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[PP-F3] The Man's Man Outing! (Xion)

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Lawfer strolled about the town known as Delilah Village. He had spent some time in the Elven village before in an attempt to hunt and gather materials, but the trip was less than fun for him. Crossing his arms across his armor, he could hear the metallic clank as his arms pressed against the Wolf's Vanguard. Watching the cute elven NPC's scurry about caused a smile to creep across the spear wielders face. "Well... At least the eye candy is always good." he commented as he flung his head back and stared at the sky. "Well... at least its a beautiful day." He said to himself, floor 3 was always nice no matter the season. "That's right... Xion wanted to hang out. Might as well make an outing out of it. Get some quality time with the best shield slinger in the guild." Raising his right hand, he opened his interface. "Let's see where is he." He said as he entered the personal messenger screen. 

'Hey Xion. Im in Delilah Village. Wanna go hunting? With it just turning to fall I figure we could make a killing with some mats and loot. You block... I pierce.'

He finished and sent the message. Making his way to the teleport gate, he ran his fingers through his hair. Watching the elven NPC's he smiled. "If only elven women were real..." he said amusing himself, waiting for the ultimate shield to arrive.

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Xion sighed as he moped around the now closed Zefra Forge, the building had been an active forge until recently, as the tank just couldn't keep up with the orders. "Bloody hell is this boring" he mumbled to himself before he heard the familiar 'ping' of a PM. With a smile he opened is menu and selected the message, reading it as he began to gather his gear. 


'Hey Xion. Im in Delilah Village. Wanna go hunting? With it just turning to fall I figure we could make a killing with some mats and loot. You block... I pierce.'

"Seems like a good idea" he said before donning his armour, shield in hand before walking out of the shop. He had been meaning to spend some time with the newer members of the blades, he knew the original council well, but hadn't dealt with the newer members as much as he probably should have, being the second in command. After a couple of minuted he had reached the familiar teleport gate of floor one, shouting "Teleport: Delilah Village" before he disappeared ina  brilliant blue glow. 



Once the tank had re-appeared on the third floor he looked for the blonde warrior, finding him quickly. "Lawfer..." he said with a smile, placing a hand upon the player's shoulder "I don't think we've properly talked before"

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"You know, I think you are right...." He paused for a moment to think. "The last time we saw each other was at the Iron Blade for our guilds party. We didn't talk at all then." Pausing once more, he reached out his hand and shook the iron walls hand. "But lets change that. So I was thinking we could either go hunt some mobs, or we could gather materials." He said casually as he turned to the exit of the town and began walking. "I personally prefer to hunt. Being a performer its quite difficult to find the right material crystals I need." Turning his head to the tank. "I figured you could draw them in with a basic attack, then I'll wipe them out with my stronger sword arts." He paused once more as the two exited the safe zone. "I'll make sure to split everything evenly with you if the mob drops any loot. That work for you?" He asked. The blonde spear bearer had realized he had said a lot, but to tell the truth he was super excited to be able to work in a party that allowed him to worry about attacking only. 

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Xion chuckled as Lawfer spoke "Hunting is always good, although after the changes I am little more than a glorified meat shield, I mean I can't even howl any more and my base damage is 3..." he said, his voice becoming a more solemn one as the sentence went on. He used to be a  force to be reckoned with, his PVP skills were known and feared throughout the crimson blades. But now...now Lawfer could probably beat the tank if he really wanted to. "Anyway, we may as well get going then"

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Lawfer laughed at his guild elders comment, it was true that after the sword art update it changed the whole system for roles to be reversed. The spear bearer had seen the improvements first hand. He was now able to do mass amounts of damage, enough to solo field bosses that may have been well above his level before. "No worries, like I said you block. I poke." Laughing once more as the two made it to the field of dandelions. "This place always seems peaceful." He commented as he watched the white seeds of the thousands of dandelions dance in the wind. Looking down at his feet, he noticed a glowing blue stone. Kneeling down quickly, he appraised the material. "Looks like I'm lucky today" he stated. The stone was going to be perfect for crafting. 

ID: 32761 LD:15 +1 material

(Xion, if you spawn a monster next turn we can combo it together, you can have the mat after the fight)

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