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[PP-F3] The Things That Go Bump (Opal) [Complete!]

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Lawfer was puzzled at first with the transaction, he didn't really need the col from the trade but he wouldn't turn it down. He was trying to save up and this did make it a little easier for him. "Thanks." Lawfer said as he accepted the transaction. "Now its time for some much needed dessert, food, more dessert and then some rest." He said as he raised his brow. As they entered the Inn, the pair headed to the counter and reserved there room for the evening. "Can you also send up some food to our room. This lovely woman needs a burger, and I need a steak." The golden haired spear bearer stated as he made his way up the stairs with his companion. Opening the door to the room, he looked around. There were two separate beds, a table and chairs. "No matter where you go in Aincrad, they always try to separate people. Are we in an episode of I love Lucy or something." Lawfer said with a smirk. Opening his interface, he removed his armor and Halberd. "Food should be here soon. I'm gonna wash up a bit before then." He paused momentarily. "Your welcomed to join me, I wouldn't mind having you wash my back, I'd reciprocate of course."

Thread Summary-

Lawfer: +1 SP, +2000 col(traded from Opal), + 2040 col (loot drop), +200 col (thread bonus)
Opal: +1 SP, +200 col(thread), +16 Materials(loot drop), +1 Material (gathered)

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