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[SP-F2]«Blade of Dreams» Fire Thorn Dagger

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The young NPC girl named Pepper has opened her shop to players of SAO—a custom weapon shop. She takes orders for no price but materials. That’s right—YOU, the player, have to tell Pepper what kind of sword you want. She’ll give you the material names and how to get them, and it’s up to you to retrieve them...

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*I walk out of my shop stretching* "since I finally accomplished this time to go to the second floor and explore" I said to myself I walked toward the catapult aiming it for up north by the mountain range and pressing the launch since I've already proven a safe method of travel I'll use it I thought to myself *as it was winding back I equipped my bacjpack and goggles climbed in and waited till I was launched and I flew all the way to the already cleared dungeon boss room I pulled the string and my parachute came out and I landed right in front of the door* avoiding many monster that I didn't need to kill * I pushed open the boss room doors and ram quickly to the other side to open the next pair that lead to a stair case which I ran up as well but with a little more caution* till I arrived in a new city *I pulled up my map and smiled* "time to explore"

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I mapped out the city and I was standing by a black smiths shops in the window of the shop was a paper pasted to it about a dream blade I went inside to find an NPC girl named pepper the blacksmith in charge of the place so I asked her about the quest poster in the front she told me it was about finding the items yourself and making the blade of your dreams I though about the information there was a blade I had in mind but it was slightly modern though but not at the same time I took up this quest from Pepper and left out into the field to find the materials I needed for this blade I had in mind

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I needed

  • *Troll Steel
    *A Fire Crystal from the teeth of the dragon
    *Leather from any boar
    *Black Iron Sand from a cave that goes deep into the mountains
    *Flan Guew from a Salt Water Snail

At least that's what pepper had given me she had also marked their locations where they could be found I already had leather at my shop so that was out of the list the Black Irona Sand seemed easier to get so I headed toward the mountains

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As I traveled to the mountains I ran into almost normal wildlife bears, wild boars, rabbits, etc except for the fact that they could all try to kill you and were a lit more dangerous except for the rabbits unless it was a huge one and everyone I ran into I had to cut down gaining items that could be helpful later on in the future and I was getting large stacks luckly I wasn't going up the mountain or I'd freeze by now I hadn't realized I had just made it to the cave... Till I came to a stop

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I was wandering through the cave it was getting warmer the deeper I went and there was a light ahead that I was following till I had gotten to its source it was a room full of crystals that shined bright there was water more like a pond in the center of the room and out of the rock that surrounded it was the black sand just like a mini beach of its own I drew close to the sand with a jar something had jumped out and hit me in the face and hissed I backed up it was a Sand worm more than one actually they had started popping their heads out of the sand with teeth that looked to shread they weren't big so they could easily be killed boy was I wrong they all gathered in one spot and started morphing together and boy were they big I pulled out my poison dagger its slightly grey armour had obvious chinks that I could get into I prepared to fight this thing

Battle Dice

1 = miss with 5 HP lost(monster countered and hit)

2-3 = miss, no HP lost

4-6 = hit (does 7 damage)

7-10 = hit (does 10 damage)

11+ = hit (does 49 damage

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I attacked again taking the damage ready to use a healing crystal that mahko had given me

Battle Dice

1 = miss with 5 HP lost(monster countered and hit)

2-3 = miss, no HP lost

4-6 = hit (does 7 damage)

7-10 = hit (does 10 damage and poisin)

11+ = hit (does 49 damage including poison)

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