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[PP-F4]To Be Friends,Allies,Or Something More[Ariel]

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 Tomoharu squints his eyes in the sunlight as he steps out of the inn. He glances around as he walks to a beautiful flowing fountain with crystal clear water . Tomoharu sits on the edge of the fountain softly as he unsheaths his sword. He looks down at the jet black, obsidian blade and pulls out a peice of cloth and begins to wipe down the blade . He smiles as he finishes cleaning the sword then he puts away the rag and unwraps the red cloth from the handle of the blade.A pained expression shows on Tomoharu's face as he reads the inscription that was carved into the handle

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Today had a nice weather, so Ariel decided to leave her shop and go for a walk. So nice in fact that even the apparently eternal frozen fountain in Snowfrost Village was flowing. With a sigh, thinking of future battles.... one in particular, the blonde stumbles on another person that decided to go outside and enjoy the weather. But despite her initial thought, the boy had a pained expression. Her eyes next fell on what he had in his hand, it reminded of her own black bladed rapier. The same one tucked away in the black leather sheath at her waist. She decided to close in the boy in a attempt to cheer him up, easing her own mind in the process.

"You okay there?" she asked in a clear crystalline voice, her silver eyes looking him with genuine concern.  

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Tomoharu sits for a bit longer but then is snapped out of his thoughts by a voice. He looks up and notices a beautiful girl looking down at him and as he goes to stand he wraps the handle back in the cloth ,then sheaths his sword, saying slowly"yea , I am fine. I was just remembering a painful memory that's all."Tomoharu stands up straight and says kindly"I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Tomoharu ,nice to meet you"

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With a light sigh to that obvious lie about him being fine, Ariel replied in a friendly tone: "If painful memories trouble you how about making new ones...more happy ones." As he stood up, the blonde felt a bit intimidated by him towering her, him being taller than her by a couple of inches. "My name is Ariel, usually there is a snow-like furball with me but I decided to let her guard the store for today. in any case, lovely weather today isn't it? usually this place seems in the middle of a blizzard." with a internal sigh, the blonde thought... 'Sure start with talking about the weather....you've been in the front lines area for too long'

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The blonde was troubled... after his reply about the weather, she wasn't sure what to say to him. After all, she just happened to see him looking a bit under the weather and wanted to cheer him up.."Um, any particular reason why you're at this floor?" she finally asked, breaking the silence. Judging by his wear, her tailor trained eyes and instinct told her that he still was a low level. While they weren't a rarity at this floor, few ventured out of the safety of the Starting City. In any case she wanted to keep a steady flow of conversation, expecting from him a bit more than simple replies. A gust of wind suddenly appeared, making her cloak shake violently, revealing her navy blue camo patterned top and short skirt. Quite the summer outfit for a resident of the 4th floor.. also known as the 'winter wonderland'.

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Tomoharu grins as he realizes he suprised her a bit with his comment . "haha,well my main reason is to hopefully find someone to party up with, my other reasons were to make some new friends , visit the supposed 'winter wonderland', and to maybe find a girl i can take to dinner or just get to know her ." His grin droops a little bit as he realized a beautiful girl like her ,that is a front liner probably wouldn't even give him a chance . Tomoharu brings his smile back into place , hoping she wouldn't notice . Tomoharu widens his eyes a little bit as a strong gust of wind blows her cloak from around her , revealing her shirt and short skirt." Nice choice of clothing to wear in a winter wonderland.But i can't complain as i'm not much different" Tomoharu opens his cloak revealing his black t-shirt,black cargo shorts , and black low cut boots.

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"I can understand the first ones.... but the last two" she let out a small chuckle before continuing "Seem a bit too specific" She looked at the guy's gear for a second, it was as she assumed, basic gear. Then with a smile she continued: "Most people come here to find a place of solitude... or at least that was my case. IRL, I didn't like the snow that much but here, i knew I had to set shop on this floor the moment I stepped out of the teleport gate." Next she brings her hand from below the cloak and places it on her hip, revealing again the summer-like outfit complemented by a pair of leather black army-like boots. "Well the cold isn't a problem for me any more. I had enough time to get used to it."On the back of the cloak the bluebird wing logo started to slightly wave in the wind as some sort of superhero like cape.

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She was relieved to see the boy smile and nodded: "No problem from me.I'm quite the open person... In fact that particular 'treat' made me some really scary enemies. She of course was referring to a certain pink headed woman that hated her guts. Their last encounter ended with the blonde being lightly wounded by her dagger. SHe shook her head, casting away distant memories. Now it was time to make new ones with new people or old friends."A front liner.....well you hit the spot with that but I'm not that great, just doing what I can for helping with clearing these damn floors as the next person..so to speak"

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Tomoharu smiles happily as she talks then his smile lessens a bit as she shakes her head .then he puts his hand on her shoulder,"dont worry we all have enemies . the most we can do at this point in time is fend them off and hope that one day they we will be friends instead of enemies .also i believe that you being able to say that and accept it as truth that you are much braver and stronger than anyone i've ever met" He smiles soothingly


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The blonde couldn't help but notice the 'good mood' this guy was in but when he started being a bit 'touchy' she let his hand rest on her shoulder then elegantly let it slid off as she made a spin replaying: "Not happening any time soon. I fear that next time I meet that girl she's be skinning me alive with her new...'Unique' dagger" she was using the word unique to describe the boss drop item that girl had acquired recently.

"In any case you should keep up that positive thinking, just make sure it doesn't turn into naivety. Most people are nice but will find a way to use you to their own means... As I do now." she said with a joking smile.   

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Tomoharu grins as she spins away then hearing her words he draws his sword letting it rest in midair about an inch from her nose,"your words are wise ,but I'm not as easily deceived as your average 'low level' player .and from what I can tell your intent is pure and true."Tomoharu lowers his sword and places it back in its sheath on his back .

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"Huh, can I take this as a challenge?"she asks, unyielding to the sword that rested in front of her. It was a mere starting sword and they also were in the center of a safe zone. But those were just secondary motives, the prime reason for her stone stance was her absolute confidence in her skills. While most tremble at a mere sight of a blade, this particular blonde enjoyed the sight of it... having meet its steel edge IRL numerous times as a professional fencer. But here in SAO, she would let lose and completely obliterate her enemies without being stopped by 'rules and judges'. This was one of the few things she enjoyed in this 'death game'.

"Its good to hear that but also make sure that 'trigger happy' attitude doesn't manifest itself too often. Many are not as kind as myself." her thoughts came to a totally different theme:'Since when did I become this cocky?' she asked herself.

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  • 4 months later...

Tomoharu  walks over to the fountain and stares into its depths ."I'm sorry about that ,it's just .... I have always felt like I needed to prove myself to someone to make up for me being weak ...." Tomoharu sits on the edge of the fountain and unsheaths his sword ,then unwrap the red cloth from the handle . The inscription on the handle reads,"The Fallen:Asuka ,Taylor,Mikazuka,Orga". Tomoharu stares at the names while tears silently roll down his face 


Edited by tomoharo
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