrew went with his dad, and his sister went with his mom. Andrew grew up a very privileged kid, he was very popular in school, had the look, had the attitude he had it made. But Andrew didn't always like this, and that's why he took up gaming. He grew tired of always having all of the attention at school and a lot at home. His family was very rich but his parents still found time to see Andrew and so he grew up without many problems aside from not liking his natural popularity, which he did not abuse in any way. Andrew got along great with people, but unlike his parents he cared a lot for the poor, he grew up taking food to the shelters and volunteering a lot, once he took up gaming this slowed down but he was still a regular at the soup kitchen. Andrew didn't really grow up with any problems and so he only knew the happy life. Because of his privileged life he was a very outgoing person who was very good with people, and very good at helping anyway he could. Andrew however was definitely more ready for the game than any would have though.


Great with people- Andrew gets along great with people and therefore should easily make friends allowing him the ability to form strong relationships and loyaltys with a guild or party. This will also help him get what he wants though as since he is so great with people, he can convince them to do what he wants if he chooses to.

Natural help- Andrew naturally loves to help people, so where he may sometimes have the urge to get his way, he usually looks out for the better of the group and society. His natural ability to help people is a rare found trait that is very desired and can help him make friends all the easier. And we all know the importance of friends in a game like this.

Optimistic- Andrew is a very optimistic person, its hard to make him angry or sad as he always looks for the better in the situation. This makes him also have a rather happy, exciting aura around him that makes other people feel more comfortable and happier. Because he is always so optimistic as well, he always manages to help others who may not be the same way.



Priveleged- Andrew grew up very privileged, he didn't have any hardships in his life and therefor, he may not be ready for the toughness of the game, yes he has played games but never in this extent. His privileged life may lead him to despair at a friends death, or may get him in a situation he never would have thought about.

Optimistic- His optimism is both a virtue and a flaw, because he looks for the best in everything, this also includes people. He could be blinded as a thief pulls a trick on him and leaves him dead on the street, or he may think to lightly of a deadly situation and get himself killed, all because he's looking for the best....in the worst.

Too nice- Andrew could be considered to nice, him giving away so much time and money to the needy was considered abnormal by his friends and family, hes its nice but is it to nice. He may throw his life away for another by simply taking a hit for someone, or buying food for someone and leaving none for himself, niceness...a weird way to kill yourself.





Weapon skills:
»One-handed war hammer (rank 1) (+1 to damage)

Weapons/Tools: One-handed war hammer

Consumables: 10 food     15 water




Story Thus Far

Edited by Meta
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